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  1. Crashing of the game when playing Galaxy Stage is NOT A BUG. It crashes because you're either not using a server... ...or the server you're using doesn't support the Galaxy Play event itself, or not written to properly support it.
  2. MonkeyBusiness Update! The author of MonkeyBusiness has just released a webui for MonkeyBusiness, called BounceTrippy! Download: How to set up: Once downloaded, extract the "webui" folder into the main folder of MonkeyBusiness. Start MonkeyBusiness as per the usual procedure. You will notice now in MonkeyBusiness's CMD window, that there is a URL provided to access the webUI. Copy that URL and paste it to a new browser window or tab. Done! How to use the webUI: Select your card. Your records will show up (scores, songs, etc.) as well as your details like your Profile Name, personalized settings, etc. You may now proceed with personalizing your setup e.g. Darkness of the Background, Choosing your Dancing Character, etc. Make sure to click on "Save Settings" when you're done setting it up! Recommended: At the upper-right portion of the webUI there is a button for you to upload your startup.arc file. This file contains the "database" of songs. Load it up so that the details of your records (song names, etc) will be displayed properly (you may need to refresh your browser after uploading startup.arc).
  3. MonkeyBusiness (offline server) update 20221112! The source GitHub repo is down. However, the author has shared the latest build! This latest build comes with some under-the-hood improvements! Enjoy! Download: MonkeyBusiness 20221112
  4. Hi, As mentioned in my initial post, MonkeyBusiness does not have a convenient UI (unlike Asphyxia) but yes it is possible! First of all you need to make sure that you have already configured a profile and played the game at least once. This causes the database of MonkeyBusiness to be created. This is where your records will reside, as well as the profile settings (customizations that you are looking for). In the MonkeyBusiness folder, you will now find a new file named "db.json". This is the database. Open the database using a text editor (like Notepad++ for example). You can find the editable fields for customizing your profile (Removing Guidelines, Selecting your Dancing Character, your Arrow Skin, Judgment foreground/background, turning on Fast/Slow, etc.). See screenshot as reference. You can even set "rivals" if you wish, assuming there are other profiles in the database. "calories_disp": "On", "character": "All Character Random", "arrow_skin": "Normal", "filter": "Darkest", "guideline": "Off", "priority": "Judgment", "timing_disp": "On", "rival_1_ddr_id": 12345678, (enter your rival's ddr_id in this field) "rival_2_ddr_id": 12345678, (enter your rival's ddr_id in this field) "rival_3_ddr_id": 12345678, (enter your rival's ddr_id in this field) Here are the values you can select for each field mentioned above. You type them manually and save db.json. calories_disp = ["Off", "On"] character = ["All Character Random", "Man Random", "Female Random", "Yuni", "Rage", "Afro", "Jenny", "Emi", "Baby-Lon", "Gus", "Ruby", "Alice", "Julio", "Bonnie", "Zero", "Rinon"] arrow_skin = ["Normal", "X", "Classic", "Cyber", "Medium", "Small", "Dot"] screen_filter = ["Off", "Dark", "Darker", "Darkest"] guideline = ["Off", "Border", "Center"] priority = ["Judgment", "Arrow"] timing_disp = ["Off", "On"]
  5. MonkeyBusiness (offline server) update 20221004...fresh and hot, just updated minutes ago! Get it here: What's New: Area Best and Machine Best scores are now fully functioning (they are no longer based on "World Best" score)! IMPORTANT NOTES: This is a new implementation/change, so the Area Best and Machine Best scores will have to be new scores (since previously, the Area/Machine Best scores used to be based on the "World Best" score). The "Area" is defined by "E.region" in the file "" located in "modules->core" folder, and NOT the "Area" that you chose when you initially set up your card. The default value that you will see is 'JP-13' So if you want to change the "Area" (for Area Best) you will need to edit the abovementioned file. See screenshot below for reference. Working support for Dan Courses - and it can support both scenarios for stock/vanilla DDR A20 PLUS as well as DDR A20 PLUS Omnimix! Context: In DDR A20 PLUS Omnimix, the behavior of the Dan Courses has been modified to show/display ALL Dan Courses without unlocking. This change/update in MonkeyBusiness still allows for proper support/progressing of Dan Courses on stock/default DDR A20 PLUS. Under-the-hood optimization Faster Loading Time (after entering your PIN) Context: You won't notice it when you've just started using an offline server like MonkeyBusiness, but when the back-end database starts to get filled up with so many records, the game eventually tends to take some time to load. This happens on certain parts of the game where records are being "read" from the database, e.g. after entering your PIN, during the "Caution" screen - but NOT during actual gameplay. The author of MonkeyBusiness has optimized this so you will experience faster loading times!
  6. MonkeyBusiness Update (I was informed by no less than the author himself) 20220927: Get it here: Enhancements Now displays "World Best" score! There is a slight catch: you need to replay the song to get the song into the database, and from there onwards the score will show up Machine Best and Area Best are based on the "World Best" score for now (this is typical for an offline server because it's like having just one machine in the entire server) You can now add/configure rivals! You can do this by playing a credit first so that the database will assign rival "slots" to your profile. They will be defaulted to just zeros (0). After a credit, you can now add the "ddr_id" of your rivals (assuming you have other profiles in the database!). Replace the zero in Rival 1 (or 2 or 3 slot) with the "ddr_id" of your rival and done! Now displays Rival Scores! Has "visually working" screenshot feature! you'll now see "Press 1 to take screenshot" and you can interact with it by pressing 1. No screenshot will actually be generated; right now it's just the ability to see this notification and interact with it. Fixes "Muted sound" during the "Song Results" screen is now fixed. Take note that music is really muted during the "Song Results" screen of Final Stage when you qualify for Extra Stage; that is not a bug/glitch. Other under-the-hood fixes
  7. Here is another offline server, made in Python. The name of this offline server is "Monkey Business." Click here! I have been in touch with the developer of this server and I have done testing and given feedback as well. So far it works fine on DDR A20 PLUS and DDR A3. Score saving and persistence: DDR A3: saves personal score only DDR A20 PLUS: saves personal score, rival score, machine score, and world best score. DDR A20 and DDR A (Ace): I haven't tested, but I would presume it also works on DDR A20 and older up to DDR A since they're all using the same methods. Notes: Just like butterfly there is no front-facing interface that Asphyxia has. So if you want to change profile-related settings like Calories, Judgment, etc. you have to start the game one time first and go through the process of setting up your profile in the game. At that point, a database file named `db.json` will be created inside the "MonkeyBusiness" folder. You edit your profile settings. Start the game and play a full credit. You will notice that some changes you made might not take effect yet (like removing the Guidelines). That's fine; just finish playing one full credit up to the "Thank You For Playing" screen. Fully exit the game (as in totally close the program), and then start it again. The changes you made to your profile settings should take effect by then. Unlike butterfly and Asphyxia which use Localhost (, Monkey Business uses an internally assigned IP address. Make sure that you set your `services` tag/URL to that internally assigned IP address. Also make sure you set `-urlslash` to 1 (enable). You'll see this detail when Monkey Business starts up so you won't forget.
  8. Yup, that's another solution so you won't have to deal with having to specify the folder location.
  9. You are specifying two (2) conflicting parameters. You're specifying for spicetools to use its built-in local server (which is -ea) and at the same time you're specifying spicetools to connect to an online 3rd-party server. The crash that happens when selecting Language is due to some corrupted files in your data. Glad you got it working by installing DIrectX 9 but "EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION" for this game actually means a lot of things and may be caused by many different things. What I see in your logs is that you may have some corrupted files; probably due to or related to adding some songs incorrectly. ...which is why your game crashed again afterwards.
  10. You're welcome. This is the problem in your case: You should only specify the folder's name and not the entire path.
  11. The point is that you are asking for staff to issue a punishment now, when that is already in the past. Justice has been served. So calling out things right now about "oh he's seeking attention" "oh he needs to be corrected/punished" "oh he's hurting the community" is already done; everyone else has moved on past that and you should too. Same as above response. Also...who said that the reason for deleting my posts was because people were asking the same questions? That is not the story behind it. Those who were present at the time of the issue know that. Seems like you you are trying to paint a picture to rationalize your conclusion that you immediately jumped to. That's why I said in my previous post, to those who are new, to read everything first or ask those who have been with me through the journey. My dear sir, the more you respond, the more it is getting obvious that you didn't even read that "long message" I wrote in replacement of my original posts. Please let us stop this, try to talk to someone here who has been with me through the journey leading up to the deletion so that you can understand the real reason behind. Instead of making baseless accusations like "frustration" or "hoarding."
  12. If you say so. Likewise I wasn't offering you, in particular, any information. We're just going on as usual here and suddenly there you are. My back-to-back edits was because I was on a mobile phone at the time of the response. You seem to jump into your own conclusions fairly quickly. By the way: in case you didn't know, this forum site enforces restrictions against spam hence it is recommended here to just edit a post instead of sending multiple messages in succession. It's fairly common to see posts edited here and nobody has said anything about it, you're the first one I've seen who seems to have issues with it. Also, this is an international forum so it's typical to see posts being edited since there are people here who, like me, don't speak in English as their first language. I am sorry if that caused you to have the wrong impression, though. Excuse me, but you didn't even know (nor even ask) what the penalty was about and here you are formulating a conclusion again. You are looking at the situation from a "glass-half-empty" perspective. I could have very well left (as you said) and deleted this thread (I am allowed to do so since I'm the thread's author). But I still have compassion for the people who are just "collateral damage" from the people who actually caused for me to decide to stop supporting. That is why I did not delete this thread, and that is why I still, at the very least, give hints on how to solve for issues. The very point why I openly said that I already received a penalty is for you to realize that whatever happened is already dealt with accordingly and hence a closed case, back in October 2021. But here you are, in March 2022, still ranting about those things from the past. I really think you should move on now, sir. My deleting of posts is actually not based on emotion...but it is to prevent further damage by allowing unscrupulous individuals from having knowledge and use that for abusing that knowledge. I hope you did read my parting message very carefully so you can realize that it was a very tough decision that I had to make. Calling it "hoarding" is totally uncalled for, considering that it was a decision that took me time to think and weigh things - it was not an impulsive (emotional) decision. Your area for opportunity is that you took a single post and construed an entire story from that one, singular, post of mine. Obviously that single post will be lost in context if you read it as-is. I think you should read everything if you really want to get to the bottom of things - or ask those who have been with me through this journey (I already mentioned this) - before you pass judgment.
  13. My post that you're quoting as "screaming for attention" was dated October 2021. It's already the middle of March in 2022 and you're the only one bringing up that post still. You are the one who needs to move on, sir. I was already justly sanctioned by staff for my action and I already served my due sentence, thank you. All is in the past now. As I rightfully said above, you need to move on.
  14. The amount of constant private messages that various people send me (that I still receive up to now) prove otherwise. Of course you won't know that. But that's totally fine, I understand that your commentaries are merely from your own point-of-view. I disagree. Observe the gaps in time between my responses from the time I stopped providing support. For your information, I did not invent nor discover all the methods that I shared here. I researched them, and I'm not even a techie guy. Most people think that the information/knowledge required is hidden in some private torrent sites. Maybe, yes, but that's only 10% of it. The rest is available over the Internet. As a matter of fact, much of what I wrote (and deleted) came from older threads in this forum site. Then, combined with an intuitive and willingness to do trial-and-error. It's all about effort and how much one is willing to invest time (not even money) to learn. Therefore, to say that I am "hoarding" information is totally inaccurate and it's just an attempt to make me do the work because the others are lazy to exert effort on thier own. I get what you're trying to do: reverse psychology. You're taunting me so that I give in and inadvertently out of losing control of my emotions, so I would end up reverting to how I was before - giving all the information. Apologies but I made up my mind. Instead of looking at it from that angle where you're alleging that I'm "screaming for attention," just appreciate the fact that I still make an effort to peek at this forum and still give hints on how to solve for issues being experienced by others. Others do, and you're actually one of the minority who thinks otherwise so the evidence is not leaning to your favor, unfortunately.
  15. If you all want to be able to use butterfly still, use 2020-07-28 data and just add all the remaining songs that came after. I'm not going to teach how to add songs; there are already a lot of materials shared here that I didn't post (so I won't be able to delete them). I deleted only all my posts. Please do not PM me, my Inbox is going to be full anyway and I will not clear my Inbox. To those who are new here: before you pass judgment, I advise you to ask those who have been through the journey with me and hear the stories of how supportive I was. There is a reason why I stopped supporting. Also this is not paid support. I did all that I did as a vocation, as passion for what I do. Unless you're my source of income, do not demand. Thank you.
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