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ryuzo7980 a gagné pour la dernière fois le 25 novembre 2021

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Rookie (2/14)

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Réputation sur la communauté

  1. You forgot the line, please don't upload n-0 data, it hurts the hardworking private circlejerking scene. Wake up, it's not 2015. Private networks are dead. Gatekeeping is dead. Data is everywhere. Anyone now can create an omnimix with basic tools and knowledge.
  2. Okay, 1205 installed, works fine. I see Fubuki is the latest navigator in game and not Akasha Ortlinde. How to unlock it? Patch has been applied correctly, I've checked all files is there
  3. Also a reminder, you need to use latest beta spice2x also post here if you got wasapi mode sound running veeeeery slow
  4. it's legit but no dll. it not much an issue since the songs will work fine
  5. open spicecfg option and check -sdvxdisablecams (i believe)
  6. It's enough to run the game and play. 1CC discord already have the asphyxia server as I heard. I wonder why there is no one posted it here.
  7. If I am correct this game is the same since 4 came out. Or maybe even 3.
  8. So 6R is here, huh? I wonder if I can put my savedata from WM6 to 6R later.
  9. Shared WASAPI patch
  10. First thing first. Do you have Radeon GPU?
  11. 44100hz lol
  12. Ah okay, I didn't know that... It was just my curiosity after I've seen that scrubbs tool. I found body parts, rims, power, handling and class number (rank).
  13. Okay, I think I found something through some hexing. It was kinda easier than I expected.
  14. Just get lost, mate. You can't even read properly.
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