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    Triforce hunter

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  1. Can confirm that MX2.1 has the same password than MX2 btw
  2. Hello everyone! I've been struggling for months with an issue on a SEGA ALLS MX2.1, but I presume the issue is more related to the screen itself. Oddly enough, the screen on the IDZ cabinet is a 40" monitor, but in Device Manager it is detect as a "D21L051". I have two cabinets and both give me the same name. This issue comes with a weird "glitch", which is that he recommends me a lot of resolutions that aren't supported by the screen. You can see on my first picture of the topic the 1920*1200 resolution, that is automatically chosen by 90% of the games I play. To solve this issue, I edited some files so that the screen had a 1920*1080 max resolution (deleting the 1920*1200 "option"), but it came with another issue that, I presume is related, so, maybe this wasn't the best way to correct this issue. When I try to run upscaled arcade games, I have a LOT of issues. The screen doesn't fit, is very small and stretched, there's deformation,.... I know that this can happen with bad patches, but to make sure that it wasn't just a config problem, I tried the same game files on my ALLS UX (32 inch monitor) and everything worked perfectly in 1080p. Any advice? I tried messing around with the scaling settings, but it didn't seem to do change anything. Thanks in advance!!
  3. Hello tout le monde, Ma question est plutôt simplen c'est la réponse qui semble plus complexe. J'ai une borne Initial D Zero que j'aimerai convertir en borne "PC", avec la possibilté de jouer donc à + de jeux que ce que le catalogue de base autorise. J'aimerai réutiliser au maximum le matériel d'origine évidemment, mais je sais qu'il n'est pas possible pour le PC de nativement lire les signaux analogiques du JVS4, seuls les boutons fonctionnent. Du coup, je suis à la recherche d'une solution pour envoyer au PC : - Le signal des boutons (digital donc "facile") - Le signal des vitesses - Le signal des pédales - Le signal du volant Et également, que le pc envoie le signal du FFB à mon volant. J'ai connaissance de mods similaires, mais je dois avouer ne jamais avoir touché à autre chose que de l'arcade "6/8 boutons", donc je ne connais pas du tout ce genre de matériel donc c'est un peu confus ce que je lis là! J'ai déjà mis en place des GP2040... mais je suppose que là on joue dans une autre catégorie. ^^ D'avance merci pour une quelconque aide! Tathan NB: Update, j'ai trouvé une solution grâce au projet FFB
  4. Hey everyone, Still don't know how to run it with 2 players btw, sorry in advance for those looking for this. Running dolphin_tri_x64_15_03_2023 I have been having some mappings issues on Virtua Striker 2006 (Export), I didn't wanted to touch anything to the config files, so here is my "correct mapping", using a standard 8 buttons panel. Hope it might help someone who's struggling with inputs. Cheers. NB: My VS2006E comes from
  5. Hey folks, Maybe this isn't the good place to ask for this and I apologise in advance (if so, let me know so I can delete my message as fast as possible) I'd like to play this version of initial D... Using the original Type 4 JVS controls because I own "half" an initial d cab and would like to make it run through my windows instance, any advice?
  6. J'ai le même souci, si tu peux transmettre je t'en serai très reconnaissant ahah
  7. Tathan

    Sega Tri-force game emulations

    Yeah, I'm sorry, I meant it because seeing some configs saying that they could run the game without any issue, I was a bit shocked that mine wouldn't. Thanks a bunch for your kind help! NB: With dolphin_tri_x64_20_01_2023.rar, Virtua Striker 4 doesn't even run (fatal error on boot) and after some workaround, just a black screen :/ I presume it's my fault but can't find any other version, sorry for the annoyance. NB2: Fixed!! I don't know why, but the default settings were "Direct3D 12", switching to Direct3D 11 solved the issue... and now, I can even use Direct 3D 12 without any lag or issue. I presume it was just bugged for wathever reason. Thanks everyone for your help!
  8. Tathan

    Sega Tri-force game emulations

    It's a 5600X so there's really no possibility of it (and I've forced my GPU to run it through Nvidia to change some graphics settings too), but in the end, I'm always getting a slow game with and Virtua Striker 4 Ver.2006 (Export)
  9. Tathan

    Sega Tri-force game emulations

    Hello everyone,, I'm trying to emulate Virtua Striker 2006 (export) which one of my favourite games a s a kid, but even on my RTX3080 + high end CPU, I'm not able to make it work "properly". I'm having a lot of massive slowdowns that make the game almost unplayable. Changing the resolution, upscaling the game etc didn't change a thing so I presume it isn't hardware related, and trying to use OpenGL give texture issues. Eventho, something quiet weird is that even if I am having a really slow game, it doesn't give me any texture issue (like the black textures we can see in the videos). Thanks in advance for your help and excuse me to bother y'all!
  10. Ca marche po, avec l'exe patché, et l'exe normal, ça crash (même si les shaders chargent correctement avant ça). Une autre idée par hasard? ^^
  11. Hello les gars! Tout d'abord, merci pour votre superbe travail ainsi qu'à toutes cette commu pour tout ce que vous faites à l'arcade! Ensuite... mon petit soucis. J'avais déjà tout paramétré sur mon ordinateur il y a de cela 1 an, mais vu que j'ai dû changer de carte graphique, j'en ai profité pour réinstaller Windows etc... et je n'avais pas pensé au fait que ça viendrait foutre le bordel dans tous mes émulateurs. Autrefois, j'avais une config de shaders incroyable qui modifiait les Street Fighter retro de NesicaxLive sans prendre les côtés de l'image (là où y a le bezel avec les combos etc), si je prends directement mes anciens fichiers, ça crash (logique, Game Loader RH est considéré comme un Virus par toute nouvelle installation windows) et quand je tente de copier les fichiers du Shaders directement sur ma nouvelle installation de Street Fighter... et bien je reçois ce message: Quelqu'un qui connaîtrait une solution? J'ai tenté de tout rétablir par défaut, mais le message est toujours le même. A la limite, si vous aviez un tuto quelquepart qui expliquerait comment le (re)configurer, je suis preneur! D'avance merci pour vos réponses!
  12. Tathan

    Mame crt perfection (close to)

    Chaque fois que je cherche quelques infos sur des shaders MAME, je retombe sur ce post. Le "trouduc" de ducon est légendaire. ^^
  13. Teknoparrot version looks really nice but stopped working with my new AMD GPU (even with AMD fix, don't know why)... At the moment, the PS3 version is in my opinion the best, even if the HUD may look crispy in some moments. I hope to be able to run it in a racing cab one day! ^^
  14. Un bon moment que je remplissais ma collection, mais ça va aider, merci beaucoup!
  15. Ohhh! Eventho it's already pretty cool uh! Thank you very much for your answer. Do you know if the save issue is a "really big" issue, or they are working on a workaround?
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