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Tout ce qui a été posté par Coding

  1. here are the dlls DLLs.rar
  2. execute meu programa antes e depois execute o sdaemon.exe e lembrando que vc tem que configurar a tecla 1 do teclado como start no JconfigSC
  3. Fix SuperCars jconfig button Start/noReset add Music I want to share a fix I made for supercars for those using jconfig I added the "1" key for start and removed it during the race so it doesn't reset anymore and I also added the "M" key for Music just run this program after the sdaemon and it will work FixSC_start_music_aut.rar mirror: For those interested here is the code in c++ #include <iostream> #include <windows.h> #include <dinput.h> typedef unsigned int U32; int main() { ::ShowWindow(::GetConsoleWindow(), SW_HIDE); bool musicbuttonpress = false; bool startbuttonpress = false; //const char* windowTitle = "RawApp"; // título da janela LPCWSTR str = TEXT("RawApp"); HWND hwnd = FindWindow(NULL, str); // encontrar a janela if (hwnd != NULL) { DWORD processId; GetWindowThreadProcessId(hwnd, &processId); // obter o PID do processo associado à janela HANDLE hProcess = OpenProcess(PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION | PROCESS_VM_READ | PROCESS_VM_WRITE, FALSE, processId); // abrir o processo com permissão de escrita if (hProcess != NULL) { DWORD BaseAddress2 = 0x00400000; DWORD faseAddress = 0x00755004; // endereço de fase DWORD emjogoAddress = 0x007027F4; // endereço de emjogo DWORD tselectAddress = 0x0075516C; // endereço de tselect DWORD autmanAddress = 0x0075518C; // endereço de autman DWORD keyboardBuffer = (0x437F6F8 + BaseAddress2); DWORD keyboardBuffer2 = (0x437FC08 + BaseAddress2); int emjogoValue, tselectValue, autmanValue; bool running = true; while (running) { // loop infinito if (ReadProcessMemory(hProcess, (LPCVOID)emjogoAddress, &emjogoValue, sizeof(emjogoValue), NULL) && ReadProcessMemory(hProcess, (LPCVOID)tselectAddress, &tselectValue, sizeof(tselectValue), NULL) && ReadProcessMemory(hProcess, (LPCVOID)autmanAddress, &autmanValue, sizeof(autmanValue), NULL)) { if (tselectValue > 0) { // se tselect > 0, escrever 0 em autman int newValue = 0; if (WriteProcessMemory(hProcess, (LPVOID)autmanAddress, &newValue, sizeof(newValue), NULL)) { // std::cout << "Valor de autman atualizado para " << newValue << std::endl; } } if (emjogoValue > 0) { //std::cout << "VC ESTA EM JOGO" << std::endl; // imprimir mensagem se emjogo > 0 if (GetAsyncKeyState('M') & 0x8000) // verifica se a tecla R está pressionada { if (musicbuttonpress == false) { int value = 2; DWORD addressmusic = keyboardBuffer2 + 0x04 * sizeof(U32); WriteProcessMemory(hProcess, (LPVOID)addressmusic, &value, sizeof(value), NULL); musicbuttonpress = true; } } else { musicbuttonpress = false; } } else { // std::cout << "VC NAO ESTA EM JOGO" << std::endl; // imprimir mensagem se emjogo <= if (GetAsyncKeyState('1') & 0x8000) // verifica se a tecla R está pressionada { // estrutura INPUT para enviar a tecla U if (startbuttonpress == false) { int value = 2; DWORD addressstart = keyboardBuffer2 + 4 * 0x00; DWORD addressstartdik = keyboardBuffer + DIK_NUMPADENTER; WriteProcessMemory(hProcess, (LPVOID)addressstart, &value, sizeof(value), NULL); WriteProcessMemory(hProcess, (LPVOID)addressstartdik, &value, sizeof(value), NULL); startbuttonpress = true; } } else { startbuttonpress = false; } } } if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_ESCAPE) & 0x8000) { // verificar se a tecla Esc foi pressionada running = false; // definir a variável de controle para false e sair do loop } Sleep(16); // esperar 100ms antes de ler novamente } CloseHandle(hProcess); // fechar o handle do processo } } return 0; }
  4. Coding

    ForceFeedback O.P Ghost

    i'm using autoit to monitor memory addresses give guns 1 and 2 i found an address for each gun that adds 1 to each fired bullet so my code performs the action of pressing the capslock and numlock keys the code is this: Opt("SendCapslockMode",0) $arma1 = 0 $arma2 = 0 $ctt = 0 $ctt1 = 0 While 1 $PID = ProcessExists("gs2.exe") $hOpen = _MemoryOpen($PID) $Address = "0x02A5DC24" $Address2 = "0x02A5DC28" $Read = _MemoryRead($Address,$hOpen, "int") $Read1 = _MemoryRead($Address2,$hOpen, "int") if $Read > $arma1 Then $ctt = $ctt + 1 if $ctt = 1 Then Send("{CAPSLOCK}") Sleep(20) Send("{CAPSLOCK}") EndIf If $ctt = 2 Then Send("{CAPSLOCK}") Sleep(20) Send("{CAPSLOCK}") EndIf if $ctt >= 2 Then $ctt = 0 EndIf $arma1 = $Read EndIf if $Read1 > $arma2 Then $ctt1 = $ctt1 + 1 if $ctt1 = 1 Then Send("{NUMLOCK}") Sleep(20) Send("{NUMLOCK}") EndIf If $ctt1 = 2 Then Send("{NUMLOCK}") Sleep(20) Send("{NUMLOCK}") EndIf if $ctt1 >= 2 Then $ctt1 = 0 EndIf $arma2 = $Read1 EndIf ConsoleWrite($ctt ) sleep (16) WEnd would have to find the joystick rumble api and insert it in the code
  5. Hello everyone, I want to share a program I made to have the forcefeefback effect of the operation ghost. I put the effect of weapon 1 in capslock and weapon 2 in numlock run gs2.exe first and then gunfeed.exe
  6. hello Boomslangnz, so I didn't copy their code because mine I use autoit I studied how it's done by them and I did mine I'll post my code anyone can see that I use the same methods but it's not a copy the code: $ID=_MemoryOpen(ProcessExists("sdaemon.exe")) ;BASE DE ENDEREÇOS PARA CHAMAR O PIN KEYPAD $Address=0x004203A2 $Address1=0x004203A3 $Address2=0x004203AC $Address3=0x004203AD $Address4=0x00421F74 $Address5=0x00421F75 $Address6=0x00421F83 $Address7=0x00421F84 $Address8=0x0042309B $Address9=0x0042309C $Address10=0x004230A5 $Address11=0x004230A6 ;BASE DE ENDEREÇOS DE ESTADO DO JOGO $nomenu=0x008BFE2F ;BASE DE ENDEREÇOS PARA AS TECLAS DO KEYPAD $ed1=0x004179A7 $ed2=0x004179A8 $ed3=0x004179A9 $ed4=0x004179AA $ed5=0x004179AB $ed6=0x004179AC $ed7=0x00417B61 $ed8=0x00417B62 While 1 HotKeySet("{ESC}", "Quit") $value=_MemoryRead($nomenu,$ID ,"byte") if $value > 0 Then HotKeySet("{NUMPAD1}", "ABREPINKEY") HotKeySet("{NUMPAD2}", "ABREPINKEY") HotKeySet("{NUMPAD3}", "ABREPINKEY") HotKeySet("{NUMPAD4}", "ABREPINKEY") HotKeySet("{NUMPAD5}", "ABREPINKEY") HotKeySet("{NUMPAD6}", "ABREPINKEY") HotKeySet("{NUMPAD7}", "ABREPINKEY") HotKeySet("{NUMPAD8}", "ABREPINKEY") HotKeySet("{NUMPAD9}", "ABREPINKEY") HotKeySet("{NUMPAD0}", "ABREPINKEY") EndIf if $value = 0 Then HotKeySet("{NUMPAD1}", "KEY1") HotKeySet("{NUMPAD2}", "KEY2") HotKeySet("{NUMPAD3}", "KEY3") HotKeySet("{NUMPAD4}", "KEY4") HotKeySet("{NUMPAD5}", "KEY5") HotKeySet("{NUMPAD6}", "KEY6") HotKeySet("{NUMPAD7}", "KEY7") HotKeySet("{NUMPAD8}", "KEY8") HotKeySet("{NUMPAD9}", "KEY9") HotKeySet("{NUMPAD0}", "KEY0") HotKeySet("{NUMPADDIV}", "KEYSHAR") HotKeySet("{NUMPADMULT}", "KEYAST") EndIf ConsoleWrite($ct & @CRLF) Sleep(16) if $ct > 1 Then $conta = $conta + 1 _CommSendString("1") EndIf if $conta = 50 Then _CommSendString("0") _MemoryWrite($Address,$ID ,116,"byte") _MemoryWrite($Address1,$ID ,27,"byte") _MemoryWrite($Address2,$ID ,117,"byte") _MemoryWrite($Address3,$ID ,7,"byte") _MemoryWrite($Address4,$ID ,116,"byte") _MemoryWrite($Address5,$ID ,32,"byte") _MemoryWrite($Address6,$ID ,117,"byte") _MemoryWrite($Address7,$ID ,7,"byte") _MemoryWrite($Address8,$ID ,116,"byte") _MemoryWrite($Address9,$ID ,27,"byte") _MemoryWrite($Address10,$ID ,117,"byte") _MemoryWrite($Address11,$ID ,7,"byte") $ct = 0 $conta = 0 EndIf WEnd Func ABREPINKEY() if $ct < 1 Then $ct = $ct + 1 EndIf If $ct = 1 Then _MemoryWrite($Address,$ID ,144,"byte") _MemoryWrite($Address1,$ID ,144,"byte") _MemoryWrite($Address2,$ID ,144,"byte") _MemoryWrite($Address3,$ID ,144,"byte") _MemoryWrite($Address4,$ID ,144,"byte") _MemoryWrite($Address5,$ID ,144,"byte") _MemoryWrite($Address6,$ID ,144,"byte") _MemoryWrite($Address7,$ID ,144,"byte") _MemoryWrite($Address8,$ID ,144,"byte") _MemoryWrite($Address9,$ID ,144,"byte") _MemoryWrite($Address10,$ID ,144,"byte") _MemoryWrite($Address11,$ID ,144,"byte") $ct = $ct + 1 EndIf EndFunc Func KEY1() $change = 1 CHANGEM() Sleep($tempo) STORI() EndFunc Func KEY2() $change = 2 CHANGEM() Sleep($tempo) STORI() EndFunc Func KEY3() $change = 3 CHANGEM() Sleep($tempo) STORI() EndFunc Func KEY4() $change = 4 CHANGEM() Sleep($tempo) STORI() EndFunc Func KEY5() $change = 5 CHANGEM() Sleep($tempo) STORI() EndFunc Func KEY6() $change = 6 CHANGEM() Sleep($tempo) STORI() EndFunc Func KEY7() $change = 7 CHANGEM() Sleep($tempo) STORI() EndFunc Func KEY8() $change = 8 CHANGEM() Sleep($tempo) STORI() EndFunc Func KEY9() $change = 9 CHANGEM() Sleep($tempo) STORI() EndFunc Func KEY0() $change = 0 CHANGEM() Sleep($tempo) STORI() EndFunc Func KEYSHAR() $change = 10 CHANGEMshar() Sleep($tempo) STORI() EndFunc Func KEYAST() _MemoryWrite($ed1,$ID ,184,"byte") _MemoryWrite($ed2,$ID ,11,"byte") _MemoryWrite($ed3,$ID ,0,"byte") _MemoryWrite($ed4,$ID ,0,"byte") _MemoryWrite($ed5,$ID ,0,"byte") _MemoryWrite($ed6,$ID ,144,"byte") Sleep($tempo) STORI() EndFunc Func STORI() _MemoryWrite($ed1,$ID ,141,"byte") _MemoryWrite($ed2,$ID ,133,"byte") _MemoryWrite($ed3,$ID ,128,"byte") _MemoryWrite($ed4,$ID ,255,"byte") _MemoryWrite($ed5,$ID ,254,"byte") _MemoryWrite($ed6,$ID ,255,"byte") _MemoryWrite($ed7,$ID ,124,"byte") _MemoryWrite($ed8,$ID ,30,"byte") EndFunc Func CHANGEM() _MemoryWrite($ed1,$ID ,184,"byte") _MemoryWrite($ed2,$ID ,$change,"byte") _MemoryWrite($ed3,$ID ,0,"byte") _MemoryWrite($ed4,$ID ,0,"byte") _MemoryWrite($ed5,$ID ,0,"byte") _MemoryWrite($ed6,$ID ,144,"byte") EndFunc Func CHANGEMshar() _MemoryWrite($ed1,$ID ,184,"byte") _MemoryWrite($ed2,$ID ,$change,"byte") _MemoryWrite($ed3,$ID ,0,"byte") _MemoryWrite($ed4,$ID ,0,"byte") _MemoryWrite($ed5,$ID ,0,"byte") _MemoryWrite($ed6,$ID ,144,"byte") _MemoryWrite($ed7,$ID ,144,"byte") _MemoryWrite($ed8,$ID ,144,"byte") EndFunc Func Quit() Exit EndFunc
  8. I made an image of the HDD of this machine here a link for those who want to look it does not use dongle just ask for the I / O card
  9. Hello everyone!! I'm Coding, I wanted some help to emulate the dongle of this machine his dump is here the dongle used is a Sentinel PRO Hasp HL 3.25 I used RTDumperGUI to make this dump I used SRM-DUMPER.exe to make this dump I'm trying to emulate it but I need a code called MODAD that I can get with a USB LOGGER (TORO USB LOGGER) but the game knows that I’m monitoring and doesn’t let it open for understanding my steps will be 1. first install the dongle drivers and then connect the HASP HL 3.25 dongle to the USB port and check that the dongle led is on 2. start TigerBowl.exe and verify that it is running normally 3. close the game, start the usb logger software (TORO USB LOGGER) and then open the game, which then returns me an error, it seems to me that the game knows that I am monitoring the dongle kkkkkkk if someone has experience emulating dongle and can help me
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