Thank you to all parties involved for releasing the user friendly executable! (DDR S.L.U.T.). Just had a couple questions:
1. I ran DDR A.S.S. for Blue A20, but didn't notice any change in song count from the 9/2019 build to this 2/2020 build. Are there any differences? Maybe I didn't run it at the right time? I copied the contents from contents folder to my contents folder, ran DDR A.S.S. then DDR S.L.U.T.
2. I got the game to work, despite getting an error saying "ddrio.dll was not found". Issue either corrected itself later, or I took one of the ddrios and removed the extra in the name to run that one. Just thought I'd make all aware in case they experience the same issue.
3. Now that the game is running on blue A20, I'm no longer needing to click through the 9 unlocks like one of the previous builds (major plus and time saver). Now however, I want to enable darkest filter and fast/slow timing. What needs to be done to get those to work given the current build? Perhaps this could be something to implement in the script for DDR S.L.U.T. for future releases? I saw somewhere buried In the previous posts what hex values to change, but when searching for that line and hex value, they're not located there. Example if the line is 7a80b with value 75 00 8B, value 75 00 8B isn't located at 7a80b. Need to know either A. Where are the locations and hex values needed to enable fast/slow and darkest filter. Or B. Is there a script/program or something that can be ran like in Butterfly to change these settings? After running DDR S.L.U.T., Im now just running spice.exe, blue A20 theme, SD, fullscreen on Windows XP. Some of this info may not be needed, but rather provide more instead of not enough info.
Thanks in advance, And thanks again for the user friendly build!