Some games has an option for it at game config menu, but some not, But it it would hugely handful.
Any one knows the difference between VF5 Arcade Ver B and Ver C?
Also Ver B suffers form the last stage graphic issue too?
I would like to know is there a fix for the last stage graphical issue? NV fix copied, and still happens on a gt630...
Also in starting the dhcp search can not by bypassed other way then service button? Because that way the game creats service credits too :(
A question. Sr3 Coin enabler work with T key. Its totally ok if i press it on the keyboarb, but if i map T with joy2key to a joypad button it did not work.
The pad press result a T in notepad so the config is ok..
But i think the logical output is not the same hexx and that is the problem.
Can someone help what i need to map with joy2key to get the right result?
We experiencing weird sound volumes with this and H2o, looks like effects and annuancer not the right level, even if its changed in the settings,
Oters experiencing it or is there a known soution?
Thanks for the reply. Hope you can fix it. If i can help somehow we have the original machine. I think we should keymap the io board for coin.. but it looks like the whole is shell driven and separate from the game itself. :(