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NoctsRanun a gagné pour la dernière fois le 18 novembre 2024

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Réputation sur la communauté

  1. If it's an AC forum, it supposed to be related to arcade data not SM.
  2. startup.arc has a serious issue with their song levels. Every other songs were defaulted with "255"
  3. Sigh....just let them have it.... Everything in this package is NOT real.
  4. And if the Konami VPN already fixed, they're all gonna have every BEMANI data posted and leaked?
  5. Yes, they have the Pinky Crush update too quick. Other BEMANI data would cause another procrastination....
  6. Update: 1CC right now has gathered more bloodbath arguments all over again over MDX data.
  7. Nope that's not a clean data and I saw it. That was the Frankenstein package I made, but I wonder did someone reuploaded it....?
  8. Update me when the clean data of 2024112700 - 2025012803 happens
  9. Here's an issue: Since I'm still in October data (2024101500), adding some 4 letter song IDs in the gamemdx.dll will not work just like Rabbit hole (of course a new data due to procrastination is needed to update this). Although the ssqs were clean, but sadly separated due to BPM changes. What I did was creating a backup of their charts from stvi_3 and stvi_5 (came from GP files) to rename them to work....separately. If ever a clean data of 2024112700 - 2025012803 came up, hopefully will be a no problem for us.
  10. And the stagnation for WORLD data is still on and on and on.....until it gets through GALAXY BRAVE. If only she has it, then I hope she would be able to catch up on the 3 builds soon...
  11. Haven't seen someone patching the dll modder for this year then..
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