I use wiimote with glovePIE to play this game.
It works fine for me.
I don't use Teknoparrot.
This is the script.
if Wiimote.PointerVisible == true
var.ScreenWidth = 3840
var.ScreenHeight = 2160
mouse.DirectInputX = smooth(var.ScreenWidth-round((((wiimote1.dot1x+wiimote1.dot2x)/2)/784)*var.ScreenWidth),3)
mouse.DirectInputY = smooth(round((wiimote.dot1y/784)*var.ScreenHeight),3)
mouse.LeftButton = Wiimote.B and KeepDown(Wiimote.PointerVisible,0.5s)
mouse.RightButton = Wiimote.A and KeepDown(Wiimote.PointerVisible,0.5s)
mouse.MiddleButton = Wiimote.Home and KeepDown(Wiimote.PointerVisible,0.5s)
mouse.WheelUp = Wiimote.Minus
mouse.WheelDown = Wiimote.Plus
var.rumble = wiimote.B
if Var.Rumble and KeepDown(Wiimote.PointerVisible,0.5s)
Wiimote.Rumble = 1
Wait 100ms
Wiimote.Rumble = 0
Wait 50ms
end if