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Tout ce qui a été posté par RIKARIO


    [Help] MKDX Crash

    Remember that certain arcade games are based on PC architecture. In this case, Namco System ES3 need certain requeriments to work on PC: (Standard Requeriments): CPU: Intel Core i5-3550S at 3.00 GHz RAM: 8 GB DDR3 2400 MHz (Revision / 16 GB DDR3 2400 MHz (Revision X) GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 650 Ti (Revision / GTX 680 (Revision X) PCIe 3.0 x16 Output: 1 DVI-I port, 1 DVI-D port, 1 HDMI port I understand in this case, we need a PC with similar or above requeriments of Namco System ES3. You can try to work with other games of this system, for example with tekken 7 or pokken tournament. If one of these games work with your PC, Mario kart must works too. But in other case that both games don't work, the problem can be related with your PC specs.

    Game Loader All Rh

    I tried with different PC and the same settings for GL, but I had the same issues. I think that it's something related with nvidia cards or specific settings on the video driver. ¿Do you have an specific settings for jconfig too?. Thanks for your help.

    Game Loader All Rh

    I can see that GL all RH works pretty well with yatagarasu dump, but I thought that the dump was corrupted (missing graphics and black background) and actually, I have the same issues yet. Is it possible to fix this dump with an specific files from pc version or How can I do to fix it?
  4. I think that in Golden Gun, credits are inserted with "service" button, in the case that you play with jconfig.
  5. I created a mirror link, there are not many links of this game. If anyone need this dump, you can download again.

    Game Loader All Rh

    Hi guys, and thanks for the support in first place , only I have a question, when I used GL All rh with Ultra Street Fighter IV, after two or three minutes of gameplay, the game closes and one frame said this: "time out error (game.exe), waited for two minutes, but the game did not start properly or you are starting a game not supported by game loader". how can I solve it or I shouldn't use the loader for this game? Thanks for the attetion.
  7. I believe that you're trying to config a dump that used a software called "Arcade pc loader". This software use different launchers for config things like video settings and pad settings. Pad_config.exe is part of this software. You can install arcade pc loader or, you can get a "clean dump" of the game and config with the correct launchers (you can read more about this in the Taito type X thread

    Game Loader All Rh

    GL all rh is a frontend that you can use with Taito type X/X2, nesica, sega ringedge and ringwide (teknoparrot) and other arcade the case of teknoparrot you don't need anymore com0com......and if you have installed all vc++ and net framework 4.5 or foward, its good, only don't forget install directx update too. you must use all rh.exe and config.exe inside each dump that you want to play (config.exe for set resolution, graphics, etc)....and all rh.exe is for play with the changes applied.......the installer.exe I think that is necessary use only 1 time and no more (it's for set other files of the loader). If you want more information you should read the first post and ask later if you have problems with a specific game.

    Game Loader All Rh

    Gameloader All RH 300:!sw8w1Yga!lgXdBxeF4qrS8G874yeKJ7w8j618fDONehAi8vAFNL8 Great return of GL all rh
  10. Eso es solo un dump del juego en arcade.....el ejecutable no es apto para funcionar en cualquier va a necesitar de un launcher como teknoparrot para jugarlo......dentro de poco podria salir Sega Lindbergh games don't work yet......but with teknoparrot launcher, I think that we can play it......but probably we must to wait during these months
  11. Right, I have the same issue and I had read something related with a incompatibility between the high resolutions in certainly PC's and the native resolution of these two sega ringedge/ringwide's because these games works with low resolutions, for this reason if you play in full screen mode adjusting to your pc resolution, the crosshair uncoordinate with the mouse cursor.....the best solution for me was using frame full screen with gameloader all rh, the cursor and the crosshair are separated yet, but I only ignore the cursor and move the crosshair around the screen without any problem.....other way can be changing temporarily the monitor resolution according the game using gameloader all rh.....(native res. Sega golden gun=1360 x 768 - Let's go island=1024x600) I tried to change native resolution of the games, but I had other worse issues related with crosshair
  12. Tell me, what is your PC specs?? and don't forget update directx and other vcredits files (you can find it in teknoparrot post).......This game works for me using teknoparrot 1.33 (I haven't tested in new version) and gameloader all rh 296 with certain settings.
  13. wooww do you work this dump without any graphic issues?? you use any special resolution or modified files?? any config or some related with game loader all rh or another loader??.....I tried many ways, but this game boot with several graphic issues.....and I think that i'm not the only that have this problem.......thanks in advance for join the information.

    Game Loader All Rh

    Ooohh dude, is the GL all RH author angry again?? bad thing.....I think that his frontend is great, awesome to use for the loading of these arcade dumps. I don't know if the user Djexpert is the man behind the frontend or I don't know if the author read this forum, but I say, please don't stop with the project or erase the files for a rage moment, other people like me and other users of this community use this great software to play in an efficient way and quality too, personally I admire this work.......but well.......It's incredible that the project can be ended or erase because a little bastard trolls that only criticize the languaje of the author and his translations or the function of the frontend loader.....they are only that....trolls.....there are many around the world and it's easy to find them on the internet unfortunately...calm down and simply ignore it......think about the people that like and support your project.....thanks for all, and please try to load again the files and patches recopilation .

    Game Loader All Rh

    I set your recommended config, but unfortunately the graphic issue persist yet, curiously this is the only game that doesn't work properly, the other games work without any problem......Thanks for your help dude

    Game Loader All Rh

    O.k I show my settings that you said and the root of the game. In any case, I like know what is your config for this game. Thank you.

    Game Loader All Rh

    Right...... I use W10 RS3 x64 too but in spanish......but my graphic card of my desktop is Nvidia you use Intel HD graphics too??, I believe that is related with the graphic chipset. Thanks for the support.

    Game Loader All Rh

    Hi everyone, I see that many people got solve issues related with this loader in this topic, and I think that is a great loader for taito x-x2, nesica and other arcade games, I have play all them except one.....yatagarasu for nesica.......since long time I have some issues with the stages and backgrounds in black with this game, so I couldn't run it well, do you know how to solve it?? is it necessary and specific config to run it? ( I tried with the Hd patches and I tried in all loader mode, but I have the same result). Thanks for the attention.

    Game Loader All Rh

    I saw your images in the last post, and I believe that is because your config for bezel options. Try to config in "other3" tab, "BG image" section and position of PNG: H=1 and V=0 (write the number in the blank).
  20. I think that some nesica games work in certain pc systems, and other doesn't work correctly. In my case Goketsuji works with the internal resolution to 2150x1210 and loader mode 6, but I have problems with the x360 pad (analog sensitivity problems), for this reason I prefer the taito version, I haven't any problem with it........the only that I couldn't work was yatagarasu (graphical bugs and dark backgrounds), and I can see that other people can play it without problems.
  21. O.k, In my case, for Samurai Shodown sen Nesica, I use game loader all rh (last version), in loader mode tab, I set in 6. In loader setting 1, you can set the english language if you want. For save fix, hd mode and blood on you can download this patch Replace game.exe in the folder of the game (backup the original game.exe).....don't forget update Visual c++ and directx software if you use windows 7 or 10.
  22. Do you use any loader for play nesica dumps?? I recommend use game loader all rh for set these games without any problem. In first place, try to update directx and visual c++ files (2005 to 2017), download gameloader all rh from this post: For save problems, try to use this loader file Use the loader save file with gameloader all rh. Actually this is my order file for this game and works correctly
  23. It's possible to change the save folder location, I use game loader all rh for this game, and save the data in the sv folder of the loader inside the game folder. The only condition is change the rootpath in the config.txt file of the game and set "sv/" in each savepath. I give you my config.txt of my game if you need guide and see how to set it. config.txt

    Game Loader All Rh

    Thank you for the info , the forum needed one topic like this. I hope that serve for solve the issues that we can find during the gameplay using this awesome loader.
  25. Entonces aqui te adjunto los sv que tengo de ambos juegos en inglés, espero que te sirva. kofnesica sv english.rar
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