Hi! My first post. Many time reading and today I want to tell some tricks which can make usefull for those who still have some problems. Sorry for my engrish!
I am reading from many time ago (but not writing), Thank you to all of those who are always helping to others! Great job to all of you! I was suffering problems with the Game Loader All rh exe and finally I got my solution. In the way I discovered many other important tricks I will comment here.
1.- Game Loader All Rh.exe not runing in Windows 10 64 bits problem - When I was trying to run the Game Loader All Rh.exe windows was closing it only 1 second after launching with no error message. I was thinking it was a virus protection problem (almost I had everything disactivated and excemptions and so else). After 50 days trying to solve it... I found where was my problem. As explained it was not antivirus, wasn't the dump or game as it worked in teknoparrot or Jconfig. Was UNICODE problem. Seems Game Loader uses special Unicode inside the exe and it can be problematic with Windows 10, many people knows about region - language problems between win7 to Win10. OK, There are many games which need specially region/language setting to be ran in Win10, so if you have setted your Win10 for that proposal, you can have issues with Game Loader, almost in my case it was like this. There is a check inside Region - Administrative tools - Change local region settings indicating UTC8 Unicode beta for univerdal compatibility. If you have this check on for other games, you must uncheck it to run Game Loader All Rh.exe and avoiding it crashing. It took me a lot of time until find it... so I wish it can be helpfull for anybody else to avoid losing all the time I lost on it. May be if you have another specific language (like chinese or Japanese can be also realted, I don't know, It worked for me with US english as main language, never tested with other special languages). I was runnig my games with Jconfig and Teknoparrot and never had the option to use Game Loader All Rh until now... so many time ago waiting for this miracle and finally happen.
2.- Jconfig and Xbox controller issues. Dor those who still have some uses wiith Jconfig, I can explain I solved some issues with my Xbox one controller config. I had a problem with hat configuration. Xbox controller work only for me in Xinput mode (dinput never worked for me) and once I put on the xinput mode, Xbox controller get crazy moving up/right automatically so I was not able to play if I edit manually and also not able to map (always was maping up for each button I was trying to bind). I solved uploading Jconfig+Idmac32drv-dll to 1.5 version. Some games I hot Jconfig or Idmac32drv-dll in an old version which was not possible to use Xbox controler, but exchanging these 2 files with the 1.5 version I could get it to work.
3.- Dual Monitor problems. For those with 2 monitors connected to Graphic card (I have 1 monitor + 1 VGA adapter) there is a prblem with some games. As you might know, some of them have issues with Resolution and works only in specific resolution (Luigis Mansion as example). I was operating only 1 monitor and setted to 1080p nvidia control panel and so else... but everytime I was tryng to rum Luigis Mansion it was turning my Monitor into 1280x1024 resolution with only a half of display and graphic issues. Same as shown in this video:
Until I did not disconnected the VGA adapter from the computer I could not get it to work. Windows and Nvidia config were in 1080p, nut once the game was launched it automatically rescaled it until 1280x1024 resolution because VGA adapter had 720p as a max resolution, so it was 1280x720 and took the 1280 as the top I think to downscale it. Now is woring in 1080p correctly, but would be nice to find a Luigi 's Mansion Resolution changer or Fix to make it run in 720p (or whatelse). I can Imagine this game is little tricky to change that, but I wish one day can be available to avoid specific rules for only some games.
I apologise if something I wrote is wrong or already explained, I tried to find as much information as I could in these 3 points and never finded the solution until I found by myself.