Yes, I edited segatools.ini file.
I inserted directory path of amfs, option, appdata in [vfs] and also inserted my IP address in [dns].
IP address is from IPv4 address and same address in aqua server tool.
I didn't change other settings in segatools.ini except mentioned above.
Is there anything more that should be modified in segatools.ini file?
Also, I leave my install trial briefly, but I'm not sure if this is right. If something is wrong in install process, plz mention to me!
(In my case, I'm using 1060 graphic card)
0. Download all files from mega link and unzip all.
1. Bring hooker files to BASE version 6.00.00 (I have tried with fchook & kcahook)
2. Create appdata, option, ICF folder in ROOT path
3. Edit segatools.ini file
4. Bring ICF file from _Misc folder, renaming SDBZ_AAV.icf to ICF1
5. Launch aqua server(or miniME) and Run 'start.bat' to start the game