Guys there is no fix if you have Core2Duo or INTEL G3260 etc , this game will not run on 2 cores or 2core/4thread CPU's no matter how fast it is it will get to 100% on both cores before the game can fully load.
You need minimum of 4 cores , even slowest version i5 Quad Core will work, also best to use 128 bit Video card as used in the original arcade hardware ( GTX760) this will stop game slowing down during play.
It will run perfectly fine with 4gb or higher RAM .
Those still getting black screens , this game only runs on 64bit OS ,Win7 or Win10 , you need Visual C++ Redistributable Packages for Visual Studio 2013
.net 1.1 and .net 4.6 packages installed.
If you are having problems , try first running the shipping.exe from inside the \Tekken7\TekkenGame\Binaries\Win64 directory, if game loads to loading screen and then errors that means hardware is good and is ok to test using TP etc .
If you still get black screen then none of the loaders are going to make a difference.
C:\users\(Account name)\ AppData\Local\TekkenGame
This folder is created empty until the game actually fully loads, if it is missing or contains no files it means the game has not loaded fully yet.
If this folder and containing folder and files are missing it will not cause the black screen problem.