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  1. Surement parce que ta voiture n'est pas upgradée, au tout début tu vas à 250km/h. Si tu ne veux pas te taper toute la première boucle du story mode pour upgrader ta caisse au max petit à petit, va cocher "Tune - Force Full Tune" dans Game Settings dans Teknoparrot, fais une course, puis quitte en choisissant "No" après la course (c'est là que TP enregistre la caisse, et qu'il force le full tune), et à partir de là t'auras la voiture upgradée au max.
  2. Les jeux d'arcade tournent presque tous sur une patate. WMMT4-6 (même moteur/graphismes depuis le 4 qui date de 2011) tournent sur un système d'arcade qui date de 2009, et le jeu tourne nativement sur PC, ce n'est pas de l'émulation, donc tu peux le faire tourner en 8K si tu veux avec ta config.
  3. Salut, quelqu'un aurait un fichier teknoprogress.sav après la 1ere loop à partager (idéalement tout début de la 2e, qui aurait sa place dans le 1er post du topic) ? Hi, does anyone have a teknoprogress.sav file after the 1st loop to share (ideally at the very beginning of the 2nd one, which could be added to the first post of this topic)?
  4. There is a bug with the bgm in story mode, it's over and over the last bgm used in time attack.
  5. I don't agree, having controls in a Windows VM allows to manage any kind of controllers and any kind of additional Windows only apps to tweak them. I'm able to use my Fanatec wheel and a third party app to manage the centering spring. There is still a problem with the axis which reach their max value too soon (1/4 of throttle and you're at max). I've not worked on it but if it's not possible to tweak that on the game side (only the center can be calibrated, which makes sense for a fixed hardware), maybe using another app like vJoy to tweak axis (putting the throttle on a shorter axis of a virtual device) will allow to fix it.
  6. Le rival qui file d'un coup n'est pas l'adversaire de la course, c'est souvent le "boss de fin" qui tape l’incruste avant de se barrer pour bien te montrer que t'es encore loin du compte pour le battre (ou plus simplement parce que c'est tiré du manga avec ce perso présent lors de ces événements). Tu peux d'ailleurs arriver à te caler sur sa trajectoire et te faire pousser à des vitesses inatteignables autrement. Ensuite le jeu est tout sauf chiant, le gameplay est top et c'est ce qui se fait de mieux niveau jeu de caisses d'arcade depuis des lustres avec ID. Non seulement toutes les courses sont loin d'être en ligne droite, mais même en ligne droite quand la caisse monte à 340 t'as pas le temps de t'ennuyer. Après forcément si tu regardes un streaming d'un début de partie sans carte avec la caisse mollassonne qui dépasse difficilement les 250, une course sur la wangan toute droite va paraitre ennuyeuse, plus qu'elle l'est réellement en jeu (la seule course vraiment ennuyeuse, c'est la 2e, voiture lente et tout droit). Si tu veux avoir une idée un peu plus précise du jeu, regarde plutôt les vidéos de gars jouant à bon niveau sur la borne avec des caisses maxées, genre SOARS qui semble passer sa vie sur ce jeu ; J'ai du mal à comprendre ce qu'il se passe sur ce forum, il y a un certain nombre d'habitués qui passent leur temps à tout critiquer en jugeant à l'emporte pièce, toujours de manière tranchée voire violente, souvent sans assez connaitre ce qu'ils jugent pour pouvoir se permettre de juger, encore moins pour être aussi dédaigneux, et ce souvent gratuitement.
  7. Maybe you forgot to copy lib/ to /opt/arcade/i686/lib/
  8. Install NVidia drivers :
  9. Maybe you forgot to copy lib/ to /opt/arcade/i686/lib/ sudo mkdir -p /opt/arcade/i686/lib/ sudo cp /lib/ /opt/arcade/i686/lib/
  10. From Linux of course (windows only manages the controller), open a terminal, cd to your WMMT dir, and type the LCPRELOAD command.
  11. Just type the command in your WMMT4 dir, it's the command to launch it. To exit it, you'll have to kill it (Ctrl + Alt + F6, ps -e, kill xxxx on both WMNT4 processes, Ctrl + Alt + F7). If you get the I/O error, try "sudo taskset -pc 0,1,2,3 xxxx" on the VirtualBox process (ps -e | grep Virtu). But in the end, you'll certainly have to switch do VmWare Player, because you'll have massive inputs loss and lag with VirtualBox.
  12. I'm desperate, I've spent most of my evenings since almost one week, probably more than 20 hours in total, trying everything and having all possible problems (things like a bug with 32 bit kernel when there is more than 8GB of RAM, causing huge slow down of write speed to 1-2MB after a few GB, when I was trying to copy/uncompress WMMT4 files...). I've tried a dedicated computer (too slow) and multiboot on my main one, VirtualBox and VMware, Ubuntu 32 bits and 64 bits (unable to install old 32 bits VMware on current 32 bits Ubuntu). If only it wasn't the game/series I "dream" to play to since many years... My lost/laggy inputs problem has been fixed by using VMware. But I've not less than 4 remaining problems : - I can't get my Fanatec wheel to work on the VM, I've installed the drivers, I see the wheel on the gaming devices popup, but if I click on the properties button to open Fanatec's properties page, the wheel disappears... Tried on both my VMs (the VMware one and the VirtualBox one). - VMware crashes after 1 to 5 races. I've played 2 times, both times it has crashed while I was in the menus between 2 races, and of course when the next race starts, I've no control. I've not searched yet, here is the crash log: 2018-01-10T01:16:35.858+01:00| usbArb| I125: USBArb: Closing client, error:11 2018-01-10T01:16:35.858+01:00| usbArb| I125: USBArb: Client 2991 disconnected 2018-01-10T01:16:35.929+01:00| usbArb| I125: USBArb: Target 'vmware-vmx:/home/pinkimo/vmware/Windows 7/Windows 7.vmx' disconnected 2018-01-10T01:16:36.057+01:00| usbArb| W115: USBArb: USBArbReadFileSync: error in read(): Connection reset by peer (104) 2018-01-10T01:16:36.057+01:00| usbArb| I125: USBArb: Closing client, error:104 2018-01-10T01:16:36.057+01:00| usbArb| I125: USBArb: Client 2454 disconnected - I've an integrated sound chip + the HDMI output. I want to use the HDMI output, but whatever default device I select, the game's sound always outputs on the integrated sound chip. I've tried to disable it, by adding some snd_* modules in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf, but for now it disables both or none for all combinations I've tried. - Less important but annoying, I want to disable my monitor to have only my TV, but I've not yet found any way to make it persist after reboot. I've tried several things with nvidia-settings, /etc/X11/xorg.conf, ~/.config/monitor.xml... Concerning the game, there is something really disapointing: it seems we can't switch from one game mode to another without losing the upgrades. So it seems there is no way to go in TA or ghost mode with an upgraded car. So it seems impossible to run on Fukuoka, Hakone or Nagoya (which are not used in the story mode, there is 57 Tokyo + 3 Osaka...) with a car with more than 280HP. A save state feature would not help with that, unless someone finds a way to load this save state (or a "full tune state" for any car we select) on the title screen, when entering in a game mode or when we have selected a car. I've also checked all text files of the game, and I see nothing regarding performance upgrades, so if it's possible to force full tune, unless I've missed something, it won't be as easy as for ID6/7, but maybe through a crack/trainer.
  13. For the libs, at least if you use Ubuntu 16.04: - Download the missing libs which have no good version from apt (I've made this archive): - Extract them and copy them in /usr/lib/ - Install them: sudo ldconfig -n -v /usr/lib - If you're on Ubuntu 32 bits: sudo apt-get install libcg libcggl - If you're on Ubuntu 64 bits: sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386 sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install libc6:i386 libstdc++6:i386 libcg:i386 libcggl:i386 libcurl3:i386 libglu1-mesa:i386 libasound2-plugins:i386 You can check if there is some other missing libs with "ldd WMMT4r". It should be ok, but if there is any missing lib, to find them, you can install apt-file (sudo apt install apt-file, then sudo apt-file update), search for the missing lib (apt-file search, and install the 32 bit version of the most relevant package found (by adding :i386 like above on Ubuntu 64 bits). You'll also have to install NVidia drivers to be able to launch the game: As you'll see with my next message, I really don't have more time right now to make a more complete doc, I've already spent way more time than I had on that, but this step is probably the most complicated (unless you've bad luck like me...).
  14. Yes thanks, that's what I'm expecting I'll try to test that tonight. Do you know if someone is working on a save state feature?
  15. Japanese, but there is nothing complicated, a quick look to the english official site shows the few things to know: - How upgrades work: - What are those golden things appearing from time to time (basically just hit the throttle to pass those screens): - The screen with a red and blue choice ask if you accept challengers, just hit the throttle. And for the test mode, the WMMT3 english doc helps a lot:
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