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Tout ce qui a été posté par ISOHaven

  1. Thanks for that! I kept getting the DVD error. Had nothing to do with a virtual drive, it didn't like my physical DVD at all! I had to physically remove my drive to get the game to work. This fixed it. Bummer about the Nvidia warning. That happened on my 2080Ti. Way too slow to play. But the vertical limit removal is good enough. Can play in 4k with just some slight garbage around the window.
  2. ISOHaven

    Game Loader All Rh

    Yup, that's the one I got. Strania - The Stella Machina Ah well, chalk it up to OS or DirectX incompatibility I guess. Thanks!
  3. ISOHaven

    Game Loader All Rh

    So odd. That didn't help either. I re-extracted the dump and only brought over JConfig.exe and iDmacDrv32.dll (tried v1.5 and v1.7). Setup Jconfig (with and without DSound). Tried WinXP, Win7 and Win8 compatibility mode. It just refuses to bring up sound effects. What version of Jconfig are you using? Thanks, I appreciate you looking into it.
  4. ISOHaven

    Game Loader All Rh

    Ah ok, thanks!
  5. ISOHaven

    Game Loader All Rh

    Strania - The Stella Machina V1.1 Is it normal for this game to be missing the sound effects? I have background music, just no sound effects. Tried with GL/JConfig/NESiCA Same outcome with each scenario. Game plays great. Windows 10 1909
  6. ISOHaven

    Game Loader All Rh

    Weird, so the same exact thing happens no matter what loader I use. GL or JVS. Everything runs fine until I setup any controls. If I go in and rename xinput1_3.dll the game of course works again, but then again no controls. Anyone else come across a game just not liking any form of xinput? The loaders seem to use it no matter what you select in JConfig. It's set to dinput and if I select so much as one keyboard key (exit) then poof, multiple files can crash with xinput. But again, only this game. Edit: And the crashing is definitely specific to that Ragnarok DLL.
  7. ISOHaven

    Game Loader All Rh

    Lets Go Island 3D (Game Loader, JConfig, TeknoParrot) In case anyone else has half ripped out their hair over this game. With TP I could get English but could not get any controls to work properly. With JConfig I could get perfect gameplay but JPN only. No English. Game Loader and JConfig caused nothing but crashes. Probably because they each needed different LGI.exe's. So my complete solution to get this to work was: Add game to TeknoParrot Select LGI.exe as executable Select FreePlay Select UseMouseForGun Leave everything else off Do not setup controller Launch the game within TeknoParrot once then exit. You need to create TeknoParrot.ini in the game folder. Without this you wont get mouse or English (this is probably what's tripping up all the folks in the past in other threads about this game). With Game Loader in the same folder as the executable, launch Game Loader Config (I used 368) Update Rate Tab - Update rate Mouse Cursor Hide - Set to 0 and leave Enabled Save and Close Launch game with "Game Loader All RH.exe" Left Click to Fire Right Click to Start (and Skip) Perfect gameplay, English and 3D is turned off. Also, no need to edit config.ini or data\Fraw\fwDataDB\fwDataDB_AM.txt
  8. ISOHaven

    Game Loader All Rh

    Having issues with Theatrhythm Final Fantasy. Extracted the dump Applied the patch (no errors) Extract GL 368 near game.exe Put JConfig 1.5 (also tried 1.7) near game.exe Put the Ragnarok iDmacDrv64 DLL near game.exe At this point I can run the game. No controls yet. Go into JConfig and setup only the start and coin buttons to my keyboard. Nothing happens in the game. Can't start or add coins. Go back into JConfig and configure start and coin to my 360 controller. Game crashes: MSVCR120.dll caused an Access Violation (0xc0000005) in module MSVCR120.dll at 0033:143ec522. I also get DmacDrv64.dll caused an Access Violation sometimes. Both of those files are crashing witrh xinput1_3.dll Delete all that and try again. Apply patch, extract GL 368 and have it output it's own files. Exact same thing. Take a step back and see what TP does. Extract dump, apply patch. When I setup controls for either XInput or keyboard I get nothing. Can't start the game. The only button/key that does anything is Coin as I can hear it adding coins. Other than that none of the other configured buttons do anything. Can anyone please shed some light as to what's going on with this one?
  9. ISOHaven

    Game Loader All Rh

    Thanks for pointing me in the right direction. Now I got it. As mentioned I tried all the keys. Come to find out pressing these doesn't work. But pressing and holding for a split second work. WTH? All other keys work the instant they are pressed. Same deal on multiple machines. Anyway, got it working. Many thanks for your help this week. With 5 kids on summer break early I'm trying to get a lot of this up and running for them. They got bored with my newly updated MAME 220 set quick. How dare they not appreciate the classics!
  10. I do not understand these 4 games at all. Every single other LD game I have works fine. But these 4 have nothing but problems. I've tried multiple ROM sets, multiple video sets. I even tried the official licensed download via Daphne and unlocking them with my DVDs. They don't work either. My issues are many, the games will randomly pick scenes to play, when I die it'll advance to the next scene (well, any scene really), audio cuts out when actions happen... Are you launching daphne.exe yourself? What command line options are you using?
  11. ISOHaven

    Game Loader All Rh

    Thanks! I missed the text under that changing it to 0. I'm such a dolt. Any idea about the paddles? Game is kind of pointless without them.
  12. ISOHaven

    Game Loader All Rh

    Had a heck of time getting Too Spicy up and running. Looks like I only have a couple issues left. 1. How to use Left/Right paddle? If I specify in TP it gets ignored. Not specified, I tried every button on my keyboard. Nothing triggers it. 2. Anyway to disable the mouse cursor? 3. The top and bottom of the screen are cut off a little. Not a show stopper but a little annoying. Here's my notes on my setup: Setup TeknoParrot to launch - disk0\elf\apacheM_HD.elf Check FreePlay and UseMouseForGun Uncheck everything else Extract Game Loader All RH (all three files) into the elf folder Setup Game Loader: Game Loader Config.exe "Other 3" tab By enabling "portable mode". Run the installer then go back into config. Specify "TeknoParrot" by pressing "Loader setting 1" tab "Select folder" button. In the window mode, set "Monitor resolution" on the "Window size" tab to "1280x768". Update Rate tab, set Update rate Mouse Cursor Hide to 0 and Enable. 9 to add coins (every time you need to add a coin you have to spam the 9 key) 1 to start Left click to Shoot Right Click to Hide and Reload Launch - Game Loader All RH.exe I'd appreciate any help, thanks!
  13. Cool thanks! I am, just in case I come across that again for some other game. I've seen other people reference the "home page" for it.
  14. Got it working fine with TP. However in case I come across this again (as I've seen it before) what exactly do you mean by " From the Gameloader ALL RH front page"? Where is this? I can't find a source for this app. Just random links all over the site to specific versions. Thanks!
  15. Can someone please reup the V3 loader? GL works ok but the mouse is too fast. Does the V3 loader let the mouse work better like launching the game directly? The mouse works much better that.
  16. Thanks for that! I have no clue what I was doing wrong. Even with todays version of TP I could not get this to run at all. Then I went down the JConfig rabbit hole and it kept crashing. I dunno, maybe unzipping it again is what helped the most but you just took all guess work out of it. Cheers mate! EDIT: I was trying to get the bezel working with GameLoader but when I use GL it seems to ignore init.ini??? I get the flip issue, horrible resolution. I told it to use JConfig. Are there any other settings to specify in GL?
  17. Yes, videos are playing. Windows 10 1909.
  18. Thanks for that, that got audio working! For the videos, I had to register the files, whatever that REG file is doing, didn't do the job right. regsvr32 C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ regsvr32 C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ir32_32.dll regsvr32 C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ir41_qc.dll regsvr32 C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ir41_qcx.dll regsvr32 C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ir50_32.dll regsvr32 C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ir50_qc.dll regsvr32 C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ir50_qcx.dll I think only the .ax file mattered but I did them all anyway.
  19. I'm in the same boat. Win10 1909. At first the game crashed with some D3D error. Once I did the supplied fix the game started. I get to the SR3 main logo screen, it says Insert Credit(s) and nothing responds. Wont work for Keyboard or xInput. Run TP as admin or not, same thing. Win 10 1909 TP 194 UI 372
  20. Hum...the only dump I could find for this doesn't have play.exe or play.bat. It has aging.bat and game.bat. The game runs but no xInput support at all. No sound either. The only keys on the keyboard that do anything are F11 which quits the game and END which pops up a message saying Tickets Are Empty Call Attendant. Windows 10 1909
  21. Any English patches for the SFC games?
  22. Was this meant to be played unofficially? It seems to work fine but it's looking for a dongle. ??? EDIT: So it looks like the subst.exe is what's handling the dongle. I ran the bat file and got a couple errors, figured that wasn't for my setup. Now that I dug into the errors it would seem the DLL's tha1t came with the dump are either made or I'm missing some as I get a procedure entry point xxxxx not located in the DLL error. I'll have to figure out what's going on with this subst app. EDIT2: So I grabbed subst.exe from my own Sysem32 folder and now it works. Also found the updated game patch for Win10. Except that one isn't mouse friendly. Almost there but good for now. Might have to bounce this over to my tankstick setup instead of PC. EDIT3: Found the DLL file for the mouse. I was searching the forum for FarCry which brought up only this thread. Searching "Far Cry" was much more helpful. DOH!
  23. Thanks again! That helped a lot. Now the aim is only off by a little bit to the lower right. I'm running the game at it's native default resolution 1280X768 in windowed mode. Edit: Finally got it working in full screen. Using the executables from "HOTD4 game.exe for Game Loader All RH.rar" on my 4K screen I had to use 1920x1080 and select the proper resolution in GL. This gave me a centered fullscreen AND the bullets land on my cursor. I'm curious why packs like that make executables up to 4K? I haven't been able to get any of those to work on any game. I always see a small portion of the game screen, fullscreen on my screen. Are they simply following a standard to output them all whether they actually work or not?
  24. Perfect, thank you! I greatly appreciate it. Mental note, switch back from explicit lyrics when the 5yo wants to play...LOL
  25. Out of the box this game is working great for me. Only issue is I seem to be missing some textures. Every now and then I see a bunch of black objects and a black road. Are there any fixes for that? I'm running a 2080Ti. Same exact textures are missing from or2 and or2g. Only difference I can tell between the two is music but I found it odd the same exact areas were blacked out.
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