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Tout ce qui a été posté par topet2k12001

  1. Sure thing! I'm just organizing them into a single folder and I plan to make it a self-extracting zip. But I'll also provide a MEGA link for manual copy-pasting (some people don't like one-click auto-extracting stuff and I understand). I will update you guys!
  2. Hahaha! I remember having a copy of that game during the Playstation days Is that your DDR cab? Awesome! You're the author of DDR Omnimix?!? God I didn't know! It's an honor!
  3. Hahaha! That was a good one! :D
  4. Credits: This mini-project of ours (we forgot to give it a name!!!) wouldn't have been made possible without the voluntary efforts, as well as contributions, of the following: @One Eternal Ash he is the inspiration of this mini-project and is the reason why I pushed myself to building an updated Butterfly Local Server. He is in an area where DDR machines do not have e-Amusement access and he wanted to experience it. Apart from that, he also discovered how to enable the "events" in DDR Ace, and very recently he also discovered how to disable the "Grand Finale event" curtain animation that shows up at the end of each song in DDR A20. @kanor for his data-driven and detail-oriented documentation, analysis (file comparisons, spreadsheet data analysis, etc.), and testing. His work keeps the rest of the group's sanity amidst the influx of data and information here and there. If not for his "song events" spreadsheet mapped to the song details from musicdb.xml we wouldn't have made other important discoveries that would have allowed us to finish this mini-project. @tw3nz0r he came in at a very crucial and much-needed moment in the mini-project. He provided insights on what works and what doesn't as well as insights on how to solve for the few, but critical, "big roadblocks" in our endeavor. For one, his August 2019 DLLs were the much-needed solution to the said challenges. We now have Dan Courses being saved as well as personal scores being displayed. And the "Grand Finale event" curtain animation is gone now. And most recently, he provided the full hex edit address list for the August 2019 DLLs (the gamemdx.dll, as well as "gold cab enabler" using arkmdxp3.dll) @B4SH-T he has been in the thread for quite some time and is one of the early contributors. For example he provided the "gold cab enabler" hex edit using gamemdx.dll for other versions of DLLs. And recently for the August 2019 DLL he was also able to provide the hex edit address of "gold cab enabler" option. On the side, he also shared a working video for the song Reiwa. @FeelTheXtasy it was unintentional but because he was one of the first to report Dan Courses saving progress ability, this prompted the search for answers too. And along the line we found that it is one of his copies of DLLs that enabled such functionality. @topet2k12001 (yours truly): updated Butterfly builds, as well as using the database table as a method to unlock event songs. And cheerleader (just kidding!).
  5. Hm, makes sense. I had a different use-case for that table, which is to "unlock" the songs themselves. Ultimately, based on what I'm seeing right now, assuming Butterfly was programmed to full completion, we wouldn't need to be doing these hex edits as well as modifications on stuff like the musicdb.xml (well, that's the "ideal scenario"). I will see if I can allocate some time for Butterfly; it's not an easy task to continue to be honest. Maybe I'll gather some more folks who are really good at programming, to help out. Hahaha, it's okay. For now. Perhaps when we decide to continue the development of Butterfly, we will need to go back to this piece of detail.
  6. I see. Indeed, I kind of anticipated a "conflict" there. But still, it's a great discovery! It's something we need to keep for now because I can foresee that we will have a better use for it!
  7. Thank you @tw3nz0r. Oh, I didn't realize that this is one of the most-requested hex edits. As for me, a timer freeze allows me to not rush when documenting the tests/trials that we are doing. Sometimes I leave the game screen where it is, and then I write my notes, so a Timer Freeze would be handy in this case. This completes the list. Thank you! I can now write the "credits" portion!
  8. Wow, that's a nice find! Awesome! How exactly to edit, @One Eternal Ash? Got it @tw3nz0r...last request, would you happen to have the hex edit foir "Timer Freeze?"
  9. Whoa, that's great! How did you do it? Thank you, @tw3nz0r! By "song unlocks" what does this mean...2 hex edits?
  10. @One Eternal Ash @tw3nz0r @B4SH-T @kanor Okay! Guys!!!! Oh my God!!!! It is done. FINALLY!!!! We present to you: the DDR Update Pack (that's a temporary name)! There are two versions in that link: a one-click, self-extracting zip file...and the actual folder with all the needed files (for those who prefer manual copy-paste). Also there is a REAMDE text file that explains everything. Credits: This mini-project of ours (we forgot to give it a name!!!) wouldn't have been made possible without the voluntary efforts, as well as contributions, of the following: @One Eternal Ash he is the inspiration of this mini-project and is the reason why I pushed myself to building an updated Butterfly Local Server. He is in an area where DDR machines do not have e-Amusement access and he wanted to experience it. Apart from that, he also discovered how to enable the "events" in DDR Ace, and very recently he also discovered how to disable the "Grand Finale event" curtain animation that shows up at the end of each song in DDR A20. @kanor for his data-driven and detail-oriented documentation, analysis (file comparisons, spreadsheet data analysis, etc.), and testing. His work keeps the rest of the group's sanity amidst the influx of data and information here and there. If not for his "song events" spreadsheet mapped to the song details from musicdb.xml we wouldn't have made other important discoveries that would have allowed us to finish this mini-project. @tw3nz0r he came in at a very crucial and much-needed moment in the mini-project. He provided insights on what works and what doesn't as well as insights on how to solve for the few, but critical, "big roadblocks" in our endeavor. For one, his August 2019 DLLs were the much-needed solution to the said challenges. We now have Dan Courses being saved as well as personal scores being displayed. And the "Grand Finale event" curtain animation is gone now. And most recently, he provided the full hex edit address list for the August 2019 DLLs (the gamemdx.dll, as well as "gold cab enabler" using arkmdxp3.dll) @B4SH-T he has been in the thread for quite some time and is one of the early contributors. For example he provided the "gold cab enabler" hex edit using gamemdx.dll for other versions of DLLs. And recently for the August 2019 DLL he was also able to provide the hex edit address of "gold cab enabler" option. On the side, he also shared a working video for the song Reiwa. @FeelTheXtasy it was unintentional but because he was one of the first to report Dan Courses saving progress ability, this prompted the search for answers too. And along the line we found that it is one of his copies of DLLs that enabled such functionality. @topet2k12001 (yours truly): updated Butterfly builds, as well as using the database table as a method to unlock event songs. And cheerleader (just kidding!). Here's the current state, DDR A20: DONE: Gold cab enabled DONE: No more "Grand Finale Event curtain animation" at the end of each song DONE: Personal scores are saved DONE: Dan Course progress is saved (up to 8th Dan only) DONE: All "event songs" can be unlocked (clean method: through data entry into the database table of "ddr_16_global_events" of Butterfly) DONE: unlocking of two DDR A20 songs (Mythomane and Digital Luv) has to be done via musicdb.xml as well. Not sure why these two songs have "Limited" flags/tags on them since they don't belong to any "event." DONE: unlocking of "event songs" for Golden League songs has to be done through changing to zero (0) the "Limited" flag/tag of the corresponding songs in the musicdb.xml file (inside startup.arc). This is probably because the Dan Courses is still "ongoing" (stuck at 8th Dan) so we have to unlock the songs in a more forceful way.
  11. Yes please, if possible? Would very much appreciate it sir!
  12. Noted! This is done on gamemdx.dll or arkmdxp3.dll? Um, is it possible to also ask for all the correct addresses of the other "hex edit mods" like Freeze Timer, Dark/Opaque Background, etc.? Like this one?
  13. I see...I didn't know. So that's why I did kind of notice that they are almost identical when I performed a file comparison. So my hunch is correct...the 20190903 is a "clean/legit" data. Noted on this! Will begin testing now and will revert for feedback ASAP! Edit: noted on both the 2020xxxxx files. Thank you for providing these insights, @tw3nz0r...will be testing'll just be a few minutes...
  14. Noted! Editing and will test now...will give feedback ASAP!
  15. Thank you! Okay, testing now...will give feedback ASAP... Update: oops, I realized (and that's why it sounded familiar)...the DBF8 address is for a 2019090300 and/or 2020020300 version of gamemdx.dll. I was looking for the same but for The August 2019 version (link here). Thank you for the help, @B4SH-T!
  16. You are right; I apologize for not being clear...I'm looking for the address for the hex edit to enable Gold Cab on the August 2019 versions of gamemdx.dll and/or arkmdxp3.dll. Basically, the August 2019 version does not have the "Grand Finale" curtain animation at the end of each song, but when I tested I only get the "blue cab" version of the game. So In that regard I was unable to test the game's behavior on the "gold cab" version. Or ideally, the entire hex edit list for the August 2019 DLLs (if possible). Similar to this post.
  17. Hi! Thank you for this! I'll test, no worries! I'm close to solving this riddle! Update: it didn't work; I got the "white/blue cab" still. So close! Nonetheless, thank you so much for the help on this once, @tw3nz0r
  18. I see...I understand you know why all along you were focused on DDR Ace. Cool!
  19.'s like an "all songs forced-unlocked" scenario but not really hacked...more of manual override on the database (because Butterfly currently doesn't have the full functionality that it was designed for - for DDR A20 - but for DDR Ace it looks like it's fully functional). The difference of this approach is that it can retain some events (e.g. those that can be unlocked "traditionally" only).
  20. Hello @tw3nz0r, I have a request, please: For the August 2019 version of gamemdx.dll, I wasn't able to test it in "Gold Cab" mode because the hex structure is different so the current offsets with hex edits don't work. May we have the list of available hex edits/mods for the August 2019 version of the gamemdx.dll? Thank you in advance, and appreciate all the help you have been giving us!
  21. I edited my post, please read again for important information.
  22. Yes...although again, we should consider and also accept what @kanor mentioned. I believe we can't "enable" all the events - and even if we did - we can't unlock them anyway once we play those events as @kanor has already explained in detail. What I did in my previous post that you just saw was actually to "tell" the game to consider the event songs as "already unlocked." If you enter the data in the table and start the game, the event songs will show up in the song selection screen with yellow font. This is the cleanest way of enabling the songs (although again, it assumes that we have already "completed" the events that's why they are already showing up in the song selection).
  23. I'm not sure yet, but remember this post? It said to fix the "player data" packet, need to add "is_refid_locked" field. So I was looking at the logs and found a warning message about it. Now I have to determine how to fix it. The theory is that this is the one responsible for displaying the personal scores. Also, as an update: I was trying different configurations and this is what I got so far... This is how I did it, using the events spreadsheet that @kanor shared. EDIT!!!! PLEASE READ! So in the pictures above, I tried a different approach to "enabling" all the songs. Basically it was to "trick" or "tell" the game that "I already completed the events, so you need to unlock the songs and display them in the song selection screen." The logic of DDR A/A20 and the e-Amusement server is (in simple, layman's terms): Player taps the e-Amusement card game will connect to server to check player's records and event progress and song/s unlocked server tells the game what records and event progress are already completed and what song/s are unlocked So following that logic, I did a "manual override" by "manually telling" the server what to "tell" the game...and that is, to tell the game that "player already completed all the events. He ca play all the songs under those events." Ideally this is all supposed to happen automatically, but as we all know, the original author of Butterfly said that he will leave the project in its current state. He did has some work started (you'll notice the 1.1.0 there was no "global_events" table...only in personal builds because he started some coding work but unfinished, which people like Mr. Boo and myself just continued). So essentially I'm just overriding it manually for now since nobody has continued working on the code (yet). We now have 4 methods of unlocking songs: Hex editing of a DLL file Editing/removing "lock" from song information in musicdb.xml (which resides inside startup.arc) Use Butterfly 1.1.0 (this will perform an "all songs forced-unlock" modification) Database edit at the "server" which is what I did above However, please note that I used only the default DLLs that came with the package (2019090300 versions of gamemdx.dll, arkmdxp3.dll and arkmdxp4.dll). What this means is: no Dan Course progress, no personal scores display. The "Grand Finale" curtain animation is still there too. Thoughts: If we weight out the pros and the cons, I think the "best compromise" is a combination of: Use the August 2019 versions of arkmdxp3.dll and arkmdxp4.dll (actually in my tests, the version of arkmdxp4.dll didn't matter - it's really the arkmdxp3.dll that holds the code for Dan Courses saving). Use the September 2019 version of gamemdx.dll but this may change - it's possible that the August 2019 version will be better - if we can have the hex edit code for "Gold Cab" as well as "timing offset" offset because you have to "fix" the timing whenever you switch to Gold Cab. We will update this item as necessary. Database edit by listing the event songs (they will be unlocked if we change from 9999 to 10) - or - use Butterfly 1.1.0. This combination will give us: Advantages: Gold Cab ability Dan Courses saving Display of personal scores (so this will also save us the need to research how to fix "is_refid_locked" issue) All songs available (if using Butterfly 1.1.0) Disadvantages: "Grand Finale" curtain animation during song results screen Some events will disappear (this is inevitable and not critical especially with DDR A20 because their events are non-traditional e.g. you have to play another game, you have to log in to the e-Amusement website, etc.) I think the Pros will outweigh the Cons in this case and it's an acceptable compromise. The "Disadvantages" are actually just "cosmetic" if you really think about it. To me this is already the best possible combination.
  24. Noted, @B4SH-T. To be honest I don't know who's who (who's part of a secret group, who's not). Nonetheless, I am just happy working with different people to fix things and produce something that works. As for me, I'm just an avid DDR player and nothing more. It's just for the sheer love for the game that I am spending that "extra mile" to help out. I have no interests whatsoever in sensitive issues and I am old enough to hold a good sense of discretion and confidentiality. Anyway... I think I found what we all have been looking for. Remember the comment where it said we should set "is_refid_locked" to true in the "playerdata" packet? So as I exited the game I checked the logs, and looks like we have a lead now. EDIT: adding the link to image (for some reason when pasting images directly here they end up being small):
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