You need to set the cab setting to server instead of client
if you're using that chinese IO you can try editing the code in the start64x file
@echo off
pushd %~dp0
copy /Y segatools_64.ini segatools.ini
start /min inject_x64.exe -d -k chusanhook_x64.dll amdaemon.exe -f -c config_common.json -c config_server.json -c config_client.json -c config_sp.json -c config_cvt.json
timeout 1
copy /Y segatools_32.ini segatools.ini
inject_x86.exe -d -k chusanhook_x86.dll chusanApp.exe /k
taskkill /f /im amdaemon.exe > nul 2>&1
echo Game processes have terminated