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Tout ce qui a été posté par kanor

  1. Exactly. When it comes to DDR A/A20, what's more important is that all the latest songs are there and playable; "Events" is just secondary.
  2. Oh, DDR A. It depends on the build date, and what songs are supposed to be listed as "Extra Exclusive" on that date. That's why @B4SH-T said in his comment: Whether DDR A or DDR A20...some songs are supposed to be "locked" as of a certain "date." So if you "force-unlocked" a song already, then it won't show up under "Extra Exclusive" anymore. Here, based on the article I shared earlier: So...your "latest DDR A data" is that case, I would assume Endymion is already a regular song and no longer "Extra Exclusive." Also based on the above quoted article, this therefore confirms @B4SH-T's statement that the Endymion "Extra Exclusive" is found only in the 2018 DDR A build/data.
  3. Correct. Orca and Splash Gold are the latest two remaining "Extra Exclusive" songs (before the COVID-19 Lockdown). You can't have a regular playable song also listed as "Extra Exclusive" (it's called "Extra Exclusive" because it means that the song should ONLY be playable during "Extra" Stage). Since you already unlocked those two songs permanently (playable as regular stage), then they will not show up under "Extra Exclusive" anymore. So following that logic, you will no longer see an "Extra Exclusive" folder. If/when Konami decides to "downgrade" a song to be regularly playable, then it will no longer show up in "Extra Exclusive." There had been quite a handful of songs that used to be "Extra Exclusive" but are now "downgraded" to regular stage songs (as I have mentioned earlier, Vanquish The Ghost and Love You More are some examples). EDIT: I don't think 20190422 is the last update before. EDIT #2: screenshot from the article I linked. Orca released March 20, 2019. Followed by Splash Gold in July. So if you unlocked both of them "permanently," then logically they will no longer be listed under "Extra Exclusive."
  4. Hello, "How to unlock" meaning the way it's done in a real arcade cabinet? If a song is under "Extra Exclusive" it means it's playable only in Extra Stage (hence the term "Extra Exclusive"). It will only be unlocked "permanently" when Konami decides to (eventually in later updates, Endymion was permanently unlocked). Other examples of songs that were initially released as "Extra Exclusive" that were eventually unlocked "permanently" are: Love You More Vanquish The Ghost There's a whole article/guide about it which you can read online: My understanding is, if you perform this hex edit, then the songs in the said event should already be permanently unlocked, so that "event" should no longer appear...isn't that the case? I mean, that's what the description says ("Ignore event data"). And yes, you should "earn" nine (9) "stars" ("orbs") as a requirement to "unlock" the "Extra Exclusive" section (at least that's how it is in a real arcade cabinet). Since you mentioned that you already had Orca and Splash Gold permanently unlocked (as in playable like regular stage songs), then there wouldn't be any more song under "Extra Exslusive" to play. Hence, it makes sense that there will no longer be an "Extra Exclusive" folder/section showing up during "Extra Stage." At least that's also the same behavior in a real arcade cabinet (in the sense that songs that used to be "Extra Exclusive" and eventually converted to regular songs, don't show up anymore in "Extra Exclusive" folder during "Extra Stage"). In my build of DDR A20, Splash Gold is permanently unlocked but Orca isn't, so whenever I qualify for Extra Stage, I see the "Extra Exclusive" folder but only Orca is listed. This build is a 2019090300 build and then I manually updated via the 2020020300 patch. I remember downloading and installing your build (the one with a MEGA link that expired at the end of May 2020). I do remember that build as having both Orca and Splash Gold permanently unlocked as regular playable songs (yipee!). Then I performed the "fix crash at card screen" hex edit. So during "Extra Stage" I see only the KAC section/folder. I believe that the Ichika Event follows the same logic (e.g. an "Event Unlockable" song should disappear from the corresponding "Event" folder if it is already permanently unlocked), and is the same behavior in a real arcade cabinet (I'm speaking from actual experience playing the game, by the way).
  5. Hello, In the real arcade/cabinet, you can't. That's how it's designed. Since this is (supposedly) a "true copy" of the real arcade, then it would/should follow the same behavior of the real arcade/cabinet. Although you can press your assigned key for "Service Menu" and then select "Game Mode" to start all over to the main screen.
  6. Hello, As per official webpage:
  7. Ah. I thought so. Someone made a "modified/revised" version/build of Butterfly that allows you to save your progress/scores, here. Also based on what you're saying it looks like you haven't configured an "e-Amusement card" yet. I recorded a video walkthrough with the intention of helping others as well to get their game set up as smoothly as possible, here.
  8. It sounds like your game is set to "Free Play" mode. Paseli is really not available in this mode. Go into the Service Menu and check in the "Coin Options" if "Free Play" mode is turned on.. For being able to save your scores, you need to be running the "revised" or "modified" Butterfly Local Server. You also need to configure an e-Amusement card. I recorded some videos of the installation and set-up process; you may want to download and watch those videos for reference, here..
  9. Hello, When you type the main command, you should be presented with the syntax (how to use) for extracting and packing: C:\Games>arcutil.exe arc utils, v0.2 extract: arcutil.exe <x> <filename> pack: arcutil.exe <p> <filename> <dir to pack> So based on this, the command to (re)pack is: arcutil.exe p filename.arc thefoldercontainingthefilestobepacked
  10. Hello, Thank you; I learned something new. As mentioned in my previous post I am not a programmer by education (I have learned how to program GUIs with AutoIT as a hobby). I do get by with enough time and effort reading over the Internet, but of course a little guidance from someone really knowledgable will always be appreciated. Thanks once again!
  11. Thanks for sharing! Can you describe the process behind it (I want to learn how to do it too)?
  12. Sorry about that; I edited my post now.
  13. Hello everyone, Has anyone of you noticed that the timing becomes a little "off-sync" when switching from "Blue Cab" to "Gold Cab?" The "Blue Cab" setting seems to have a more accurate timing. EDIT: Okay I figured it out now. As per this post : So I had to do a hex edit for 0x1cb90. I'm not a programmer so I just used a little effort for reading, intuition, and trial-and-error. Here's exactly how I did it (sharing with you guys): So the instruction says to enter a "DWORD" (expressed in milliseconds). The default "hex" value is 69. This "hex value" of 69 has an equivalent/translation in "decimal" form, which is 105. So by intuition, I assumed that this means 105 ms sound offset. I exited the game (GOLD CAB version!) and went in to adjust the sound offset. Let's say I wanted to adjust the sound offset from the original 105 ms, to 100 ms. Using Windows Calculator (in Programmer Mode) or some other Programming Calculator, I entered "100" in the "decimal" form. The equivalent/translation in "hex" form is 64. So this is the number I would type to replace the default value of 69. Save the changes to the Hex Editor. I started the game again and played the same song. i observed for any changes in the timing/sound offset. I was still not satisfied with the adjustment. I felt that 100 ms was still "off" in terms of timing; I was still "too slow" to the beat. I repeated Steps 2 and 3 until I found a "sound offset" value that seemed to be most accurate (to my perception). The value that I found was 85 ms (hex value of 55). So this is the value that I settled with. I replaced the original hex value of 69 with 55 and then saved the file. I ran the game again and was finally satisfied with the timing. Tips: Test your timing/offset using the same audio device; don't keep on changing audio devices in between tests. Based on my personal experience in testing, the "perfect offset" for my 3.5mm jack speakers (plugged at the back panel of my PC) is different from that of my 3.5mm jack earphones (plugged at the front panel of the PC) and also different from that of my USB headset. They each have different "latency" so make sure you test only with the same audio device. Test your timing/offset using the same song or same set of songs so that it will be easier to compare the results. Use screenshots (Prnt Scrn button/key on the keyboard)! And then organize your screenshots into folders to make it easy to compare later on. Label your folder with the "offset value" you used for each set of screenshots. Also when labeling, indicate what audio device and what socket/plug/jack you attached the said audio device. This is so that you can take note of the "perfect offset value" for each of your audio devices and it will be easier to hex edit the gamemdx.dll file whenever you switch audio devices. When testing, enable "Fast/Slow" so that you will know what kind of adjustment you need to make. If you keep on seeing "Slow" (or if you screenshot of song results is showing too many "Slow" marks) then it means the arrows are moving early, so when you are hitting the keys/arrows/pads (in their supposed timing) you are getting a "Slow" rating. What to do: adjust to a higher offset value to make the arrows move late (increase the delay). If you keep on seeing "Fast" (or if you screenshot of song results is showing too many "Fast" marks) then it means the arrows are moving late, so when you are hitting the keys/arrows/pads (in their supposed timing) you are getting a "Fast" rating. What to do: adjust to a lower offset value to make the arrows move earlier (decrease the delay). Finding the "perfect offset/sync" for your audio device is a "trial-and-error" exercise/task. Try to adjust in 5 ms. increments first and when you feel you're close to getting the "perfect" value for your audio device, adjust it in smaller increments (e.g. 1 to 3 ms.). NEW! (06.28.2020): some hex editing programs have the ability to display values as "DEC" format so in this case, simply switch to "DEC" so you won't need to use a calculator anymore. Hope this helps!
  14. EDITED/UPDATED (updated to stay aligned with the edits done on the quoted post)
  15. Hello, Please refer to this post. Basically you will need to perform a "hex edit" on a file (the file is gamemdx.dll) so you'll need a Hex Editor program for it. I personally tested and can confirm that this set of hex edits will work on both the gamemdx.dll of the 2019090300 data dump and the 2020020300 data dump.
  16. Hello everyone, First of all I would like to thank you for the work you have done in getting the game to work and even trying to write a tutorial. I appreciate it. I read through the entire thread (from Page 1) without skipping any post/comment and tried to understand it as much as I can, before I actually installed the game. As a result, my installation was near-flawless. Again, thank you. As a tribute to the work you have done and this will also serve as my contribution to the forum, I created some videos based on commonly-asked questions. As I read through the entire thread, I noticed that most of the questions so far are based on some steps during the installation, some technical issues encountered, etc. I believe and hope that a video walkthrough will address these commonly-asked questions. As the saying goes, "A picture is worth a thousand words," so what more a video, right? Installation Process (Start to Finish, 2019090300 Dump) (Post Install) Changing Settings in Butterfly Database (Post Install) Hex Editing for DDR A20
  17. As a follow-up to my previous response to you, can you send a better screenshot of your folder contents? I can't see it clearly so I am a bit limited to troubleshooting your issue. I need detailed information so that I know how I can help; it's very difficult to guess/assume. JAA vs. AAA J:A:A or A:A:A changes the "locality" of the machine whether it's Japan or Asia. Therefore, whether you choose "J" or "A" does not affect the installation of the game. I have personally tested running the game as Japan ("J") and as Asia ("A") and both will work. I have also personally tested installing the game as J:A:A and A:A:A and both settings installed fine without problems. The most prominent difference between a "Japan" cab vs. an "Asia" cab (aside fromi the default language - obviously Japan will default to Japanese language and Asia will default to English language...BUT you can change this in the Service Menu) is the ability to use "PASELI" (like virtual coin/token in Japan that you use to play purchase it with real money). So if you set your DDR A20 dump as "J" then it will emulate a "Japanese" DDR cabinet or as if the cabinet is configured to use PASELI. You can "add" more PASELI through the service menu. Java If you have multiple Java versions installed and the lower Java version was installed first, your computer will use the lower version. As a result, the "modified" Butterfly will not run. You can uninstall the lower Java version and maintain only the latest version (Java 11 as you said). can keep both, but you need to change the Java 11 as "first priority." You can do this by: Right-clicking on "My Computer" (or "This PC") then Properties. Select "Advanced system settings." A dialog box will open. In the dialog box, go to "Environment Variables." Another dialog box will open. At the bottom part of the dialog box, look for "Path" and double-click it. Inspect and see whether your Java 11 is at the "top" of the list (or at least on top of the lower Java version). You can press "Move Up" or "Move Down" buttons as necessary. Press OK/Apply. To be sure, open a Command Prompt and type: java -version You should see Java 11 (in your case). In my screenshot below you see Java 14, even if I have both Java 14 and Java 8 installed.
  18. I have just noticed your ea-config.xml screenshot and it says "A:A:A." Isn't it supposed to be "J:A:A?" That's how it is originally written when you download the entire game package from scratch. Can you send me a bigger picture of your folder contents? I can't see it clearly. For reference, this is how a fresh 2019090300 folder looks like. The files encircled in red can be deleted IF you are going to use spicetools, because instead of "config.bat" and "config.exe" you will be using "spicecfg.exe." And then instead of "launcher.exe" you will be using "spice.exe." And then instead of "maint.exe" you will be using the Butterfly local server. The "revised Butterfly" was created using Java 11, so you need to have Java 11 (or higher) installed. Did you have Java installed? What version?
  19. Hello, Edit: the screenshot of your folder is too small for me to see. I think I did recognize the "spice.exe" and "spicecfg.exe" files there. So in that case, the proper launching command settings/options that should be in your Batch file should be: start spice.exe -H 333554432 -K blah blah blah blah blah blah... Then use the "16" file when launching the game. Remember to configure your keyboard/dance pad using "spicecfg.exe" first! TIp: alternatively, the "launcher command" that we are talking about (the one to type in the Batch file) can be configured directly via "spicecfg.exe" in the "Options" tab. That's how I had mine set up. So I don't use a Batch file anymore; I just double-click "spice.exe" (again, thats' AFTER configuring the launch command options via "spicecfg.exe" in the "Options" tab!). But for now, just do it via the Batch command. You can do it the same way I do when you're more familiar with it.
  20. Hello, So I noticed that the "Judgment" is in the "BACKGROUND" ("Judgment" = the flashing Marvelous/Perfect/Great with the combo number) even after editing the database as per the process outlined by @FeelTheXtasy here. I usually play with the "Judgment" in the "FOREGROUND." Apparently, the said setting can be "hard-coded" or "forced" by by editing the actual gamemdx.dll file instead of just the database. As per the post by @petje here which was initially shared by @hipo_loco here: Force Background Judgement - 0xa1860 : 8B 41 -> 31 C0 Upon inspection of the gamemdx.dll file, I can confirm that currently it is set to "Force Background Judgment." I therefore edited the said file and reverted it back since there is no longer a need to "force" the said setting. Attached is the "reverted" version of the gamemdx.dll file.
  21. Hello, Rivals as in "real-data" rivals from e-Amusement website? or rivals as in "made-up" rival data (just like our own "card")? From:
  22. Hi, As per 5-2002-2403 What is it? Unauthorized. The server is rejecting your PCBID. How do I fix it? Check that there is a valid PCBID in ea3-config.xml. If that's a bit technical for you, simply repeat the installation process outlined in Page 10. Much easier to solve it that way. Here's the post containing the installation process:
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