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  1. Anyone share a download link and patch link
  2. how do you get this to run fullscreen?
  3. anyway to use a gamepad with this game?
  4. Yeah it says number of cabinets 1 and still the same issue
  5. Anyone got this working on windows and Teknoparrot yet
  6. anyone got this working in teknoparrot mine just boots to a white screen with the spinning windows circle. i can boot from the JLA file standalone but cant get it to load in TKP...any ideas??
  7. Ive tried using it both ways still same result gets to the network discovery screen then just closes out and back to desktop
  8. Any help on getting this past the network discovery step mine just kicks me back to desktop and wont launch
  9. Not working on my machine gets stuck at the network discovery start then just closes to desktop
  10. Anyone got a working link to this
  11. Anyone got a link to the full big fish games pack
  12. Geordiedean1974

    XBOX 360 Emulator Xenia

    anyone able to give a noob a bit of a heads up on how to get these to run in RL ive added the emu and the path of the xex when populating systems using PC launcher as the module but when i try to launch game it doesnt launch at all where am i going wrong
  13. Geordiedean1974

    XBOX 360 Emulator Xenia

    Youre using xenia to run it though through the xex inside the folders youre just using pc launcher ahk to run in rocket launcher?. Also did you just add xenia as an emulator as its not in the RL database did you create your own database or is there an xml for it kickng about
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