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Community Answers

  1. spice2x-25-03-25 Latest - Add Mahjong Fight Girl Support #275 - graphics: custom full screen resolution #274 - You can set a custom resolution for full screen mode. Similar to -windowscale, this forcibly adjusts the DX9 back buffer dimensions. Works well for IIDX/SDVX/DDR, works with some tweaks for popn (need to turn on image scaling), broken for games like nostalgia. YMMV. In theory this could be used to launch SDVX in landscape mode, but the image scaling doesn't quite work if the image is stretched too far, at least at the moment.
  2. thanks ethanbest64 for info
  3. Bon je vois que ca demande du dumps à tout va mais pour contribuer un poil, y a plus personne, fabuleux. On note
  4. Les mecs est ce qu'il y a quelqu'un qui se sent de faire un mini tuto sur comment lancer un jeu triforce avec le dernier builds de crediar: crediar-bin qui émule aussi TVC (le system RVA)? De plus si quelqu'un a l'intégralité des code de boot (et cheats) etc de tous les jeux triforce/rva ca serait sympa de nous envoyer cela. Guys, does anyone feel like doing a mini tuto on how to launch a triforce game with the latest crediar builds which also emulates TVC (the RVA system) ? Also, if anyone has the complete boot codes etc (cheat...) for all the triforce/rva games, it would be great to send them to us.
  5. continue here.
  6. plugin v1.X out
  7. plugin v1.2 out
  8. plugin updated 0.1 to 1.0.
  10. Mirror ( NO REQUEST LINK PLZ)
  11. it's Taisen Hot Gimmick 5 Mix Party ? Alas, it's already a CHD in MAME, which we can easily decompress. Does this image do better than what the CHD (or its decompression) already offers?
  12. The "Arcade Dump Loader" section is not simply a dump repository, but a collection of functional or nearly functional games. There's really no point in creating topics about games available onarchive.orgthat are unplayable unless someone has the means to make them work. It would be better to consult the main stakeholders in advance, for example on Discord, before taking any other steps. If the game is just a dump, it would be wiser to post it in "[DUMPS] Dumps available as mirrors / Mirror: Many dumps available!" And if someone starts working on it one day, they can then open a related topic. Otherwise, we risk having an accumulation of unplayable dump posts that bring nothing... Perhaps another section dedicated to pure dumps (not visible to non-registered users) would be useful to differentiate it from this one. It's true that more explanations are needed, we'll work on remedying that. End of the off-topic discussion, please stay on the original subject.
  13. I'd like to take this opportunity to remind you, that the original purpose of this section is to propose games that work. there's no point in proposing dumps available everywhere. moreover, please hide the links, i'm not going to edit all the posts you make. thank you.
  14. Dniel SegaTools Update (2025-01-18), no changelog. as usual, post 1
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