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  1. Starting a thread about getting arcade dumps working on SteamOS on Steamdeck. Please note, this is not about installing Windows, only running games through Wine/Lutris etc. So far I've had minimal success, first I used Lutris to install Teknoparrot using this script Once installed, I tested with Star Wars Battle Pod. Game works fine. Super happy! That's where It ends! Tested Afterburner, Machstorm and Chase HQ, they all fail at some point. Has anyone had success with other games? How about using Ganeloader or Jconfig? Please post results in here.
  2. andykt

    Recherche ISOs X360.

    Hey all, does anyone have a link for Gears of War (the first one) please?
  3. @sebel19 hey buddy, here's my bat for HOTD4, should work if edited for HOTD3, the key here is identifying the EXEs for the loop (I've marked the example below in BOLD) until these EXEs end the bat will loop, preventing CoinOps running in background. @echo off start "DemulShooter" "%~dp0%GAMEPATH%\DemulShooter\DemulShooter.exe" -target=lindbergh -rom=hotd4 set "GAMENAME=HOTD4.bat" set "GAMEPATH=emulators\TeknoParrot\" set HOME="%~dp0" set "GAMEROOT=%~dp0%GAMEPATH%" cd %GAMEROOT% start "" "%GAMEROOT%%GAMENAME%" SETLOCAL EnableExtensions set EXE=FREEGLUT.exe set EXE=DemulShooter.exe :LOOPSTART FOR /F %%x IN ('tasklist /NH /FI "IMAGENAME eq %EXE%"') DO IF %%x == %EXE% goto FOUND goto FIN :FOUND TIMEOUT /T 1 goto LOOPSTART :FIN tskill DemulShooter tskill FREEGLUT exit
  4. Nice one! Works now. EDIT - spoke too soon. Game works, but no sound. I have the intro music on the attact mode, but once I press start, no sounds in game. EDIT2 - fixed sound now by replacing the OpenAL32.dll Guide to setting this up on Windows 10 Run the game in TP in windowed mode Use Borderless Gaming to force it fullscreen download both the OpenAL32.dll and the JLA physx dlls and drop them in the game folder Shame the game is pretty rubbish OpenAL32.dll
  5. Wow yeah it works now! Not sure what happened before. Thanks. What I did was: 1. Download fresh copy of the game 2. Linked in TP 3. Played game - it crashed finishing stage 3 4. Downloaded fresh version of TP on another drive 5. Launched game, works fine 6. Copied across all the Teknoparrot files (except user profile.xmls as didn't want to repoint all my game paths again) to my original install location 7. Played it again, Voila! Success. Thanks for your help @joefish I would have given up if you hadn't confirmed it was working for you.
  6. Thanks will try another pc
  7. Where did you get your Chase HQ files from? Trying to work out why mine crashes when completing the Nascar level (level 3)
  8. When doing the steering calibration, it fails if you don't touch it - when it says don't touch the wheel just hold left and right accordingly and it will succeed.
  9. Great thanks for confirming, downloading a new verison now to test it EDIT - Just took a fresh download, from the Motherload of dumps. Again it crashes after lv3. Are you using TP or JConfigr?
  10. Have you tried recently? I think it's broken since TP update. Not sure how long ago it broke, but it never lets you get passed stage 3 now.
  11. Just use the no calibration fix from virusman site
  12. The virus man version works in TP fine for me (apart from always crashes after stage 3) game.exe
  13. Tried with a fresh download, no extra patches applied (i.e. kept JPN voice, no DGVoodoo), ran through the steering and pedal configs fine, game works, but still crashes after beat stage 3.
  14. Anyone else having the game dump back to desktop after beating level 3 (where you take down the Nascar racer)?
  15. Thanks for this link. I reached out to him off the back of your comment, he said he had done post-editing to get the sound like that sadly. But don't lose hope! There is a solution. Just tested and it works In the comments, one guy posted: "you really didn't need to waste time re-recording the audio for Nancy's voice - just open the test menu by pressing 'T' on your keyboard (Service is the 'S' key) and lower the background music to say 7 from 20 and increase the sound effects to 20. That way you'll be able to hear Nancy over the music easily!" It's not perfect as it makes all sound effects louder, so the helicopter drowns her out a bit, but much better than before...
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