The "Arcade Dump Loader" section is not simply a dump repository, but a collection of functional or nearly functional games. There's really no point in creating topics about games available onarchive.orgthat are unplayable unless someone has the means to make them work. It would be better to consult the main stakeholders in advance, for example on Discord, before taking any other steps.
If the game is just a dump, it would be wiser to post it in "[DUMPS] Dumps available as mirrors / Mirror: Many dumps available!" And if someone starts working on it one day, they can then open a related topic. Otherwise, we risk having an accumulation of unplayable dump posts that bring nothing...
Perhaps another section dedicated to pure dumps (not visible to non-registered users) would be useful to differentiate it from this one.
It's true that more explanations are needed, we'll work on remedying that.
End of the off-topic discussion, please stay on the original subject.