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gazdaman a gagné pour la dernière fois le 1 juin 2020

gazdaman a eu le contenu le plus aimé !

Profile Information

  • Hardware
    i5-9400F, Nvidea 1070 GTX

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Newbie (1/14)

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Réputation sur la communauté

  1. Anyone interested in playing Chase HQ 2 in HD on Teknoparrot? After some trial and error I got working settings with no glitches that I have noticed: Using Openparrot v1.0.0.219 (latest) Settings below(In text format and screenshot): Using DGVoodoo v2.63.2 (latest at time of posting) General settings: Output API: Direct3D 11 (feature level 11.0) Full Screen Output: Default Appearance: Full Screen Miscellaneous: "Keep window aspect ratio" and " Capture mouse" checked All other boxes unchecked DirectX Settings: Videocard: GeForce FX 5700 Ultra VRAM: 256 MB Texture Filtering: Force Antriscopic 4x Resolution: 1920 x 1080 Disable Mipmapping: Checked Antialaising (MSAA): 4x All other boxes unchecked Copy the following files from dgVoodoo to the root game rom folder (DLLs must be x86 versions): dgVoodooCpl.exe D3D8.dll D3D9.dll D3DImm.dll DDraw.dll dgVoodoo.conf (I create this locally within the game rom folder) Note: x64 DLLs will not work on this game These settings have my NVidea Geforce GTX 1070 discrete GPU loaded at approx. 50%
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