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Tout ce qui a été posté par Tremolux

  1. Reaver said they need to create their minime version in order to achieve this, don't know how much work it represents but I'm affraid it's not anytime soon...hope I'm wrong, though...
  2. Je ne sais pas, j'ai juste vu une photo sur le Discord de tp...
  3. Merci pour cette précision J'espère que la sauvegarde fonctionnera sur la v2.30
  4. Version two is great, congrats on your efforts for recreating this effect in Hypseus 200 is my favorite value for the -min_seek_delay argument, this is spot on !
  5. I love your Mad Dog McCree remastered version ! I've always wondered why Mad Dog II does not look as pristine (at least to me) ? Maybe the sources are different ? But this new remaster looks stunning, very promising ! Thx for your work
  6. Many many thanks, great job once again !
  7. @Karis Man, you know what you"re talking about, that's amazing !
  8. I'm affraid you won't like it because of the blong girl's weird eyes
  9. Didn't know this "typing" games until recently, this is crazy !
  10. Oh yes, sorry ! Will PM you
  11. Yeah lol Next step would be learning how to display correctly the Singe 2 overlays I guess...but I'm affraid it's beyond my capacities for now !
  12. That's kind from you, thx ! I think I managed to fix the overlay issue First I've deleted all .png files from Who_shot_johnny_rock_Singe_2\Overlay folder then copied/pasted the Daphne Singe .png in there. Then I've deleted these lines from Who_shot_johnny_rock_Singe_2\Script\globals : sprNUM = nil; sprNUM = {} sprNUM[0] = spriteLoad("Who_shot_johnny_rock_Singe_2/Overlay/num0.png") sprNUM[1] = spriteLoad("Who_shot_johnny_rock_Singe_2/Overlay/num1.png") sprNUM[2] = spriteLoad("Who_shot_johnny_rock_Singe_2/Overlay/num2.png") sprNUM[3] = spriteLoad("Who_shot_johnny_rock_Singe_2/Overlay/num3.png") sprNUM[4] = spriteLoad("Who_shot_johnny_rock_Singe_2/Overlay/num4.png") sprNUM[5] = spriteLoad("Who_shot_johnny_rock_Singe_2/Overlay/num5.png") sprNUM[6] = spriteLoad("Who_shot_johnny_rock_Singe_2/Overlay/num6.png") sprNUM[7] = spriteLoad("Who_shot_johnny_rock_Singe_2/Overlay/num7.png") sprNUM[8] = spriteLoad("Who_shot_johnny_rock_Singe_2/Overlay/num8.png") sprNUM[9] = spriteLoad("Who_shot_johnny_rock_Singe_2/Overlay/num9.png") Finally, I replaced function drawScore() code in Who_shot_johnny_rock_Singe_2\Script\manage with the Daphne Singe code (I'm pretty sure copying entire manage folder from Daphne Singe and paste it in Who_shot_johnny_rock_Singe_2\Scrip would work too and is a faster method) Now I can play with my 1440x1080 vid with original Daphne Singe overlays with no issues and no frame mismatching ! Edit : since you solved the crosshair offset issue, do you still need my 1440x1080 .m2v file ?
  13. Ah Ah !!! I can't get any credit for it, as you said before there aren't many options in Topaz to tune these things so I guess it was pure luck Will not happen anytime soon, I'm affraid ! I an absolute noob But I will try something, will let you know if that works ! Thank you for making this possible, this is amazing !
  14. I'm aware of this frame drop issue when using Topaz thanks to DarkVoid who is a friend and told me about Hypseus recently I understand that converting multiple .m2v files from the original Daphne Singe games can result in such frame loss that it could be problematic and broke the game eventually. But in my case only one file is converted and I know sometimes one frame is mising but not much. My 1440x7080 .mp4 has the exact same frame count as the original Singe 2 .mp4 (60080) and so has the .m2v converted with FFmepg. So to me it's not a bad conversion with frame mismatching. I assume that if it was the case, the problem would not be solved using Singe 2 code with Hypseus. Maybe it means that when you want to use converted .mp4 from Singe 2 with Hypseus you also need to use Singe 2 code. Yep, Karis told me about that because at first I wanted to use my upscaled .mp4 with Singe 2 obvioulsy...but overlay was all messed up. So I was very happy when I discovered that it wasn't the case with Hypseus (Karis found it astonishing btw). But since you visibly need to use Singe 2 code in conjunction with the converted Singe 2 .mp4 in order to have the game working perfectly in Hypseus, I guess I have no other solution than learning and trying to figure out how all that crap works Thanks for your help !
  15. Just noticed that when using original Singe 1 code with Singe 2 vid converted, you can see the blond girl very quickly just before the town's map appears, wich is not normal obviously... Using SInge 2 files (code and graphics) solve the issue (game acts as it should) but now the overlay is messed up...
  16. What can I say ? You're a master, period ! Crosshair offset issue solved with new exe on 1440x1080 and still working on 720x480 -x 1920 -y 1080 works too with both res, simply amazing
  17. Just to be clear, it's not a 4k vid but 1440x1080 So tried -x 1280 -y 1080 but did not solve the offset issue
  18. Oh ok, I didn't know that ! Explains it all...
  19. Yeah, I assume someone would already have figured out how to do it if it was possible...the problem is that the motor sound was generated by the computer, right ? So I guess you need to emulate a specific board or something like that ?
  20. Uploading is WIP but on uptobox, I don't have a MEGA account, hope you don't mind. Thank you but YOU are the genius here ! I'm so glad you solve the crosshair offset issue with 720x480 res The sinden argument is such a nice touch Karis did an awesome job on his HD version of Mad Dog McCree for Singe 2 and I know he has another surprise for us he will release soon but I have a better overall experience with Hypseus so far. Plus, if I'm not mistaken, Hypseus supports Daphne games and I can't wait to try Astron Belt and hopefully someday, thanks to you guys, we'll be able to have sound in GP World !
  21. All right ! Yes, this is absolutely this ! Just changed original .txt to johnnyrock.txt and edited as is : . 0 cdrom/johnnyrock.m2v Edit : will upload the converted video but it may take a while I have a poor bandwidth... For now I've converted my 1440x1080 .mp4 with this command line : ffmpeg -i .\johnnyrock_2.25x_1440x1080_alq-10.mp4 -an -qscale:v 0 -b:v 53800k -vf scale=720:480 -codec:v mpeg2video .\johnnyrock.m2v And it works good, no crosshair offset issue ! (strangely enough the image looks quite as good as the 1440x1080 version )
  22. Here it is ! But I can't see anything related to the crosshair offset issue hypseus.log
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