No luck, tried this one too
git clone --recursive
And only throw 1 error at dolphin exe build, something QT related. We are not that far. Maybe we can mix some files from the official dolphin.
I cannot enter credits or start for this game.
Sometimes just decides to work, but lately most of the times, dont. I dont change any settings, sometimes works, sometimes dont.
Im using xinput. But tried raw and dinput and the same.
For touchmote use the builds here
Has better sight and with a little tweaking to settings.json you can turn off sight in some games.
Any chance to change input to non relative, like mame or teknoparrot?
So we can use xinput analog stick like gun IR pointer?
Tried to emulate xinput analog stick with IR pointer, but with relative input, it sucks.
Any luck using two wiimotes?
Tried the 2 player patch but doesnt detect anything when says click one player trigger and two player trigger.
BTW, using touchmote with mouse emulation for both controllers. I can use one player with mouse emulation without needing any patch.