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[Arcade PC] REFLEC BEAT: The Reflesia of Eternity (Konami)
supergamer a répondu à un sujet dans ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER
Detailed instructions on how to setup the game could be found here in another thread on the same game: You could play the game with your computer mouse if you do not have a touch screen. Regards supergamer -
[Arcade PC] BeatMania IIDX 25 CANNON BALLERS + Omnimix
supergamer a répondu à un(e) sujet de Akshuls dans ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER
This issue is fixed when the game is locked at 60FPS. I am also having the same issue. In game menu sounds are fine. The issue shows up during a song. The music would be off progressively. 30 seconds into the song You will be listening to a new remix song that does not exists other that in your game. This is most noticeable on songs that has vocal in it. The refresh rate problem is resolved after doing the following: 1. Open nvidia control panel 2. Choose 'Manage 3D settings" 3. Set "Max Frame Rate" to 60FPS in the "Global Settings" tab I tried the following that did not work: 1a. Open nvidia control lpanel 1b. Choose "Adjust Desktop Size and Position" 1c. Check the check box "Override the scaling mode set for games and programs" 1d. Choose Refresh Rate 60Hz 2. using a HDMI cable that can only support 60FPS 3. using a secondary monitor that does not support 144Hz with DVI and HDMI connection. The monitor is listed as 60FPS in Nvidia Control Panel but the game still runs at 71/72 FPS Hope this testing helps out some people who are having audio synchronize issue while playing the game at 71/72 FPS Regards supergamer -
[Arcade PC] REFLEC BEAT 悠久のリフレシア - The Reflesia of Eternity (Konami)
supergamer a répondu à un(e) sujet de sky2310 dans ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER
I swipe the note on the judgement line. I think I need to clarify on how to perform the just reflec in my earlier post. This is how I do it: 1. a gold-rimmed note approaches the judgement line 2. i put my finger on the note that is on the judgement line 3. i perform a swipe moving upwards, I could tilt the swipe left or right as I wish -
[Arcade PC] REFLEC BEAT 悠久のリフレシア - The Reflesia of Eternity (Konami)
supergamer a répondu à un(e) sujet de sky2310 dans ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER
Here is one thing that I noticed: Whenever I perform "Just Reflec"s in any song, my accuracy for that song decreases dramatically. When comparing a tap versus a swipe here are the difference: Tap: 1. You see the note approach the line 2. your finger touches the screen 3. your finger release from the screen after step 3 your finger is on the "standby ready to hit another note position" Swipe: 1. you see the note approach the line 2. Your finger touches the screen 3. You move your finger to swipe it across the screen 4. your finger needs to move the distance that is done in the swipe motion in order to get back into the "standby ready to hit another note position" there is an extra step for a swipe motion before your finger could be back in the "standby ready to hit another note position" -
[Arcade PC] REFLEC BEAT 悠久のリフレシア - The Reflesia of Eternity (Konami)
supergamer a répondu à un(e) sujet de sky2310 dans ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER
After playing the same first song in the J-POP & アニメ filter "sister's noise" in medium settings for more than 15 times, I realized that the best way to do all 8 just reflec in that song is by flicking upwards as if you were hitting the puck in air hockey. Sorry for the confusion regarding the horizontal swipe in my previous reply. The previous post has also been edited for correct information. -
[Arcade PC] REFLEC BEAT 悠久のリフレシア - The Reflesia of Eternity (Konami)
supergamer a répondu à un(e) sujet de sky2310 dans ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER
The following test has been performed using asphyxia-v0.2.0a spicetools-latest-20201211 same spicetools settings such that both touch screen and mouse could be used while playing: Force WinTouch Show Cursor The following is the requirements needed to perform a just reflec: 1. a song that is at least medium difficulty 2. at least 1 out of the 5 reflec guage is filled up. (Performing a "Just Reflec" uses 1 guage bar out of the 5 you could have) 3. perform a "Just" timing swipe on a note with gold rim (I find that it is best if you swipe left or right as you could continue your horizontal coverage for other notes in other areas of the screen) (After playing the same first song in the J-POP & アニメ filter "sister's noise" in medium settings for more than 15 times, I realized that the best way to do all 8 just reflec in that song is by flicking upwards as if you were hitting the puck in air hockey.as the gold-rimmed note reaches the judgement line) More information on Just Reflec could be found in the wiki page under section Gameplay: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reflec_Beat Have fun playing this game. -
[Arcade PC] REFLEC BEAT 悠久のリフレシア - The Reflesia of Eternity (Konami)
supergamer a répondu à un(e) sujet de sky2310 dans ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER
Another round of testing has been made using asphyxia-v0.2.0a as the e-amusement emulator. Asphyxia could be found here: https://mega.nz/#F!RYkFxA7R!ZKNMfM-fGMbiz6JsmCfVqg credit goes to the programmers that created this tool. Here are the steps to get saving scores to work: 1. run asphyxia.exe and let it run in the background 2. run spicecfg.exe 3. go to "Buttons" 4. assign the following buttons Service Test P1 Keypad 0 P1 Keypad 1 P1 Keypad 2 P1 Keypad 3 P1 Keypad 4 P1 Keypad 5 P1 Keypad 6 P1 Keypad 7 P1 Keypad 8 P1 Keypad 9 P1 Keypad 00 P1 Keypad Decimal P1 Keypad Insert Card Insert Coin 5. go to "Cards" 6. for Player 1 click on the "Generate" button next to "Card Number" (there should be a new card0.txt file generated in the directory of where spicecfg.exe is located) 7. go to "Options" 8. ensure only the following 3 item are filled (using both mouse and touch screen works in this setup): Service URL http://localhost:8083 Show Cursor Force WinTouch 9. close spicecfg.exe 10. run spice.exe to simulate the card reader press the "P1 Keypad Insert Card button" you have made in step 4 or touch the virtual green button on the top left of your screen if you are using touch screen Testing performed: Main screen after logging in: ノーマルモード normal mode (you get to choose to play 3 songs and then game ends after you finish playing your 3rd song) リフレシアモード reflesia mode (go to screen 1) クラスチェックモード class check mode (you can test your skill level here. The lower the number, the harder it is in skill level) screen 1 ノーマルクエスト normal quest (go to screen 2) 討伐クエスト hunting quest (unable to test due to skill level is lacking) ランキングクエスト ranking quest (this is greyed out as local server does not support ranking) 冒険の準備をする get ready for adventure (here you can change your character card, equip different equipment for your companion) カスタマイズ customize (you can customize your note button, name plate, etc) screen 2 第一章 リフレシアの大地 (go to screen 3) 旅の祈願 (go to screen 4) 財宝を探して (go to screen 5) screen 3 紅の塔1 (clearing this quests unlock leather helmet for your companion) the game says it is unlocked; however, when trying to equip this item on the second run of the game it is not unlocked 紅の塔2 (clearing this quests unlock leather pants for your companion) the game says it is unlocked; however, when trying to equip this item on the second run of the game it is not unlocked 紅の塔3 (clearing this quests unlock a new character card) the game says it is unlocked; however, when trying to equip this item on the second run of the game it is not unlocked screen 4 蒼の祠1 (clearing this quests unlock leather armor for your companion) the game says it is unlocked; however, when trying to equip this item on the second run of the game it is not unlocked. The next stage is not unlocked after clearing this one. The quest remains in "NEW" in the next game screen 5 碧の丘1 (clearing this quests unlock spear weapon for your companion) the game says it is unlocked; however, when trying to equip this item on the second run of the game it is not unlocked. The next stage is not unlocked after clearing this one. The quest remains in "NEW" in the next game Summary: normal mode score saving for each song is working as expected. Character cards that are unlocked in normal mode are also saved. reflesia mode unlock system does not seem to be implemented @ArcVile The touch screen monitor that I am using to perform my tests is Dell P2418HT @sTo0z Card part is explained in first section of this test report -
[Arcade PC] REFLEC BEAT 悠久のリフレシア - The Reflesia of Eternity (Konami)
supergamer a répondu à un(e) sujet de sky2310 dans ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER
I got a touch screen monitor to test out this game. After testing out the touch screen in the I/O CHECK -> TOUCH PANEL CHECK i notice the following behavior: 1st touch is recognized as a long hold as mentioned by imbalapis. I can move the touch around and it would just stay on 2nd touch works as expected 3rd touch works as expected 4th touch works as expected 5th touch works as expected 6th touch works as expected 7th touch works as expected 8th touch works as expected 9th touch works as expected 10th touch works as expected The 1st touch being recognized as a long hold issue could sometimes be removed if I put all 10 fingers on the screen and remove them all at the same time. This workaround could get me pass playing as a guest. Playing with the e-amusment pass with this 1st touch being recognized as a long hold issue is impossible as I cannot provide any input when I am at the screen to enter my 4 digit pin. The fix for the 1st touch being recognized as a long hold issue could be done with the following: 1. open spicecfg.exe 2. ensure the following are check marked: Show Cursor Force WinTouch 3. run spice.exe after this change, using both the mouse and the touch screen for input works without issues. Have fun playing with touch screen.