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  1. vpxpinball

    [Tuto] Pinball Arcade Loader

    Does anyone know if Pinball Arcade Cabinet mode is possible to be used with this and how to get it working with a 3 screen cab?
  2. vpxpinball

    [Tuto] Pinball Arcade Loader

    Thanks that would be great . then it can easily be used in a front end and pinball cabinet. Fingers crossed...Thanks again
  3. vpxpinball

    [Tuto] Pinball Arcade Loader

    I don't understand how this can be done if using a front end like pinup it pinballX . When the table loads if the number of players was already selected then it would be possible to go directly into the table and have it start without having to hit enter. Maybe I am doing something wrong ...(most probably) or don't understand.... How to select multiple players without having to enter back into the settings gear to chose the amount of players. I am trying to use this launcher in combination with a front end that would allow to chose table then the screen would pop up like in pinball fx3 launcher. Then you select the number of players and it takes you directly into the table and the the games can be started. Not sure if this is possible so I reached out Terry to ask him and he said it can only be done if the command line has an option to chose amount of players then the interface can be used. The only way that I am able to get it to multiple players is to go into gear icon after starting table which I can't do from a pinball cabinet. Thanks
  4. vpxpinball

    [Tuto] Pinball Arcade Loader

    Hello again Ducon2016 I reached out to terry Red and it seems that he is willing to make the inetrface of the launcher where the number of persons can be selected. Here is what he said, Dont know it it possible but if you are willing thank you in advance.. Thanks again ! My launchers only work as an in between launcher to pass commandline parameters to another program with multiple options. Pinballarcade nor that new launcher has any option to specificy the amount of players in commandline parameters so it's not possible and it makes no sense to use my inbetween launcher then except if you want options to specify the ballskin as it seems that "new" launcher has options for that but not selecting amount of players. Pinballfx3 has the options on its own, with zaccaria pinball it was possible to change the configuration file behorehand with pinball arcade neither possibilities are there so not possible sorry.
  5. vpxpinball

    [Tuto] Pinball Arcade Loader

    Has anyone been able to run this loader with Pinup System. If so any help would be great! Thanks!
  6. vpxpinball

    [Tuto] Pinball Arcade Loader

    I did not know that how is this done. I am in the process of using an old pinball that I came across and want to build a virtual pinball. I am using PinallY, I could use Pinball X if is easier. I have my tables working with pinballFX3 with the loader, but that is the only one. I am just trying to get everything working and thought this would be the easiest way for me, to get it working. It would be nice to have an interface that lets you chose the number of players and a way to change the static view inside the ini file which would make it possible for people that who do not understand how to get things to work easily, since I was able to get PinballFX3 working this way. I am just looking for the least technical way to get things working . Thanks for response, I really do appreciate it.
  7. vpxpinball

    [Tuto] Pinball Arcade Loader

    Thank you for the great work! just a question... is there any way to play multiple players by any chance? I do not know about coding at all.(sorry I really wish I understood it enough to even make a bat file)(51 years old and never really learned it) I am not sure if you have ever seen Terry Red PinballFX3 loader.(here is the Link)( He aloo made one for Zacarrai PInballI(here is the link to it)( Would there be any possible way to make it to where you can chose an option of 1-4 players and it would somehow use the bat file with a fixed camera and then start the game accordingly? I know there are many people that would be very happy if this is possible. Can multiple players be selected with this loader? It would be greatly appreciated.
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