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  1. I'm pretty sure everything is setup right, I know I have been trying things for a while now, I've even tried using the IPV4 from my connection to my roughter, the IPV4 I get when I do a ipconfig check, I've tried changing various subnet settings but for some reason after switching to this segatools, it doesn't seem to work, segatools-v004 downloaded from
  2. well, first I tried adding those lines to the old segatools.ini, that caused the whole thing to not load anymore, then I found and downloaded new version of segatools, coppied that to the dir the old was in, setup network and everything per OP, now all I get is network error which makes no sense being I kept my old segatools.ini and coppied that info exactly the same.... I did notice another option in the new ini that wasn't in the old, Insert the path to the game Option directory here (contains OPxx directories) option= not sure if that has anything to do with it or not, but that doesn't say it's network related
  3. did anyone ever get this fixed? nearly impossible to drift having to use both sticks to get 100% steering thanks! a while later...... changing the input from xinput to dinput gives 100% steering range on the single stick, however the gas/brake I can't get setup to work right to save my life lol Using xbox 360 controller. no matter how I assign the Axis for accel/brake it finds any axis as being half pressed and there seems to be no way to get the top triggers set to left/brake, right/gas because it sees it as single axis "RZ" I also found out the "accelaxis" and 'brakeaxis" do the exact opposite. accel actually changes control for brake and brake changes control for gas lol
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