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  1. If ur playing the game on ur main computer chances are u got a lot of background processes like antivirus, browser tabs, torrent, chat apps, etc. These things that run in the background may cause spikes in CPU or RAM usage and will cause occasional stutters. Best to get a cheap/older computer that will be ur dedicated computer for playing the game. DDR ain't power hungry anyway.
  2. Cuz the software is programmed to to determine the Cabinet Type of official hardware Then it makes the adjustments automatically The game can't determine the Cabinet Type cuz we are using unofficial hardware so it will default to an SD cabinet type That's why we have to manually hack it using hex edits
  3. Hmmm... This ain't no clean data, it's a Frankenstein package songs are conversions not original data rip DLLs are from previous updates ...but good job nonetheless
  4. I see, looks like you haven't been here for long. Those "spam messages" used to be very helpful messages but he wiped them out and replaced with that message.
  5. That's what I actually said: it won't work. It doesn't work that way that you load an October-dated DLL to a September set of patches.
  6. Chill bruh, not sure how long u'v bn here to know @topet2k12001 but that guy is awesome. Don't hate. This is his thread anyway. Too bad that's the only part u saw abt him. Was one of the most helpful and skilled guys I've seen.
  7. Lol...I hope u realize ur reacting to a post dated in 2020...
  8. Oh my God. Of course loading an October DLL to a September patcher won't work. It doesn't work that way ever. Not sure who gave ppl the idea that it can work like that. Oh my God again. Dunno where you got that info but y'all know that u can do right-click->Inspect Source to see the details of what a patcher does. And then you can compare them against each other Left: xinrin RIght: Lupinthidr They're the same.
  9. Ya but don't expect them to work as event songs anymore if you do that. This is another obvious way to tell if the data is clean or tampered.
  10. ...and this is the reason why I said in another previous post that it's actually pointless to clean the DLL if you're just going to forcibly unlock the unlockable songs. Cleaning the DLL brings everything back to their original state. You can manually unlock the songs straight from within startup.arc if you want. Or...simply "port" the songs (add them back) to the previous working update - which is what @Curilang and his friend SchneiderAFX already did, here. AFAIK only @topet2k12001's fork of butterfly is developed enough to fully and properly support in-game events of DDR. I'm pretty sure MonkeyBusiness and Asphyxia are capable of doing that too, but nobody is developing them actively.
  11. Nothing strange there. People are forgetting..."clean" means "everything in its original state" = songs that are supposed to be locked, are locked.
  12. Fixing the DLL without a server that supports the Galaxy event will be just a waste of time and effort If y'all just wanna play the newest songs just port 'em to the previous update build and force unlock those songs The "troll" mods are random bastardization of the's not like those are "features" that qualify being added to those patchers lol...
  13. Cleaning up the DLL is only half of it. Y'all know that the server ur using needs to support whatever event. Y'all know that only @topet2k12001 and friends working on butterfly can make this happen. Too bad he got pissed with all the leaks. This was a very nice thread back then.
  14. Dude read the announcement. It will answer your question.
  15. The answers you are looking for are already in this thread; you will just need to read.
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