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    MMA, swimming, jogging, computer arts
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    gtx 3060 12G
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  1. command.dat in the past it used to be sorted, and you click on a category ( character name) to get the moves. now it's just like one big page and you have to scroll up and down. anyone knows what happened or if there is a solution ?
  2. well here's some footage, there is more on that chanel I think
  3. Thanks for the hard work !! I remember there was a "single player" english patch which I used long ago, is this an update so every menu in the game is in english ? Also does anyone know if we can have the ps4 dlc in this one ?
  4. j'ai un pcmoyen un i3 5eme gen. ça va je peux tourner mame,fightcade ppsspp ...etc, je l'ai depuis 5 and là je veux fair un upgrade, je cherche des suggestions.
  5. I had tried for a very long time to make it work, and it wasn't stable. then I tried to run it on teknoparrot and it worked from the first try, I would suggest that, it's way easier.
  6. Fast racing neo works better in cemu than the switch emulators.
  7. it works, it was all rh + jconfig .
  8. I'm trying to run : Daemon Bride: Additional Gain I found 2 downloads one for NESiCAxLive (2011) and the other for NESiCAxOffLive (2020) First I don't know the difference between the two. Second I don't know what emulator or what files I need to add for it to work. any help would be appriciated.
  9. does wipeout work now ?
  10. it works, thanks a lot !!
  11. I'm trying to have the best information and suggestion to make an arcade stick with as much compatibility and fonctionality as possible , here's a bit of info 1- Mainly fighting games 2- I'm more interested in opinions about electronic parts like the buttons ,lever ,usb pcb ...etc for the casing I can have a nice plexiglass one made. 3-I watched a lot of videos on YouTube but still would like to hear from experts directly. 4-for buying stuff in Belgium places would be nice. I will start : buttons : Sanwa obsf 30 lever : Sanwa JLF-TP-8YT usb pcb : Brook universal fighting board.
  12. voici ce que j'ai avec xenia canary - xenia canary custom - xenia master
  13. Dead or alive 4 marchait plus au moins, mais après certaines mises à jour, ça marche très mal, plein de glitches graphic.
  14. Does this game have practice mode ?
  15. Y a moyen de jouer à power instinct 5 ( Goketsuji Ichizoku - Matsuri Senzo Kuyo ) avec une carte nvidia ? j'ai juste un ecran noir après l'intro . La version taito typex marche bien, mais la version nesica est une mise à jour.
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