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  1. I overwrited data 20230920 to 20231219, but I couldn't find password matching in the in-game settings. I was able to suck out the song and jacket data, so I have no problems playing as usual on 20230920's data.
  2. I coundn't find a new function (password matching) in game. (?) But I moved data to 2023092001 base's beyond, so I can play some new songs. I want to need a dll mod patcher. and where did you find new data? I want to know.
  3. Thanks!
  4. Does anyone has beyond updates? (2023101100 or later)
  5. Thanks for uploading. But, when I change the marker setting from default to any others, application must be crashed... (my env only?)
  6. Set display size to 1360x768.
  7. Thanks a lot. But, software always crashes when moving to the total results screen. I don't know why this didn't happen with festo. Are there any plugins that have been tested?
  8. Can anyone decrypt original jubeat's hdd data? I found 2020072701, but it's encrypted. I really want decrypted hdd data of 2020091600 or later... ttps:// The structure of the data may be similar to "Jubeat 3rd Ver China (I44-2012110700) (2012) [UNCRACKED]".
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