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Tout ce qui a été posté par RIKARIO

  1. Si, es posible pero solo al inglés o al japones.....eso lo logras ingresando al test mode, y para ello la unica forma es usando gameloader all rh......por cierto, sabes como desbloquear los personajes secretos del Kof 2002 de nesica??
  2. x360 pad doesn't work well with the nesica version of Goketsuji Ichizoku (it has issues with axis directions (analog). The only way to solve is using other gamepad or the keyboard.
  3. I have the same files of your game, but in any case, gameloader all rh integrates the keys and the other files that you don't see. I tried with the files too and I had the same results.....and if it's possible to test the game in W10 it will interesting The author is angry for jokes about his "engrish" ...but it's not his fault, he mades great things with this loader and share with everyone, the last thing that he waits is trolling ...........anyway, to solve this you must: -Have Game Loader All RH in his 270 version (This one has not the warning). Then, charge Game Loader Config.exe in any game and config as always. Save and finish. -Now, put the 272 version in any game and open to get the same warning window and close it. - Search TTX.ini located According the O.S: Windows 10, "C: \ Users \ USER NAME \ AppData \ Roaming \ Game Loader All RH \ TTX.ini" Windows XP, "C: \ Documents and Settings \ USER NAME \ Application Data \ Game Loader All RHTTX.ini" -Open TTX.ini with notepad and modify this: [ignore] Warning = Agree After that, don't forget install Game Loader Installer.exe in each game to get necessary files.
  4. I think that is some related with o.s. Anyway, thanks for your help ....I will try these days other possibilities or play only the steam version
  5. I have the orginal dump of the game, the nesys, key files and iDmacDrv32.dll are not necessary because the gameloader all rh integrate them and install the correct version in any case. I tried in every mode with or without these files (Visual c++ update in o.s too). The cap of my files is at the end of my post . The same case here, but in my case includes the graphical issue, the only game that happen this, it's so strange ..............Respect to goketsuji, you must to try with a clean backup of the original dump and try to config again.......other solution can be download a preconfigured dump, uploaded by the user xyr (credist for him):!w7BnSSba!DvH7Pnn7scM7z2p1V7mLAfcIifN1aRvPwU4JEP5yQaY What are your pc specs?? can be related to vcard, or can be some vc++ update needed?? any way, this is my personal config,these are the only things that i moved for goketsuji (the last cap is my yatagarasu game files in response for AYOoOoOB12)
  6. GTX 970 4GB......I don't think that the vcard can be the problem, I tried in a laptop with GTX960m too, and the results are the same.....all nesica and TTX2 games works correctly, the only game that I have issues is yatagarasu for nesica ......In one video of gameloader all rh author, He gets to work the game in W10 even's strange, but I know that I'm not the only with this issue.
  7. Yatagarasu boots for me, but the graphical issue is persistent in every mode (including your settings). But I know that this problem is the same for certain people....compatibility issue I think
  8. Hi, I haven't Goketsuji Ichizoku config because it's a problematic game for work in nesica version (Analog pad issues with X360 controller and other graphical issues). For these reasons I prefer play the Type X2 Version. But in any case, you need the config for nesica, I say it: -Window size tab: Select setting 0 -Loader mode Tab: Select loader mode 6 -Loader Setting 2 tab: Anisotropic Filtering section: only select old (doesn't activate filter) - internal resolution change: enable it and set 2150x1200 in mode 1 (this is for solve a graphical issue) Save and it's all. The pad issue is not solve yet and only happens with x360 pad, if you have other pad possible works correctly.
  9. Thanks for the info, I can observe that you use W 7 and the gameloader all rh in this case....any config in special for the loader?? But I think that the issue is related to compatibility with O.S (I use W 10).
  10. Yes, I could see that yatagarasu use japanase language and you know what happen when O.S doesn't have the language files. The other solution that I saw was replace some files of the steam version for play in english.....but for now, I can't prove it these solutions for the reason that I say in the other post (I have graphical issues and the stages appear in black).
  11. I have some issues with the stages in black with this game, so I couldn't run it well, do you know how to solve it?? what is your config to run it??. The language issue is because you haven't japanase language pack in the O.S (I read it in some forums). Try to install it or you can use the files of the steam version (replace it, but I don't know if work fine in this mode).
  12. Si es para configurar los controles de los juegos taito type x2.....utiliza el game loader all rh, al configurar un juego con ese loader el ttx 2.0 se genera solo y funciona bien.
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