Go here for 32bit ubuntu http://releases.ubuntu.com/16.04/and chose the 32bit desktop image (see image)
For the library go here https://packages.debian.org/jessie/libsdl-image1.2and choose i386 then select a download mirror that's closest to you. open the deb file in ubuntu and click install, put in your password and it should install
for the sound fix press ctrl + alt + t and type in
sudo nano /etc/asound.cfg
and paste in the stuff below
#5.1 to stereo downmix - manual with no plugin
pcm.!sysdefault {
slave.pcm front
slave.channels 2
type route # input output scaling
ttable.0.0 1 # fl left 100
ttable.1.1 1 # fr right 100
ttable.2.0 1 # rl left 100
ttable.3.1 1 # rr right 100
ttable.4.0 0.5 # ctr left 50
ttable.4.1 0.5 # ctr right 50
ttable.5.0 0.5 # lfe left 50
ttable.5.1 0.5 # lfe right 50
then press ctrl + x and then press y followed by enter then close the terminal window
install drivers for your Nvidia card by clicking the system settings icon then go to software & updates section. in the software and updates window click on additional drivers and select nvidia binary driver (normally at the top) and press apply changes.
Once they have installed reboot the computer
now go into the folder where you extracted dead heat's files and right click in that folder and select open in terminal
paste in
LD_PRELOAD=./dh_emu.so ./a.elf
and the game should launch