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    ASUS 4090 Strix


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  1. ISOHaven

    Circus convoy atari 2600 rom

    That has to be easy enough to strip.
  2. ISOHaven

    Circus convoy atari 2600 rom

    Wow, over 3 years and nothing?
  3. When I said Super Fast I meant full frame rate and butter smooth. No need to frame limit this game. The weirdness continues but in a good way this time. As I mentioned in the other topic, dgVoodoo2 pegs this game at 1080x1920. With that said I could not get anything to work with dgVoodoo2. The best I got was the game running and doing a hard crash so at least I know I was hooking something. Then I stumbled upon ArcCabView which supports Sonic Dash Extreme. I don't know what black magic they're doing with their custom DLLs but after implementing that on my RTX2070 machine (the problematic one) not only is the game full resolution, smack in the center, but with JConfig it runs a lot faster! Not as fast as TP but very playable. Remove all their dgVoodoo files and it's back to running like poo. Put the normal/official dgVoodoo files in place of ArcCabView and right back to a hard crash. So whatever the DLLs are doing that come with ArcCabView it's somehow speeding the game up drastically on this one system. Some how a messed up DirectX install? Shrug. There you have it. If you're having full screen issues and/or major speed issues running Sonic Dash Extreme with FULL resolution on a 4K monitor, set your scaling to 100% and check out ArcCabView. If you don't like the ReShade stuff you can turn that off.
  4. Nvidia Drivers. This just gets more and more weird: RTX4090 + JConfig = Super Fast RTX4090 + TP = Super Slow RTX2070 + JConfig = Super Slow (there's also some weird controller delay, X-Arcade. Zero JConfig problems with any other arcade game I have, just this one) RTX2070 + TP = Super Fast What the heck? I guess I can just use one on one machine and the other on the other machine but also, no matter what I do I can't get this game to play full screen and center on either. It's either window mode or full screen all the way over to the left. Tried in 4K and 1080. 1080 was much worse as it only shows the top half of the screen. Does anyone know the actual resolution of the game? It's clearly not 720X1280 But that top half looks super crisp! EDIT: The reason I'm wondering about the resolution is when I turn off Windowed mode but keep Direct3D9 wrapper on, it crashes. I have to turn that off as well and when I do that the only way I can play the game is at 4K at 100% DPI scaling. Otherwise I can't see the whole game. I only get the top half on the screen. I was wondering if the default DX resolution of 1080 was wrong and that's why it's crashing? EDIT 2: That's one mystery down. TP 664 fixed the slow down on my RTX4090. Something in the exact build I had must have borked it. The only reason I bring it up anyway is it shows that machine build can obviously handle it. So that just leaves why it wont it wont play well on my RTX2070 and how on earth to play this game full screen? Even if I need to throw in bezels or something.
  5. Having a very strange problem with Sonic Dash. When I run this on my 4090 machine it runs perfect. Zero problems. I've seen it ran online with a 1660, again perfect. But when I run this on my 2070 machine is runs like total butt. What's the best way to run this? Desktop resolution? Full screen, windowed? Any ideas what could be wrong with the 2070 GPU?
  6. Thanks for the link, appreciate it! That has a newer date than the one on the JConfig site. Yeah, those still don't work for me. All the ones I tried are pointing to
  7. Is anyone else having an issue downloading from JConfig? The RAR file for Scarlet Dawn for example: This site can’t be reached The webpage .... might be temporarily down or it may have moved permanently to a new web address. ERR_INVALID_RESPONSE
  8. I'll for sure check that out, thanks!
  9. Anyway, back to the topic at hand. Did anyone have any solutions to actually get Daphne to work without audio issues, without hitching, without glitching out of scenes before the choices become up? sirgubster9, hopefully Singe 2 squares you away like it did for me. You can also get all the HD versions of the videos from the same link I already gave you. They look much better than the original LaserDisc/DVDs. Enjoy!
  10. LOL! Yeah, no. Scenes ending or skipping to the next scene before the player choice comes up is not preference. That's called being broken. Same with broken audio. Also Singe <> Singe 2. Not even close. I have never gotten Daphne to work, on any machine. Get Daphne to work on any of my machines then a comparison can begin. Until then saying "preference" to me means nothing when one doesn't work, at all. So let me know if you have any actual input with the problem at hand. Thanks. Luckily all the HD versions of the videos are available in both. You can use whatever video you want with Singe 2.
  11. The random part was my misunderstanding. The game is supposed to play random scenes. But yeah all the other issues are constant problems. The good news is there's a newer engine to play these and it works AWESOME!!! Scenes play properly, no audio issues, no hitching, no playing half a scene then automatically killing you..... The best part is it's filled with awesome features like playing the scenes in order if that's what you want. Check out Singe 2
  12. Interesting. What kinds of settings are you referring to? ReShade is gigantic with all it's many various packages. I typically only use it for borders for Sinden.
  13. 1080p. I noticed in 4K the mouse wouldn't work. It would get stuck in the upper left corner. I have not tried putting my desktop in 1080p. I have 4K screens. I'll give that a shot. EDIT: Ugh, that was it the whole time. So the game AND THE DESKTOP must be at 1080p. Many thanks DarkVoid666 for getting me sorted!
  14. "For christ sake" I "freaking" tried that first and it did the same thing. Once I'm in the game the crosshair is so over the top fast and sensitive that you can hardly even see it. Shooting is impossible. But it's perfectly fine on the selection screen. That's why I moved onto GL. Even if I use JConfig and go into the test menu to calibrate, holding the gun perfectly still, the crosshair wildly bounces all over the place. Yes, gun works perfectly fine in other games, it's not broken. I can't figure out what going wrong at all.
  15. When using Game Loader All RH what are we suppose to set the mouse sensitivity to when using a Siden? The crosshair is fine on the selection screen but during game play the crosshair is bouncing all over the place. I tried: 0/0 .1/.1 1/1 2/2 Nothing works. The mouse itself always works fine. (no to JConfig, every time I try to use it the game crashes when I get into game play)
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