Hey, I'm having a bit of trouble when it comes to PCSX2 and I was hoping that I could get some help from this thread.
Now, so far I've been using a PowerA Wireless Ultra Sensor Bar and Touchmote to play lightgun games on my PC.Getting Dolphin to work was relatively easy and didn't require Touchmote at all. It took a night or two of struggle, but I was eventually able to create a setup that allowed me to play lightgun games in RetroArch with the assistance of Touchmote. (Much more preferable to having to bind the Wiimote to the gamepad's right stick in the standalone MAME, I've found.) However, try as I might, I have been unable to get my Wiimotes to work properly with PCSX2.
I've installed the Nuvee plugin for the USB mouse and it feels like I've tried every combination of configurations I could think of, but no matter what I try, the plugin and/or PCSX2 will not play nice with my Wiimote. If I only use my mouse, it will work correctly, but when I point the Wiimote at the IR sensor, the mouse starts flickering, and another pointer appears and starts jumping all over the screen with no rhyme or reason. At first, I thought that this would be an issue with the sensor bar that I purchased. Everybody always recommends the Mayflash Dolphin Bar, and maybe I'd just have to buy that if I wanted to play the Time Crisis games. This assessment was proven wrong when I tried to set up the controls to use in my Oculus Quest. My sensor bar no longer had anything to do with the equation, but I saw the same result anyway. The mouse pointer flickers and splits into two with the other mouse uncontrollably moving and teleporting all over the screen.
After long enough, I gave up on getting the mouse pointer to work directly. I tried to go the MAME route and just map the Wiimote in Touchmote to the game pad's stick, but aiming this way felt really, really awkward and unwieldy compared to having real mouse control. Time Crisis 2 was borderline unplayable like this. In the end, I settled on just using DS4Windows to let my DualShock 4 control the mouse with motion controls. Anybody who has played Blue Estate on the PlayStation 4 should be familiar with that setup.
After glancing at the last few pages of this thread, I've gotten the impression that maybe a program called Mouse Patcher would be able to help me? I've searched online for videos online related to Mouse Patcher and PCSX2, but I've only found two videos, neither of which offer English instructions:
I guess I was hoping for somebody to be able to point to some quick, simple instructions so I wouldn't have to spend the time guesstimating the steps from these videos.
Also, I wanted to know if the Mouse Patcher game region requirements are strict, or if they allow playing games with different regions. I'm asking this because by my experience it looks like the European versions of Time Crisis II, 3 and Crisis Zone are the most playable. I'd prefer to use my US versions of all three games because of the 60hz refresh rate, but on PCSX2, the US version of Time Crisis II also has broken FMV audio that loses synchronization and stutters and it's really annoying. Time Crisis 3 seems to have the same problem as well and from what I hear it's easier to configure the European version of Crisis Zone. Also, I'm hoping I don't have to use the Chinese version of Time Crisis 3 because I have no clue how I'd even be able to get that version.