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  1. Already done, but still crashes before testmode
  2. Does anyone know how to fix this using A3 patch? it crashes when loading testmode log.txt
  3. Hi guys! Sorry for asking this, but I lost my data and I want to download it again, but I've seen there is some patchs like AIOV5 or the clean 2021080400, so I don't know wich of them has the latest songs and videos like koi, seize the day with bg, roki with bg, sil'vous President, Sweet clock, etc... help.
  4. Could you please upload it to gdrive?
  5. Done with clean, but once it goes to caution screen this happens. [2021/08/12 17:03:43] W:DDR: EXCEPTION CATCH. [2021/08/12 17:03:43] W:signal: exception raised: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION [2021/08/12 17:03:43] I:signal: printing callstack [2021/08/12 17:03:44] I:stackwalker: 5C8C2408 (gamemdx): (unknown): gameMain [2021/08/12 17:03:44] I:stackwalker: 5C99E62D (gamemdx): (unknown): gameMain [2021/08/12 17:03:44] I:stackwalker: 5C97C1E1 (gamemdx): (unknown): gameMain [2021/08/12 17:03:44] I:stackwalker: 5C99E687 (gamemdx): (unknown): gameMain [2021/08/12 17:03:44] I:stackwalker: ERROR: StackWalk64-Endless-Callstack!, GetLastError: 0 (Address: 5C99E69B) [2021/08/12 17:03:44] F:signal: end [2021/08/12 17:03:44] I:launcher: stopping subsystems [2021/08/12 17:03:44] I:logger: stop [2021/08/12 17:03:45] I:rawinput: disposing devices
  6. Thanks for the advice. I've made a little fix for that, providing the old graphic assets only for select music stuff, this avoids those lines in thumbnails. this is just a little fix while we get a real solution, because if I use 20210804 ark and modules my game crashes in profile .
  7. I've made this for me, but I've decided to share, just replace. you're welcome. thumbnail_19 for 2021 update
  8. I had the same problem, so I had to redownload the 20300 base data and apply the patches again.
  9. I'm looking for it too. XD
  10. It's not the real gold bga, it's just and edited version that I made usin the blue one.
  11. Well, It's mine, the edited one. XD I'm Sparsus. 😉
  12. Same, I hope soon.
  13. Mine doesn't have boo, check the gameplay,
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