Updated previous post for full instructions on Fast and Furious.
Also for Cyber Diver: Go into the bs09/cfg folder inside the game files and make a new text file called "autoexec.cfg", in it insert the following text:
bs_nocard_weaponslot 8
bind KP_END "changelevel cd_map_001"
bind KP_DOWNARROW "changelevel cd_map_002"
bind KP_PGDN "changelevel cd_map_003
bind KP_INS "changelevel bs_map_p001"
bind KP_5 "disconnect"
bind KP_HOME "bs_card_show"
bind KP_PGUP "thirdperson"
bind KP_UPARROW "firstperson"
This will unlock the following:
>1) All classes have all 8 weapons unlocked by default
>2) Able to use a simulation of the card reader by hitting numpad 7 when asked to insert the card, not very functional at the moment but you can make a new card with it and go through the motions
>3) Able to switch between any one of the three available maps by hitting number pad 1, 2 or 3 when a match loads. It'll carry over the same conditions of the last match you launched, so if you're playing a team battle it will remain a team battle, a single battle will remain a single battle. Do not use when launching practice mode (Although you can load the practice stage by hitting numpad 0 if you get stuck, or just quit the match)
>4) Ability to quit the match at any time by hitting numpad 5
>5) Switch between third person and first person by hitting numpad 8 / 9
Have fun!
Shouts to http://8ch.net/1cc/for this