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    Vewlix MOD Xeonv3 + GTX 1660

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  1. no, i didn't :( let's hope they will fix
  2. I had "Let's go Jungle Special" perfectly with 2 aimtraks, previous version of Teknoparrot + Demulshooter. Today i update TP to and aim is inverted. If i switch on demulshooter, both crosshairs stays on the middle of screen without working. Can someone upload any previous of teknoparrot (before that they add player lightgun assigment option). I tryiend till but doesn't have LGJS add game option :(
  3. Yes it's working with RocketLauncher i have no idea why happens, all other emulators works good. i tried many versions. I am using Nvidia GTX 770.
  4. I did before (i couldn't launch with old supermodel ahk) but now it launch game but from hyperspin is incredibly laggy, this is my launch line: Run(executable . " """ . romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension . """ " . fullscreen . " " . widescreen . " " . resolution . " " . freq . " " . throttle . " " . vertShader . " " . fragShader . " " . inputSystem . " " . forceFeedback . " " . multiThreading, emuPath) Any help is apreciated
  5. I can't start game, iam trying with kb1 and i hear sound, i even hear when i shoot but game stills in "Demo mode" and there is not "Start game" text on bottom part just the version v3..... Any hint?
  6. I am using latest version of supermodel SVN and if i use SupermodelUI games works normally, using RocketLauncher aswell but when i use Hyperspin it gets really slow. Checking HW monitor doesn't use a lot of resources. I tried to change nvidia cp to performance but didn't change. I would like to be able to use with Hyperspin frontend. Any hint about that? Many thanks!
  7. I downloaded, patched with DomeFix and installed Game Loader All RH to make it fullscreen but i can't find how to assign keys, if i press "1" or "2" i hear some noise but i can't start game. It's showing "DEMO PLAY" and without "Press start" text :S
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