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  • Hardware
    Core i7
    GTX 1050 Ti
    4GB DDR3 RAM

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Réputation sur la communauté

  1. hello how to prevent crash during exit of game (round 2)? everytime i exit the game it stops working and my pc hangs
  2. USE UPTOBOX LINK on mirror.
  3. greetings when i start game, the computer changes resolution to 720p any solution for that?
  4. i am also having this problem but sometimes game starts, even exit is not working properly
  5. thank you braders1986 for guidance but i uncheck dx but still i can not exit, it freezes and during loading of game, it can not maintain the native resolution, it always goes to 720p any help for that?
  6. greetings when i exit the game with Esc button, it gets freezed, so i have to logoff from computer anyone know solution for that?
  7. R.R.Z. what can be the reason for missing characters?
  8. hello why is there red chinese sentance on the top of screen? and what is the meaning of it? can anyone please guide me the nesica emulation? thanks
  9. hello can you explain the use of bat files and fixed exe. i mean what changes we will get? regards
  10. sorry, i have not played any of these games yet. so i have no idea at this time
  11. hello everybody, i am uploading google drive links to nesica dumps this is not my work, credit goes to Trymado but i am providing another mirror (total 5 parts) thank you
  12. hello, fix file is not available is it required to play game? thanks
  13. what we can type in wheel axis option on TP controller setup? thanks
  14. hello everyone i want to know how to emulate steering wheel with keyboard for arcade racing games? thank you
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