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    CPU: Intel i5 9600KF
    GPU: GeForce GTX 970 SSC 4GB
    RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX 16 GB DDR4 3299MHz
    Motherboard: MSI MAG Z390 Tomahawk
    240 GB SSD

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  1. Are you running TP? If so need to run windowed and uncheck the black borders so it is just the game. Aim is fine. I brought this up on discord so hopefully it is resolved “fullscreen.” No big deal as I can add my own bezel. Waiting for the “elevator door” animation. Hopefully soon.
  2. DS should fix the double aiming. Pull up DS GUI. There’s a section where you can select gun. Scroll down and you will see a system 357 setting. Select that and patch for your specific game. Should resolve the double aiming. No need to calibrate in game after that. Can also change button configuration if you want.
  3. In RPCS3, there is a check mark to center mouse when full screen. Can give you erratic movements. Make sure it isn’t checked. I had to do this on both downloads I found as it was checked.
  4. The DSP game I found only had rpcs3.exe with it. Maybe because it was version 0.26. I renamed it to rpcs3-gun.exe and it hooked DS fine. Played several levels with two players and it worked fine. Was going to try it at some point with version 0.27 to see if it made much of difference. Maybe this weekend.
  5. Have both DSP and DE4D up and running. Thanks to everyone for the assistance. Both have stutters but that's a hardware issue. I did change the spu threads number (1) and driver wake up delay (300 us) and that helps quite a bit. Especially for DSP. All thanks to BOJO5150 Will continue to mess around with the emulator settings to see if I can get some better performance out of my CPU.
  6. Ya probably looking at a cpu upgrade. Not anytime soon as not sure it is worth it at this point for a couple games. I did some interesting tests. Ran older version of emu (0.26) and it seems to run DSP better. Definitely more playable. Haven’t tried older emu with DE4D. Likely there is room for optimization within the emulator (yes I know it’s a WIP) before jumping on a new CPU. still can’t get DS to separate player 1 from 2 on DSP. I just need to spend some more time playing with it. overall it is awesome these games are able to be played. Thanks to devs for working on this project.
  7. thanks for response. I have dabbled in RPCS3 optimization but not sure of all the settings. Was hoping someone may have a few ideas. Will try this tonight but was thinking it was ultimately a thread count issue.
  8. Read the topic and the document in detail. Just posting my experience to maybe help others. We do not have the same cpu but was actually looking at your CPU as a possible upgrade. I think my issue with calibration was I started without DS and calibrated. After aim was off I tried to erase cache to reset. Still couldn’t get aim to work. Ended up using in game calibration again and it worked fine. I am probably gonna have the same issue with DSP as I haven’t set up DS yet but did internal calibration. What exactly do I need to delete to reset internal calibration settings?
  9. I have an i5 9600kf overclocked to 4.2 ghz. I get slow downs with DE4D. Played DSP for a bit and it seemed to run well. May be looking at a CPU upgrade in the future. also had some issues getting Sinden calibration going. Couldn’t get things to clear out with cache dumping. If aim is off you can still calibrate in test menu with demulshooter active. Also I found the emulator package I was using had the box for centering the mouse when full screen checked. Took me a bit to realize and uncheck that little bugger.
  10. Thanks for that option. I'll check it out
  11. I am able to change the number on the track select screen but changing the actual number of laps does not work. Always seems to reset the file when I play the game. I am using TP so not sure if that is the problem. Ended up just using the TP settings to adjust the track number. Would be nice to have each track be a different length though. Also had a question about the test screen. I can't get anything to save. For example, the auto acceleration. Would be nice to have this option for the kids playing. Thanks for the help
  12. Thanks for developing this program. I have used some for Sonic dash and Mario olympics and has worked well. Really did not have any issues. Currently focusing on a racing arcade cabinet. Mainly looking to add bezels/scanlines to the various systems. Would be willing to help go through some of the other systems (sega model 2/3, mame, etc or various consoles) if it was needed. I also have TP so could help test getting those games (non racing of course) set up. Again if that is something that is needed
  13. c0nv1ck

    Game Loader All Rh

    Please tell me it isn't so
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