Hello everyone.
I have been facing some issues with this game and SpiceTools for ages and could not find a solution, so I hope someone will be able to help me.
I have two dance mats for my PC, a soft one and a Cobalt Flux, both on USB and working great with Stepmania or console games.
When visiting https://gamepad-tester.com/ or when opening JoyToKey, I can see that each arrow on my dance mats actually corresponds to two inputs, as follow:
- Left arrow = button 1 / -x
- Down arrow = button 2 / +y
- Up arrow = button 3 / -y
- Right arrow = button 4 / +x
I also noticed that pressing on two opposites arrow at the same time prevents two opposite inputs to be recognised.
For example, stepping on Left + Right at the same time is recognised by my computer as a press on button 1 / button 4 / +x (and not -x which makes sense because it's impossible to have a physical joystick to input two opposite directions).
The problem with SpiceTools is that when I am assigning the dance mats keys, it is picking up automatically the joystick values rather than the button values; as a consequence, it's impossible for me to get left + right, or up + down, to be accepted while in the game.
How can I force SpiceTools to register the key mappings using the buttons values rather than the joystick values ?
If that's not possible, how can I solve my problem? (I tried using JoyToKey as a proxy but it didn't work).
Thank you so much in advance to anyone that can help.
Finally found a solution for my issue, sharing it because I can't be the only one who needs this:
While browsing on this forum I found an archive with the Spice code source
Reading the source code (spicetools\overlay\windows\card_manager.cpp) helped me finding the location of the file Spice is saving the config to: "AppData\Roaming\spicetools.xml"
In this xml file, I saw the mapping for the 4 panels had specific values, such as:
<button name="P1 Panel Left" vkey="1" analogtype="2">
I replaced the values manually in the file as follow:
Panel Left vkey = 0
Panel Down vkey = 1
Panel Up vkey = 2
Panel Right vkey = 3
All keys analogtype = 0
It now works perfectly, after many weeks of being unable to play