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Tout ce qui a été posté par 7zxkv

  1. It's AIO v3 (so replace others?)? Any news?
  2. you should check the version of our dump. For ppxclub: Apparently it is version 1.26 (offered in full image and also on google). He offers PC files, Chinese patches etc, saying that this transforms the dump into 1.3 but that he will explain later how to do this. I have the impression that this is a hack that uses a pc version to upgrade the arcade version, nothing less sure though. edit: our version (virusman site) is 1.30.
  3. off topic, use this sub forum : PAO PAO CAFE and check Fox (admin)
  4. can you send me the latest version of butterfly you made please?
  5. Dance Dance Revolution A20 (Konami) (mirror)
  6. please send a full up to date dump, needed for mirroring. thanks.
  7. already posted and mirrored:
  8. DOA6 Please tell me exactly what SDEM and SDFM are (and on what arcade system exactly it works, i presume is P Ras Multi 3 after check on wiki jp). And if someone can put the files together (if they're updates. I have no idea), delete the unnecessary stuff and make a useful file (or files) out of it, we take. Unnecessary questions will be deleted directly as always (no time to waste)
  9. @nucleairelandtu as viré ton sujet qui regroupait toute les trad je le trouve plus?
  10. a fusionner dans le thread principal des trad
  11. added DX+ ES1 / ES3 (int / JAP) on TP thread. Not here. Thanks.
  12. Chuchy posted the following: I don't know if this has to do with this game, please confirm or not. (good zip name is 2021071200) name: 'Unlock All Songs', patches: [{offset: 0x4C6108, off: [0x75, 0x2D], on: [0x90, 0x90]}] bistrover.html
  13. ## Bemani tools 5.35 * Jubeat: Add jbio-p4io * Nostalgia: Add nostio-panb * Misc: Refactor aciodrv to support multiple devices using the same port (with aciomgr) * Misc: Fix d3d9ex windowed hook not behaving correctly (size/framed) * Misc: Fix docs not being included with release * Various bugfixes
  14. ajouté il y a 4j sur le sujet ttx.
  15. Je crois qu'il faut patcher le source: cglmrfreeman/Ares-v121-Patch: diff patches to compile the Ares emulator v121 (
  16. Apparemment Near (byuu) s'est suicidé :( Il laisse le source de ares v121, si quelqu'un veut compiler...
  17. ok thanks
  18. quelqu'un peu tester ce binaire fait pour xp (mais qui se lancera ailleurs) juste pour être sur que le son etc est ok (bref qu'il a été bien construit), merci. somebody can test this binary made for xp (but which will launch elsewhere) just to be sure that the sound etc is ok (in short that it was well built), thank you. here
  19. Merci ! et surtout n' oublie pas de MAJ ton thread principale regroupant TOUTES les trad, c'est de loin le plus pratique pour tous
  20. King of Jurassic (TTX) reminder: it will work when it works. A stupid question = a deletion or even a ban.
  21. so this is included in the nyaa pack?
  22. Chrono Regalia EX (Sega ALLS UX with Amusement IC card) encrypted (for archiving). (site)(wiki)(source - bak) (mirror, mirror)
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