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Rex2573 a gagné pour la dernière fois le 14 octobre 2021

Rex2573 a eu le contenu le plus aimé !

Profile Information

  • Hardware
    Cpu Amd rYZEN 3 3100
    Video Card Nvidia 1050Ti 4Gb
    16Gb ram DDR4
    OS Windows 10 64Bit

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Rex2573's Achievements


Collaborator (7/14)

  • First Post Rare
  • Collaborator Rare
  • Posting Machine Rare
  • Dedicated Rare
  • Reacting Well Rare

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Réputation sur la communauté

  1. It give in all various versions tested always same error PBC etc maybe it need headphone ti work
  2. Nothing to do .tried various version of METAL GEAR but nothing always the same PCB error....Also nothing to do with STEEL CRONICLE
  3. Forgive me but without a microphone and without connection this game works?
  4. Ok my friend i Will try....and for 5-3600-0100 message that appear after test menu check in Steel Cronicle may you help me please?
  5. It give me 5-1520-0501 error
  6. Hello if possible a preconfigured file with all please?
  7. Thanks a lot my friend..i downloaded It this morning but when i unzip It It give me error..May be an error occured in the download..i ll try again
  8. The strange thing is that other play to him....mah it s probably an pur problem my friend....
  9. Nothing for me my friend....i tried every tutorial and preconfigured files but nothing..It loading but after it return to test menu and does not work....I give up
  10. Have you solved your problem? I have same your problem
  11. I give up...nothing to do..It start but after check screen at server message it return again at Square message relative the game mode
  12. Is It normale that that the voice SERVER MESSAGE give me message Ng and not ok as the other voices? Because after this Check the game loading but after return to square japanese text insetti Coin and credits
  13. Tried but nothing now the game pass the test menu and loading but after a few seconds return to test menu screen
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