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Tout ce qui a été posté par Taitox3

  1. I have kind of same issue. I have checked the to files ddra20plus_bg_sd.m2v, ddra20plus_bg_hd.m2v both are in \contents\data\mdb_apx\movie\background
  2. Thanks for the tip. I also checked on my end the gamemdx.dll it appears to be the same. I think something happened on my hardware. I restarted everything and it seems to fix the issue. Is the first time that happens.
  3. @topet2k12001 I meat the offset. Since the new update the arrows on gold cab mode are offsync. On the previous updates, the offset was ok like in blue cab mode.
  4. Did the timing for the Gold Cab Mode is set to stock? I did notice the change with the latest Update.
  5. I just tested the re uploaded A20 Update and it works.
  6. Mine does that only on Gold Cab mode after the 1.1.4 update. Not a game breaker for me.
  7. Thanks, will try now.
  8. Hi In which location do I have to put the DDR A.S.S?
  9. How did you change it from the + to "Backspace"?
  10. Hi, is there a way to change the binding of the Insert Card "+" to any other key in the spicecfg.exe?
  11. Something happened between the game and butterfly. I restarted the computer and got a server error. I replace all the files with a backup that I made and the issue was solved.
  12. Now the courses , Events and DDR Selections doesn't show up in the song menu. I haven't done anything else besides starting the game with the ddr.exe.
  13. Fixed!!!! Now I'm ready to beat the Pad .
  14. Below the lines from the spicetools.xml <options> <option name="eamaint" value="0"/> <option name="ea" value=""/> <option name="k" value="ddrhook.dll"/> <option name="exec" value="arkmdxp3.dll"/> <option name="h" value="33554432"/> <option name="io" value="/ENABLED"/> <option name="ddr" value="/ENABLED"/> <option name="netfixdisable" value="/ENABLED"/>
  15. It Worked on the first try!!! Sometimes it goes from "Online", "Checking", "Online" then it stays "Checking" for the rest of the game.
  16. I ran the ddr.exe and got the same error. Going to try again from scratch.
  17. I started all from scratch. I have downloaded the game dump from the first page as well of the two packs DDR A Update Pack (2019042200) & DDR A20 Update Pack (2019090300). Went through the readme.txt of both packs and the game now doesn't even start . Below the log details. [2020/07/14 11:22:58] I:launcher: SpiceTools Bootstrap (x32) [2020/07/14 11:22:58] I:launcher: 1.0-V-2020-06-15T22:40:42 [2020/07/14 11:22:58] I:launcher: arguments: -exec arkmdxp3.dll -k ddrhook.dll -eamaint 0 -netfixdisable -ddr -io -h 33554432 [2020/07/14 11:22:58] I:rawinput: detected performance counter frequency: 10000000 [2020/07/14 11:22:58] I:superexit: enabled [2020/07/14 11:22:58] I:rawinput: reloading devices [2020/07/14 11:22:58] M:rawinput: skipping vendor-specific device [2020/07/14 11:22:58] M:rawinput: skipping vendor-specific device [2020/07/14 11:22:58] M:rawinput: skipping vendor-specific device [2020/07/14 11:22:58] M:rawinput: skipping vendor-specific device [2020/07/14 11:22:58] M:rawinput: skipping vendor-specific device [2020/07/14 11:22:58] I:rawinput: printing list of detected devices [2020/07/14 11:22:58] I:rawinput: detected device count: 11 [2020/07/14 11:22:58] M:rawinput: device name: \\?\HID#VID_0764&PID_0501#9&12d76404&0&0000#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030} [2020/07/14 11:22:58] M:rawinput: device desc: CPS CP1350PFCLCD [2020/07/14 11:22:58] M:rawinput: device handle: 0x10054 [2020/07/14 11:22:58] M:rawinput: device type: HID [2020/07/14 11:22:58] M:rawinput: device preparsed size: 5740 [2020/07/14 11:22:58] M:rawinput: device button caps count: 6 [2020/07/14 11:22:58] M:rawinput: device button caps detected: RemainingTimeLimitExpired to RemainingTimeLimitExpired (67-67) [2020/07/14 11:22:58] M:rawinput: device button caps detected: FullyCharged to FullyCharged (70-70) [2020/07/14 11:22:58] M:rawinput: device button caps detected: BelowRemainingCapacityLimit to BelowRemainingCapacityLimit (66-66) [2020/07/14 11:22:58] M:rawinput: device button caps detected: Discharging to Discharging (69-69) [2020/07/14 11:22:58] M:rawinput: device button caps detected: Charging to Charging (68-68) [2020/07/14 11:22:58] M:rawinput: device button caps detected: ACPresent to ACPresent (208-208) [2020/07/14 11:22:58] M:rawinput: device button output caps count: 0 [2020/07/14 11:22:58] M:rawinput: device value caps count: 8 [2020/07/14 11:22:58] M:rawinput: device value caps detected: RemainingCapacity (0 to 100, 8bit) [2020/07/14 11:22:58] M:rawinput: device value caps detected: RunTimeToEmpty (0 to 65535, 16bit) [2020/07/14 11:22:58] M:rawinput: device value caps detected: RemainingTimeLimit (0 to 600, 16bit) [2020/07/14 11:22:58] M:rawinput: device value caps detected: AudibleAlarmControl (1 to 3, 8bit) [2020/07/14 11:22:58] M:rawinput: device value caps detected: LowVoltageTransfer (78 to 88, 16bit) [2020/07/14 11:22:58] M:rawinput: device value caps detected: HighVoltageTransfer (136 to 142, 16bit) [2020/07/14 11:22:58] M:rawinput: device value caps detected: Test (0 to 6, 8bit) [2020/07/14 11:22:58] M:rawinput: device value caps detected: Vendor-defined (ff01:0043) (0 to 2, 8bit) [2020/07/14 11:22:58] M:rawinput: device name: \\?\HID#virtualdevice&10&Col05#2&1f1ca0f9&0&0004#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030} [2020/07/14 11:22:58] M:rawinput: device desc: [2020/07/14 11:22:58] M:rawinput: device handle: 0x10052 [2020/07/14 11:22:58] M:rawinput: device type: HID [2020/07/14 11:22:58] M:rawinput: device preparsed size: 268 [2020/07/14 11:22:58] M:rawinput: device button caps count: 1 [2020/07/14 11:22:58] M:rawinput: device button caps detected: Unknown (000c:0000) to Unknown (000c:03ff) (0-1023) [2020/07/14 11:22:58] M:rawinput: device button output caps count: 0 [2020/07/14 11:22:58] M:rawinput: device name: \\?\HID#VID_1B1C&PID_1B37&MI_00&Col02#9&36ac738d&0&0001#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030} [2020/07/14 11:22:58] M:rawinput: device desc: Corsair Gaming K65 LUX RGB Keyboard [2020/07/14 11:22:58] M:rawinput: device handle: 0x1004c [2020/07/14 11:22:58] M:rawinput: device type: HID [2020/07/14 11:22:58] M:rawinput: device preparsed size: 268 [2020/07/14 11:22:58] M:rawinput: device button caps count: 1 [2020/07/14 11:22:58] M:rawinput: device button caps detected: Unknown (000c:0000) to Unknown (000c:0fff) (0-4095) [2020/07/14 11:22:58] M:rawinput: device button output caps count: 0 [2020/07/14 11:22:58] M:rawinput: device name: \\?\HID#VID_046D&PID_C332&MI_01&Col02#9&16c2c689&0&0001#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030} [2020/07/14 11:22:58] M:rawinput: device desc: Logitech Gaming Mouse G502 [2020/07/14 11:22:58] M:rawinput: device handle: 0x10044 [2020/07/14 11:22:58] M:rawinput: device type: HID [2020/07/14 11:22:58] M:rawinput: device preparsed size: 268 [2020/07/14 11:22:58] M:rawinput: device button caps count: 1 [2020/07/14 11:22:58] M:rawinput: device button caps detected: Consumer Control to AC Distribute Vertically (1-652) [2020/07/14 11:22:58] M:rawinput: device button output caps count: 0 [2020/07/14 11:22:58] M:rawinput: device name: \\?\HID#VID_1B1C&PID_1B37&MI_00&Col01#9&36ac738d&0&0000#{884b96c3-56ef-11d1-bc8c-00a0c91405dd} [2020/07/14 11:22:58] M:rawinput: device desc: HID Keyboard Device [2020/07/14 11:22:58] M:rawinput: device handle: 0x10042 [2020/07/14 11:22:58] M:rawinput: device type: KEYBOARD [2020/07/14 11:22:58] M:rawinput: device name: \\?\HID#VID_046D&PID_C332&MI_01&Col01#9&16c2c689&0&0000#{884b96c3-56ef-11d1-bc8c-00a0c91405dd} [2020/07/14 11:22:58] M:rawinput: device desc: HID Keyboard Device [2020/07/14 11:22:58] M:rawinput: device handle: 0x10040 [2020/07/14 11:22:58] M:rawinput: device type: KEYBOARD [2020/07/14 11:22:58] M:rawinput: device name: \\?\HID#virtualdevice&10&Col03#2&1f1ca0f9&0&0002#{884b96c3-56ef-11d1-bc8c-00a0c91405dd} [2020/07/14 11:22:58] M:rawinput: device desc: HID Keyboard Device [2020/07/14 11:22:58] M:rawinput: device handle: 0x1003e [2020/07/14 11:22:58] M:rawinput: device type: KEYBOARD [2020/07/14 11:22:58] M:rawinput: device name: \\?\HID#virtualdevice&10&Col02#2&1f1ca0f9&0&0001#{884b96c3-56ef-11d1-bc8c-00a0c91405dd} [2020/07/14 11:22:58] M:rawinput: device desc: HID Keyboard Device [2020/07/14 11:22:58] M:rawinput: device handle: 0x1003c [2020/07/14 11:22:58] M:rawinput: device type: KEYBOARD [2020/07/14 11:22:58] M:rawinput: device name: \\?\HID#VID_046D&PID_C332&MI_00#9&3a9a044b&0&0000#{378de44c-56ef-11d1-bc8c-00a0c91405dd} [2020/07/14 11:22:58] M:rawinput: device desc: HID-compliant mouse [2020/07/14 11:22:58] M:rawinput: device handle: 0x1003a [2020/07/14 11:22:58] M:rawinput: device type: MOUSE [2020/07/14 11:22:58] M:rawinput: device name: \\?\HID#virtualdevice&10&Col04#2&1f1ca0f9&0&0003#{378de44c-56ef-11d1-bc8c-00a0c91405dd} [2020/07/14 11:22:58] M:rawinput: device desc: HID-compliant mouse [2020/07/14 11:22:58] M:rawinput: device handle: 0x10038 [2020/07/14 11:22:58] M:rawinput: device type: MOUSE [2020/07/14 11:22:58] M:rawinput: device name: \\?\HID#virtualdevice&10&Col01#2&1f1ca0f9&0&0000#{378de44c-56ef-11d1-bc8c-00a0c91405dd} [2020/07/14 11:22:58] M:rawinput: device desc: HID-compliant mouse [2020/07/14 11:22:58] M:rawinput: device handle: 0x10036 [2020/07/14 11:22:58] M:rawinput: device type: MOUSE [2020/07/14 11:22:58] M:rawinput: done printing devices [2020/07/14 11:22:58] I:avs-core: updated heap size: 16777216 -> 33554432 [2020/07/14 11:22:58] I:game: pre_attach: Dance Dance Revolution [2020/07/14 11:22:58] I:avs-core: loading DLL [2020/07/14 11:22:58] I:avs-core: Found AVS2 core [2020/07/14 11:22:58] M:avs-core: optional functions identified [2020/07/14 11:22:58] I:avs-ea3: loading DLL [2020/07/14 11:22:58] I:avs-ea3: Found AVS2 EA3 [2020/07/14 11:22:58] I:avs-core: booting [2020/07/14 11:22:58] I:avs-core: log level: misc [2020/07/14 11:22:58] M:avs-core: using heap size: 33554432 [----/--/-- --:--:--] I:boot: AVS2 2.15.8 r6631,win32 [----/--/-- --:--:--] M:boot: mode/product : 0 [----/--/-- --:--:--] M:boot: log/netsci/enable : 1 [----/--/-- --:--:--] M:boot: log/netsci/server : "localhost:42197" [----/--/-- --:--:--] M:boot: desc/nr_desc : 808 [----/--/-- --:--:--] M:boot: thread/nr_thread : 256 [----/--/-- --:--:--] M:boot: thread/nr_mutex : 512 [----/--/-- --:--:--] M:boot: thread/nr_cond : 32 [----/--/-- --:--:--] M:boot: thread/nr_event : 200 [----/--/-- --:--:--] M:boot: thread/nr_semaphore : 50 [----/--/-- --:--:--] M:boot: thread/nr_cond_state : 32 [----/--/-- --:--:--] M:boot: thread/nr_alarm : 16 [----/--/-- --:--:--] M:boot: thread/min_stack : 4096 [----/--/-- --:--:--] M:boot: thread/max_stack : 2097152 [----/--/-- --:--:--] M:boot: thread/mutex_delay : 0 [----/--/-- --:--:--] M:boot: thread/priority : 2 [----/--/-- --:--:--] M:boot: fs/nr_filesys : 10 [----/--/-- --:--:--] M:boot: fs/nr_mountpoint : 512 [----/--/-- --:--:--] M:boot: fs/nr_mounttable : 4 [----/--/-- --:--:--] M:boot: fs/nr_filedesc : 256 [----/--/-- --:--:--] M:boot: fs/link_limit : 4 [----/--/-- --:--:--] M:boot: fs/root/fstype : "fs" [----/--/-- --:--:--] M:boot: fs/root/device : "." [----/--/-- --:--:--] M:boot: fs/root/option : "posix=1" [----/--/-- --:--:--] M:boot: fs/mounttable : "" [----/--/-- --:--:--] M:boot: fs/nvram/fstype : "fs" [----/--/-- --:--:--] M:boot: fs/nvram/device : ".\conf\nvram" [----/--/-- --:--:--] M:boot: fs/nvram/option : "posix=1" [----/--/-- --:--:--] M:boot: fs/raw/fstype : "fs" [----/--/-- --:--:--] M:boot: fs/raw/device : ".\conf\raw" [----/--/-- --:--:--] M:boot: fs/raw/option : "posix=1" [----/--/-- --:--:--] M:boot: net/nr_protocol : 8 [----/--/-- --:--:--] M:boot: net/nr_socket : 32 [----/--/-- --:--:--] M:boot: net/enable_raw : 1 [----/--/-- --:--:--] M:boot: net/lz77sock/enable : 1 [----/--/-- --:--:--] M:boot: net/multisock/enable : 1 [----/--/-- --:--:--] M:boot: net/eaudp/enable : 1 [----/--/-- --:--:--] M:boot: net/config_file : "" [----/--/-- --:--:--] M:boot: net/addrinfo_nr_cache : 8 [----/--/-- --:--:--] M:boot: net/addrinfo_expire : 5400 [----/--/-- --:--:--] M:boot: net/addrinfo_log : 0 [----/--/-- --:--:--] M:boot: time/gmt_offset : -14400 [----/--/-- --:--:--] M:boot: time/local_offset : 0 [----/--/-- --:--:--] M:boot: time/config_file : "/dev/nvram/clock.xml" [----/--/-- --:--:--] M:boot: time/debug_local_offset : 0 [----/--/-- --:--:--] M:boot: thread/pool/affinity_mask : 0 [----/--/-- --:--:--] M:boot: thread/pool/stack_size : 65536 [----/--/-- --:--:--] M:boot: thread/pool/expire_count : 100 [----/--/-- --:--:--] M:boot: thread/pool/init_thread : 25 [----/--/-- --:--:--] I:boot: boot desc [----/--/-- --:--:--] I:desc: boot: nr_desc=808 [----/--/-- --:--:--] I:boot: boot thread [----/--/-- --:--:--] I:thread: nr_thread=256, nr_mutex=512, nr_cond=32, nr_event=200, nr_semaphore=50, nr_alarm=16 [----/--/-- --:--:--] I:boot: starting desc [----/--/-- --:--:--] I:boot: starting thread. priority=2 [----/--/-- --:--:--] I:boot: boot fs [----/--/-- --:--:--] I:fs: boot: nr_filesys=10, nr_mountpoint=512, nr_mounttable=4, nr_filedesc=256 [----/--/-- --:--:--] I:boot: boot net_private [----/--/-- --:--:--] I:boot: prv: heap=0x06270430, sz=01f95bf0(33119216) [----/--/-- --:--:--] I:boot: boot stdio [----/--/-- --:--:--] I:boot: std: heap=0x041fa020, sz=02000000(33554432) [----/--/-- --:--:--] I:boot: boot time [----/--/-- --:--:--] I:boot: add filesys (default) [----/--/-- --:--:--] I:boot: add filesys (nvram) [----/--/-- --:--:--] I:boot: add filesys (imagefs) [----/--/-- --:--:--] I:boot: add filesys (mirrorfs) [----/--/-- --:--:--] I:boot: add filesys (cryptfs) [----/--/-- --:--:--] I:boot: add filesys (nvram2) [----/--/-- --:--:--] I:boot: mount / [----/--/-- --:--:--] I:boot: mount /dev/nvram [----/--/-- --:--:--] I:boot: mount /dev/raw [----/--/-- --:--:--] I:boot: cannot load /dev/nvram/clock.xml, use /config/time/{gmt|local}_offset [----/--/-- --:--:--] I:boot: gmt_offset=-14400 [----/--/-- --:--:--] I:boot: local_offset=0 [----/--/-- --:--:--] I:boot: boot net [----/--/-- --:--:--] I:net: lz77sock: worksize=8204 [----/--/-- --:--:--] I:net: multisock: worksize=220 [----/--/-- --:--:--] I:net: eaudp: worksize=52 [----/--/-- --:--:--] I:boot: boot sntp [----/--/-- --:--:--] M:sntp: values: 0,1,1000,180000,5000,3600000. [----/--/-- --:--:--] I:sntp: backup read failed. [----/--/-- --:--:--] I:sntp: can't read backup. [----/--/-- --:--:--] I:boot: add filesys (netsci) [----/--/-- --:--:--] M:sntp: end of adjust. [----/--/-- --:--:--] I:boot: mount /dev/netsci [2020/07/14 11:22:58] I:boot: finish [2020/07/14 11:22:59] I:avs-core: copying /prop/eacoin.xml to /dev/nvram/eacoin.xml [2020/07/14 11:22:59] I:avs-core: copying /prop/eamuse-config.xml to /dev/nvram/ea3-config.xml [2020/07/14 11:22:59] I:avs-core: copying /prop/coin.xml to /dev/nvram/coin.xml [2020/07/14 11:22:59] I:avs-core: copying /prop/testmode-v.xml to /dev/nvram/testmode-v.xml [2020/07/14 11:22:59] I:avs-core: copying /prop/ea3-config.xml to /dev/nvram/ea3-config.xml [2020/07/14 11:22:59] I:avs-game: loading DLL arkmdxp3.dll [2020/07/14 11:22:59] I:avs-game: loaded successfully (0x10000000) [2020/07/14 11:22:59] I:game: attach: Dance Dance Revolution [2020/07/14 11:22:59] W:vfs: copy: open error '/dev/nvram/eacoin.xml' [2020/07/14 11:22:59] W:vfs: copy: open error '/dev/nvram/ea3-config.xml' [2020/07/14 11:22:59] W:vfs: copy: open error '/dev/nvram/coin.xml' [2020/07/14 11:22:59] W:vfs: copy: open error '/dev/nvram/testmode-v.xml' [2020/07/14 11:22:59] W:vfs: copy: open error '/dev/nvram/ea3-config.xml' [2020/07/14 11:22:59] I:dinputhook: attaching... [2020/07/14 11:22:59] I:dinputhook: attached [2020/07/14 11:22:59] I:setupapi: no usage detected in module [2020/07/14 11:22:59] I:stubs: attaching... [2020/07/14 11:22:59] I:libraryhook: LibraryHook Attach [2020/07/14 11:22:59] I:stubs: attached [2020/07/14 11:22:59] I:acphook: initializing [2020/07/14 11:22:59] I:signal: attaching... [2020/07/14 11:22:59] I:libraryhook: LibraryHook Attach [2020/07/14 11:22:59] I:signal: attached [2020/07/14 11:22:59] I:audio: initializing [2020/07/14 11:22:59] I:dinputhook: attaching... [2020/07/14 11:22:59] I:dinputhook: attached [2020/07/14 11:22:59] I:graphics: initializing [2020/07/14 11:22:59] I:graphics::d3d9: initializing [2020/07/14 11:22:59] I:debughook: attaching... [2020/07/14 11:22:59] I:debughook: attached [2020/07/14 11:22:59] I:acio: SpiceTools ACIO [2020/07/14 11:22:59] I:debughook: LIBACIO DLL Process Attached [2020/07/14 11:22:59] I:debughook: Version: 1.25.0 [2020/07/14 11:22:59] I:debughook: Build Date: [2020/07/14 11:22:59] I:libraryhook: LibraryHook Attach [2020/07/14 11:22:59] I:acio: module attach: BI2A Inline [2020/07/14 11:22:59] I:acio: module attach: BMPU Inline [2020/07/14 11:22:59] I:acio: module attach: Core Inline [2020/07/14 11:22:59] I:acio: module attach: HBHI Inline [2020/07/14 11:22:59] I:acio: module attach: HDXS Inline [2020/07/14 11:22:59] I:acio: module attach: HGTH Inline [2020/07/14 11:22:59] I:acio: module attach: I36G Inline [2020/07/14 11:22:59] I:acio: module attach: I36I Inline [2020/07/14 11:22:59] I:acio: module attach: ICCA Inline [2020/07/14 11:22:59] I:acio: module attach: J32D Inline [2020/07/14 11:22:59] I:acio: module attach: KFCA Inline [2020/07/14 11:22:59] I:acio: module attach: KLPA Inline [2020/07/14 11:22:59] I:acio: module attach: MDXF Inline [2020/07/14 11:22:59] I:acio: module attach: NDDB Inline [2020/07/14 11:22:59] I:acio: module attach: PANB Inline [2020/07/14 11:22:59] I:acio: module attach: PJEC Inline [2020/07/14 11:22:59] I:acio: module attach: PJEI Inline [2020/07/14 11:22:59] I:device: skipping device module hooks [2020/07/14 11:22:59] I:sciunit: skipping sciunit hooks [2020/07/14 11:22:59] I:launcher: loading hook DLL ddrhook.dll [2020/07/14 11:22:59] W:launcher: failed to load hook ddrhook.dll [2020/07/14 11:22:59] I:avs-ea3: booting [2020/07/14 11:22:59] I:avs-ea3: security code: G*MDXJAA [2020/07/14 11:22:59] I:avshook: initializing [2020/07/14 11:22:59] I:avs-ea3: calling entry init [2020/07/14 11:22:59] I:debughook: 1st MainDllInfo::setDllHMODULE : dllHMODULE 10000000, hModule 10000000 [2020/07/14 11:22:59] I:debughook: arkCore_dll_entry_init start [2020/07/14 11:22:59] I:debughook: addr[7A660000] name[gamemdx.dll] [2020/07/14 11:22:59] I:debughook: arkCore_dll_entry_init end [2020/07/14 11:22:59] I:avs-ea3: soft id code: MDX:J:A:A:2019090300 [2020/07/14 11:22:59] I:avs-ea3: calling ea3 boot [2020/07/14 11:22:59] W:getPropertyValueS32: property_node_search failed [clock/clock_offset/current]. [2020/07/14 11:22:59] W:property: search: prop==NULL and node==NULL [2020/07/14 11:22:59] W:property: node_remove: node==NULL [2020/07/14 11:22:59] W:property: node_create: prop==NULL and parent==NULL [2020/07/14 11:22:59] M:app_entry_init: APS Manager : no use [2020/07/14 11:22:59] W:property: destroy: prop==NULL [2020/07/14 11:22:59] I:ark: arkCore_dll_entry_init start [2020/07/14 11:22:59] I:ark: addr[0x7a660000] name[gamemdx.dll] [2020/07/14 11:22:59] I:DDR: gameInit hInstance = 0x10000000 [2020/07/14 11:22:59] M:ea3-boot: startup [2020/07/14 11:22:59] M:ea3-config: id/pcbid : "[hidden]" [2020/07/14 11:22:59] M:ea3-config: id/hardid : "[hidden]" [2020/07/14 11:22:59] M:ea3-config: id/softid : "012199999999" [2020/07/14 11:22:59] M:ea3-config: id/accountid : "012018008135" [2020/07/14 11:22:59] M:ea3-config: soft/model : "MDX" [2020/07/14 11:22:59] M:ea3-config: soft/dest : "J" [2020/07/14 11:22:59] M:ea3-config: soft/spec : "A" [2020/07/14 11:22:59] M:ea3-config: soft/rev : "A" [2020/07/14 11:22:59] M:ea3-config: soft/ext : "2019090300" [2020/07/14 11:22:59] M:ea3-config: encoding : "SHIFT_JIS" [2020/07/14 11:22:59] M:ea3-config: network/protocol : "httpac" [2020/07/14 11:22:59] M:ea3-config: network/services : "http://localhost" [2020/07/14 11:22:59] M:ea3-config: network/timeout : 60000 [2020/07/14 11:22:59] M:ea3-config: network/sz_xrpc_buf : 102400 [2020/07/14 11:22:59] M:ea3-config: network/url_slash : 0 [2020/07/14 11:22:59] M:ea3-config: network/ssl : 1 [2020/07/14 11:22:59] M:ea3-config: network/http11 : 0 [2020/07/14 11:22:59] M:ea3-config: network/tag : "" [2020/07/14 11:22:59] M:ea3-config: share/config_file : "./prop/share-config.xml" [2020/07/14 11:22:59] M:ea3-config: option/service : 1 [2020/07/14 11:22:59] M:ea3-config: option/pcbevent : 1 [2020/07/14 11:22:59] M:ea3-config: option/antiresale : 1 [2020/07/14 11:22:59] M:ea3-config: option/bookkeeping : 1 [2020/07/14 11:22:59] M:ea3-config: option/apsmanager : 0 [2020/07/14 11:22:59] M:ea3-config: pos/nr_coinslot : 1 [2020/07/14 11:22:59] M:ea3-config: pos/report_delay : 15 [2020/07/14 11:22:59] M:ea3-config: pos/report_maxdelay : 60 [2020/07/14 11:22:59] M:ea3-config: pos/retry_basetime : 15 [2020/07/14 11:22:59] M:ea3-config: pos/retry_maxtime : 900 [2020/07/14 11:22:59] M:ea3-config: pos/sz_opt_buf : 10240 [2020/07/14 11:22:59] M:ea3-config: pos/sz_evt_queue : 256 [2020/07/14 11:22:59] M:ea3-config: pos/send_level : 128 [2020/07/14 11:22:59] M:ea3-config: pos/alert_level : 160 [2020/07/14 11:22:59] M:ea3-config: pos/stuck_timeout : 3600 [2020/07/14 11:22:59] M:ea3-config: service/cardmng : 1 [2020/07/14 11:22:59] M:ea3-config: service/package : 1 [2020/07/14 11:22:59] M:ea3-config: service/userdata : 1 [2020/07/14 11:22:59] M:ea3-config: service/userid : 0 [2020/07/14 11:22:59] M:ea3-config: servurl/nr_notifier : 8 [2020/07/14 11:22:59] M:ea3-config: client/nr_clients : 1 [2020/07/14 11:22:59] M:ea3-config: client/sz_conf_buf : 10240 [2020/07/14 11:22:59] M:ea3-config: client/sz_opt_buf : 10240 [2020/07/14 11:22:59] M:ea3-config: client/nr_coinslot : 1 [2020/07/14 11:22:59] W:ea3-boot: NOW DEVELOP MODE. enable debug module [2020/07/14 11:22:59] I:ea3: setenv : /env/profile/system_id='[hidden]' [2020/07/14 11:22:59] I:ea3: setenv : /env/profile/hardware_id='[hidden]' [2020/07/14 11:22:59] I:ea3: setenv : /env/profile/license_id='012199999999' [2020/07/14 11:22:59] I:ea3: setenv : /env/profile/software_id='012199999999' [2020/07/14 11:22:59] I:ea3: setenv : /env/profile/account_id='012018008135' [2020/07/14 11:22:59] I:ea3: setenv : /env/profile/soft_id_code='MDX:J:A:A:2019090300' [2020/07/14 11:22:59] M:xrpc: tag: e3c7440a [2020/07/14 11:22:59] M:xrpc: module_add: module=services, nr_method=1, int=1/1 verbose=0, text_xml=0, plain=0 [2020/07/14 11:22:59] M:xrpc: module_add: 0: services.get, verbose=0, text_xml=0, plain=0, esign=0 [2020/07/14 11:22:59] M:xrpc: module_add: module=pcbtracker, nr_method=1, int=0/0 verbose=0, text_xml=0, plain=0 [2020/07/14 11:22:59] M:xrpc: module_add: 0: pcbtracker.alive, verbose=0, text_xml=0, plain=0, esign=0 [2020/07/14 11:22:59] M:xrpc: module_add: module=pcbevent, nr_method=1, int=0/0 verbose=0, text_xml=0, plain=0 [2020/07/14 11:22:59] M:xrpc: module_add: 0: pcbevent.put, verbose=0, text_xml=0, plain=0, esign=0 [2020/07/14 11:22:59] M:xrpc: module_add: module=message, nr_method=1, int=0/0 verbose=0, text_xml=0, plain=0 [2020/07/14 11:22:59] M:xrpc: module_add: 0: message.get, verbose=0, text_xml=0, plain=0, esign=0 [2020/07/14 11:22:59] M:xrpc: module_add: module=facility, nr_method=1, int=0/0 verbose=0, text_xml=0, plain=0 [2020/07/14 11:22:59] M:xrpc: module_add: 0: facility.get, verbose=0, text_xml=0, plain=0, esign=0 [2020/07/14 11:22:59] M:xrpc: module_add: module=apsmanager, nr_method=1, int=0/0 verbose=0, text_xml=0, plain=0 [2020/07/14 11:22:59] M:xrpc: module_add: 0: apsmanager.getstat, verbose=0, text_xml=0, plain=0, esign=0 [2020/07/14 11:22:59] M:xrpc: module_add: module=sidmgr, nr_method=5, int=0/0 verbose=0, text_xml=0, plain=0 [2020/07/14 11:22:59] M:xrpc: module_add: 0: sidmgr.create, verbose=0, text_xml=0, plain=0, esign=0 [2020/07/14 11:22:59] M:xrpc: module_add: 1:, verbose=0, text_xml=0, plain=0, esign=0 [2020/07/14 11:22:59] M:xrpc: module_add: 2: sidmgr.touch, verbose=0, text_xml=0, plain=0, esign=0 [2020/07/14 11:22:59] M:xrpc: module_add: 3: sidmgr.branch, verbose=0, text_xml=0, plain=0, esign=0 [2020/07/14 11:22:59] M:xrpc: module_add: 4: sidmgr.close, verbose=0, text_xml=0, plain=0, esign=0 [2020/07/14 11:22:59] M:servurl: "services" => "http", "localhost", "/",, 0. [2020/07/14 11:22:59] W:servurl: bad services host(localhost) [2020/07/14 11:22:59] W:keepalive: cannot create property. [2020/07/14 11:22:59] M:keepalive: backup read failed. [2020/07/14 11:22:59] M:session: boot: [2020/07/14 11:22:59] M:session: cardgid="MDX" [2020/07/14 11:22:59] M:session: boot: done. [2020/07/14 11:22:59] M:xrpc: module_add: module=cardmng, nr_method=8, int=0/0 verbose=0, text_xml=0, plain=0 [2020/07/14 11:22:59] M:xrpc: module_add: 0: cardmng.inquire, verbose=0, text_xml=0, plain=0, esign=0 [2020/07/14 11:22:59] M:xrpc: module_add: 1: cardmng.getrefid, verbose=0, text_xml=0, plain=0, esign=0 [2020/07/14 11:22:59] M:xrpc: module_add: 2: cardmng.authpass, verbose=0, text_xml=0, plain=0, esign=0 [2020/07/14 11:22:59] M:xrpc: module_add: 3: cardmng.bindmodel, verbose=0, text_xml=0, plain=0, esign=0 [2020/07/14 11:22:59] M:xrpc: module_add: 4: cardmng.bindcard, verbose=0, text_xml=0, plain=0, esign=0 [2020/07/14 11:22:59] M:xrpc: module_add: 5: cardmng.getkeepspan, verbose=0, text_xml=0, plain=0, esign=0 [2020/07/14 11:22:59] M:xrpc: module_add: 6: cardmng.getkeepremain, verbose=0, text_xml=0, plain=0, esign=0 [2020/07/14 11:22:59] M:xrpc: module_add: 7: cardmng.getdatalist, verbose=0, text_xml=0, plain=0, esign=0 [2020/07/14 11:22:59] M:xrpc: module_add: module=package, nr_method=2, int=1/0 verbose=0, text_xml=0, plain=0 [2020/07/14 11:22:59] M:xrpc: module_add: 0: package.list, verbose=0, text_xml=0, plain=0, esign=0 [2020/07/14 11:22:59] M:xrpc: module_add: 1: package.intend, verbose=0, text_xml=0, plain=0, esign=0 [2020/07/14 11:22:59] M:xrpc: module_add: module=userdata, nr_method=2, int=0/0 verbose=0, text_xml=0, plain=0 [2020/07/14 11:22:59] M:xrpc: module_add: 0:, verbose=0, text_xml=0, plain=0, esign=0 [2020/07/14 11:22:59] M:xrpc: module_add: 1: userdata.write, verbose=0, text_xml=0, plain=0, esign=0 [2020/07/14 11:22:59] W:ea3-pos: unknown: failed to read /dev/nvram/coin.xml. [2020/07/14 11:22:59] F:ea3-pos: unknown: reading opt file failed. [2020/07/14 11:22:59] W:signal: exception raised: EXCEPTION_BREAKPOINT [2020/07/14 11:22:59] I:signal: printing callstack [2020/07/14 11:22:59] I:stackwalker: 64A14880 (libavs-win32): (unknown): XCd229cc000099 [2020/07/14 11:22:59] I:stackwalker: 64A20A0D (libavs-win32): (unknown): XCd229cc00016c [2020/07/14 11:22:59] I:stackwalker: 649FA84B (libavs-win32): (unknown): XCd229cc0000c9 [2020/07/14 11:22:59] I:stackwalker: 77BCDCB6 (ntdll): (unknown): RtlFreeHeap [2020/07/14 11:22:59] I:stackwalker: 753C7409 (msvcrt): (unknown): free [2020/07/14 11:22:59] I:stackwalker: 00463C50 (spice): (unknown): (unknown) [2020/07/14 11:22:59] I:stackwalker: 00461CBC (spice): (unknown): (unknown) [2020/07/14 11:22:59] I:stackwalker: 649FA7A3 (libavs-win32): (unknown): XCd229cc0000e6 [2020/07/14 11:22:59] I:stackwalker: 65F254AC (libavs-win32-ea3): (unknown): XE592acd000092 [2020/07/14 11:22:59] I:stackwalker: 65F0B077 (libavs-win32-ea3): (unknown): XE592acd00008c [2020/07/14 11:22:59] I:stackwalker: 753C7610 (msvcrt): (unknown): malloc [2020/07/14 11:22:59] I:stackwalker: 0070A47A (spice): (unknown): (unknown) [2020/07/14 11:22:59] I:stackwalker: 0059FC5B (spice): (unknown): (unknown) [2020/07/14 11:22:59] I:stackwalker: 649F56D7 (libavs-win32): (unknown): XCd229cc000094 [2020/07/14 11:22:59] I:stackwalker: 004F48C0 (spice): (unknown): (unknown) [2020/07/14 11:22:59] I:stackwalker: 00449B35 (spice): (unknown): (unknown) [2020/07/14 11:22:59] I:stackwalker: 0071E910 (spice): (unknown): (unknown) [2020/07/14 11:22:59] I:stackwalker: 00401386 (spice): (unknown): (unknown) [2020/07/14 11:22:59] I:stackwalker: 77186359 (KERNEL32): (unknown): BaseThreadInitThunk [2020/07/14 11:22:59] I:stackwalker: 77BF7C24 (ntdll): (unknown): RtlGetAppContainerNamedObjectPath [2020/07/14 11:22:59] I:stackwalker: 77BF7BF4 (ntdll): (unknown): RtlGetAppContainerNamedObjectPath [2020/07/14 11:22:59] F:signal: end [2020/07/14 11:22:59] I:launcher: stopping subsystems [2020/07/14 11:22:59] I:logger: stop [2020/07/14 11:22:59] I:rawinput: disposing devices [2020/07/14 11:23:00] I:signal: console ctrl handler called: CTRL_CLOSE_EVENT [2020/07/14 11:23:00] I:launcher: stopping subsystems [2020/07/14 11:23:00] I:logger: stop
  18. Hi, these steps are for an specific version or can be done on the MDX-001_2019042200?
  19. I don't know how I was able to fix this. I removed the read only to the DDR A folder and update again spicy tool. Now everything is working. The only thing I'm missing is the other Dan courses, everything else is working.
  20. Did every step and now it works when the Online status is on. However, when I try to "Insert" I got a server error. Is there any fix to this error?
  21. It doesn't even prompt to enter the pin,when it says "connecting" it freeze and close the game. Anyway, I will try the steps above and see if it works. Thanks
  22. Hello, I have installed the patch 20200203 and tried the Butterfly fork and it crash when connecting to the server. Does any one know how to fix this?
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