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    Alienware R7

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  1. I had this up and running yesterday on TP with no issues. Today when I try to run it I get the yellow screen. Except my error is E0001, which I have not seen on this thread. The error says unknown. Any ideas?
  2. Even though demul works with my Aimtraks?
  3. I'm having a strange issue. When I launch a game with the .bat file in Rocket Launcher or Hyperspin, using joytokey for controls the games work fine for a while. After a few minutes the game minimizes and joytokey is closed. Any ideas
  4. Do they light gun games in Redream work? I have set it up with my light gun but when I launch Sega Clay Challenge none of my buttons work
  5. Hey guys I am having an issue with Daphne and Daphne 4k. The games all launch fine but there is no sound. They both worked previously and I didn't change anything on my computer. The log file says it can't find an audio device. Any ideas how to fix this?
  6. I got the games working in Redream but the sprites are really blocky. I have tried every resolution but they don't look anywhere like the pictures others posted above. What settings are you guys using?
  7. I don't use a VPN and I have downloaded quite a few mega links with no issues. Here are the files that I get the data error message: JD6part2.rar- contents\data\card_us\256\8213 JD6part3.rar-contents\data\sddata_us\bgm_us_05.sdp JD6part4.rar- contents\data\sddata\us\wave_tr_us_05.sdp
  8. I've downloaded the mega link from 3 different computers and everytime there is a data error for a single file on almost every part. Any solutions?
  9. Yes I did. It looks like some files are corrupted. I have downloaded it 3 times and it's always the same files.
  10. My content folder is 6.11 GB 12201 files and 66 folders. Not sure what is added or missing.
  11. Hey guys! I downloaded everything and set Teknoparrot to the game.exe but it won't boot. Do I need to extract the .bar files? I can't seem to find the instructions on how to do that.
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