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  • Hardware
    i9 9900k 32gb ram Nvidia 2070 8gb graphics card 2TB harddrive windows 10 pro

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  1. i did have problems making it work again been mucking around with the codecs i downloaded a codec pack that resets codecs to orignal settings tryed it and movies work again .in windows 10 just download shark007 codecs
  2. this game is amazing battle pods star wars
  3. ok well got mine going takes me few hours figuring it out
  4. just install all the codecs you can find trial and error here
  6. i did install this to LAVfilters
  7. purchased a recoil sinden gun yes
  8. may be only got it going on win 10
  9. once downloaded unzipp to the justice league directory
  10. i have this cperfect i have far cry perfect now to i spend hours to get them going
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