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    Ryzen 3 5300G + 3200Mhz RAM Dual Channel

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  1. Re-uploaded the latest data using 7zip instead of WinRar to get it <5GB so Mega free tier can download it. Let me know if it doesn't work, don't have Kinect access atm.
  2. Yea that's what I meant, I don't run it at the same time.
  3. I don't run Kinect Studio. Maybe Kinect Studio is interfering in your guys case.
  4. I had the same problem with my laptop with intel integrated graphics. Didn't have the issue with my Ryzen 3 5300G integrated graphics desktop.
  5. Yea I know, but it's running on a PC on my end ultimately and was wondering if my PC had any other cool Kinect applications. Also, I get frame drops if I don't disable wifi. No idea why.
  6. Any other PC games that use the Kinect besides this one?
  7. This is a beautiful game, even if its forced to 720p. Anyone know a way to force 1080p?
  8. This is an arcade game originally running on Windows 7 embedded. And it works with any newer versions of Windows, thankfully, including 11.
  9. If you are playing on Windows 11 using AMD Ryzen CPUs, make sure you install the performance patches so you don't get random frame drops. I've found that this game is particularly sensitive to the bug. One patch is in Windows update, the other is a chipset driver.
  10. mega link works. I just tried it and it has the latest data so far.
  11. It definitely won’t work with the one that looks like the Xbox One one. Kinect is not backwards compatible. The one that looks like the 360 one would probably work though, since it probably is just a different plug.
  12. Does this still work if I upgrade to Windows 11? EDIT: Works fine on 11. Make sure you install the 2 performance patches if you use AMD Ryzen CPUs.
  13. Tried with a Ryzen 3 3200G (iGPU) with single channel memory. 1x8GB. Got as low as ~40 fps in songs with lots of particle effects. Average 55 fps. I imagine using dual channel ram like 2x4GB or more would give you 60 fps. Lots of online benchmarks show nearly doubled fps that way with ryzen APUs. I was testing fps on the sample gameplay that plays when idle too long in the menu. EDIT: Ryzen 3 5300G with 2x4GB ram is rock solid 60 fps regardless of the particle effects happening. GPU at 60% load. Guess the dual channel doubled the performance. Probably any Ryzen APU can handle it with 2 sticks of ram.
  14. Couldn’t get HDMI audio to work on any laptops with intel graphics. HDMI audio worked fine on AMD iGPU desktops.
  15. What's an omnimix?
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