You can find the download for the newest version of aqua right here.
Once you update to the newest version, it should work again.
I don't want to rehost an options folder because people on here are picky about rehosting other's files.
You can find nearly all options files on the main post of this topic, but you need two separate programs:
1. If you live in the US, download a VPN. I use ProtonVPN as it has several servers that you can choose from, and it allows you to skip the 2 hour wait between downloads as long as you switch servers in the VPN every download.
2. For you to extract the Options VHDs, you need to download 7-zip and download a VHD extraction extension for it.
I hope that this has helped.
This seems to be a windows issue? Have you checked what your default audio output is?
On an unrelated note, are we ever going to be able to download a newer version of Chunithm New Plus, or are we going to be stuck with the version that we have indefinitely?
They've been releasing new outfits for Chuni, and I'm sure new songs too, and was wondering if we'll eventually be able to get them.