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Pa0l0ne a gagné pour la dernière fois le 28 janvier 2022

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    TTX3, Ringedge1, Lindbergh Yellow, Triforce1, Naomi1&2

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Réputation sur la communauté

  1. His research are stopped something like 1year ago, graphical glitches still exists in his private branch and more important, jvs control is not working as far i remember when discussed with him.
  2. found some graphic resolution pre-patched saves (640x480 and 1280x720) pwd: vaginasbrodo
  3. This is a piece of puzzle that i hoped someone fix for a loooong time. So what to say: grazie brodi'
  4. Pray4Play is not what we love, so here you are a forcing 1080p60 fix by me and our friend nohero. Ok guys, for all of you that have problem to run games at full speed cause your video chain wrong output at 1080p24 instead of 1080p60, here you are the solution (perfectly working with Mario et Sonic Rio 2016 but with other games that had similar issue too). Password: nohero Remember to take a look on the Readme and Pics for detailed instructions.
  5. The problem is on monitors that receives 1080p24 instead 1080p60. You probably have the same issue with Luigi Mansion too, isn't it?
  6. Seems something lock the resolution to 1920x1080p24 instead of 1920x1080p60. Wich gpu and monitor are you using?
  7. Can you please check if your in game resolution is 1080p24 instead of 1080p60?
  8. Here you go guys. As always read the README and follow pic settings Password = nohero NOT TESTED ON AMD GPU, but hey... this is not a Pay and Prey Patreon shit, so report here any issue and prey without pay 😜🤟
  9. Oops he did it again... Thanks to my friend Nohero!
  10. Would be really awesome! Thanks in advance.
  11. Another cool fine bezel release by my friend nohero. Enjoy. "works for JConfig, read the !!!README!!" Password: nohero
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