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    Del Optiplex 9020 i5 WIN10PRO 500GHD GIGABYTE GF 1030 2GL LP2G

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    Collection de patchs

    Here is a photo of my desktop and what I am looking at. As you can see the bottom half of the desktop is expose when I launch the game through TeknoParrot. I also included a picture of my current monitor resolution and TeknoParrot folder. What am I missing?

    Collection de patchs

    Can anyone please help this noob figure out what I need to do to get SWBP full-screen patch going. I am at such a lost and need my hand held on this one. Also is there anyway to get the additional level (Takodona) into it? Thank you.
  3. How do you fix the full screen options on SWBP in TP? Is there a file to download and what folder do you unzip it to? I been researching your thread and it seems like you have figured it out for the most part. I have also read about changing your monitor display to 1980 x 1080 or the patch for full screen won't work. Is that true? Please teach me master.
  4. Hey Guys...How do you fix the full screen options on SWBP in TP? Is there a file to download and what folder do you unzip it to? In my research there is a file you can download that my help get to a full screen (Fix Fullscreen 1080p v2.7z). I have also read about changing your monitor resolution to 1920 x 1080. Any help would be great. Keep up the great work.
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