I got DD up and running on my laptop last night using Jconfig and the "patches" from their website. Since I am using a keyboard at the moment, when you pick a track or boat, or menu, it doesn't seem to translate the digital keyboard button to analog wheel turn to go left/right on those menus. Has this been fixed? Or what options are there?
use wheel (Does this work?)
edit the sadeamon file with hexeditior to pick boat and track that are the pre selected (aka ones in the middle if you didn't touch left/right)?
I have this same issue with H2o as well.
Here was a comment I found about keyboard for wheel
I will also try a xbox 360 wired controller and using what thunderwing said here:
"Luckily a bright spark over at a certain French gaming forum by the name of mamefan2018 figured out that if you just left J-Config in Dinput mode (as opposed to Xinput like you normally would for a Microsoft pad) and then configured your 360 pad the controls worked perfectly. And indeed they now do: X-Axis is now no longer too sensitive and the jump height works correctly, without needing to make any alterations, so hurrah!"