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  1. cor094

    TEKNOPARROT LAN Racing Games

    Thanks to YouTube video comments by arronmunroe, I see Nicktoons Nitro will link in LAN if you send -net parameter to the exe. Mentioned on TP discord to see if the devs would be interested in adding an "network enable" checkbox in the GUI to add this. If anyone wants to try it now, you can edit the NicktoonNitro.xml in UserProfile folder and replace <ExtraParameters /> with the following <ExtraParameters>-net</ExtraParameters> Also set network IDs in TP game settings to 1 and 2. First boot with net enabled game locks up, but should work fine after that. Also, after a race finishes, player 1 needs to continue first, or else game freezes.
  2. Here are some I made made to match the bezel I previously made from a pic of the actual cabinet. I used a pic of the actual doors I ripped from a youtube gameplay video, would love to get a better quality door pic at some point. They are for horizontal 1080, 4k, and 1440, although I did add a portrait 1200x1920 for @Zen_B7
  3. No problem! - emuline seems to compress/reduce the size of image attachments, so here they are in a .zip that should prevent that....well, it won't let me attach it because the limit is 33kb?, so here's a link -
  4. I got the game to play and aim correctly on horizontal monitor with Sinden by running windowed mode as Argonlefou suggested. Then, I use an ahk to apply a bezel. I have added the method I used to the Sinden Wiki.
  5. Used a picture of the real cabinet and made it into a bezel if anyone's interested.
  6. I also noticed mouse and lightgun move slower when rotating with arccabview compared to playing 607x1080 windowed, causing my Sinden aim to be off. I only tested with the input exe, haven't tried demulshooter yet. I ended up just playing windowed 607x1080 and it works great. I sent you a DM earlier today.
  7. You could try setting windows scaling to 100 in Windows Display Settings if it's not already
  8. When you connected the Sinden, was the software running prior to launching game? I've had it freeze when I had the gun plugged it but Sinden software not running. Had to restart to fix. To change it to the regular 1 on the top of the keyboard... Install Autohotkey Create a text document in notepad with 1::numpad1 Save it and rename. txt to .ahk To get fancy, you could put the script in the same directory as the game.exe with run, game.exe 1::numpad1 ~Esc:: ExitApp This would run the game, bind the button, and close script when you hit escape
  9. The biggest issue with Adrenaline Amusement games not loading seems to be a port conflict issue. Try unplugging all USB devices, then restart, and then try. If it works, re-plug each device until you find the culprit. Also, some people have serial port software installed that causes conflicts. Check device manager under ports and make sure there are no com0com ports.
  10. This is hardcoded into the game. If you hold mouse left for 5 seconds or so, then press mouse right. I believe it's only supposed to pop up when pressing mouse right while still holding mouse left. Are you holding the trigger while you reload?
  11. Works perfectly, thanks!
  12. Yeah, good call. Dont have the issue in windowed mode
  13. If anyone is using a Sinden, I made these bezels a year or so ago when I got my guns and incorporated the white Sinden border
  14. Disabling the pause menu was an amazing touch. Incredible work. I have no idea if possible to implement, but the only difference I notice now between this and arcade is the on-screen "reload" indicator when out of bullets
  15. Yeah, not a big deal at all. Once you press start once on the title screen, it behaves normally for the rest of the session. Even if you die and go back to the title screen, you only have to press it once. So, what I ended up doing was timing up ahk to send my p1 start button right when the title screen starts, and it works perfectly.
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